Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 188

June 24, 2024 • 11 min read • 386 views

He Who Has Nothing to Lose, Fears Nothing (1)

The Jade Heaven Alliance grew larger and larger with each expansion. Naturally, the space inside became more spacious, and the courts, the backbone of the Alliance, grew in size. But there was one place that grew just as much, and that was the Celestial Palace, where Yong Cheon Myeong presided.

The Celestial Demon Palace was newly built during Jade Heaven Alliance’s expansion, solely for Yong Cheon Myeong.

Surrounded by high walls that completely isolated it from the outside, the Celestial Palace was equipped with numerous mechanical devices, functioning as a formidable fortress in itself.

No one could enter without permission, and only those who pledged allegiance to Yong Cheon Myeong could move freely.

Within the grand fortress of Jade Heaven Alliance, the Celestial Palace was like a small castle.


As Yong Cheon Myeong walked in, the warriors guarding the main gate of Celestial Palace saluted in unison.

Yong Cheon Myeong nodded silently and passed them to enter the Celestial Palace. As he entered, a man in his early thirties came out to greet him.

“Young master, you have returned?”

He deeply bowed to Yong Cheon Myeong in respect.

Yong Cheon Myeong looked at him with cold eyes.

“Was there any trouble?”

“There was something, but not significant enough for the Young master to be concerned about.”

Yong Cheon Myeong’s eyes flashed with a fierce glint.

“So there were issues. What is it?”


The man clicked his tongue as if troubled and raised his head.

Despite Yong Cheon Myeong’s fierce gaze, his face was not at all intimidating. In fact, there was no expression on his face at all.

His face, expressionless as if carved out of marble, and his eyes, transparent as glass, gave off a chilling vibe.

The man’s name was Gu Mun-hoe.

He was Yong Cheon Myeong’s most trusted retainer and strategist.

No one knew his true identity. However, Yong Cheon Myeong’s world had greatly expanded after he joined.

Gu Mun-hoe looked at Yong Cheon Myeong for a moment and then continued.

“White Light Sect has contacted us.”

“It seems to be bad news.”

“One of the leaders has betrayed and escaped.”


“Unfortunately, the traitor knows about the deal between the White Light Sect and the Young Master.”

“Is that true?”

A wild energy flickered in Yong Cheon Myeong’s eyes. However, Gu Mun-hoe continued unperturbed.

“It seems he’s coming this way to make contact with a spy.”

“What was the White Light Sect doing until it reached this point?”

“By the time they realized, the traitor had already escaped their territory.”

“How absurd.”

“Indeed, it’s ridiculous. The good news, however, is that we found out how he managed to deceive their eyes.”


“Yes! He used an escort service. After escaping to the territory of Martial Sword Troupe, he hired an escort service there to transport him as a parcel.”

“That’s bold.”

“I was surprised too. I never thought he’d use an escort service to deceive them. Because of that, White Light Sect was completely fooled. But now that we know, there shouldn’t be a problem handling it.”

Gu Mun-hoe smiled. His emotionless smile was quite eerie.

“Make sure the White Light Sect settles this matter. If there’s a problem, we’ll pretend our deal with the White Light Sect never happened.”

“I’ll relay that message.”

As they talked, Yong Cheon Myeong and Gu Mun-hoe arrived in a room.

Yong Cheon Myeong sat down in a chair and asked.

“Any other issues?”


“Can I trust that?”

“Of course.”

“Then leave. I want to be alone.”

“Understood. Oh! There’s something I forgot to mention.”

“What is it?”

Yong Cheon Myeong frowned.

“It’s news that came in just a little while ago, and frankly, it’s hard to believe.”

“Enough with the chatter. Just speak.”

“It’s about Young Master Woo Mun Pae of the Martial Sword Troupe.”

“The Mad Dragon, you mean?”


“Why him?”

“He was defeated by an unknown martial artist.”


Yong Cheon Myeong blinked silently. It was a story hard to believe.

It was after a while that he spoke again.

“Is it true that the mad dragon Woo Mun Pae has been defeated?”

“Yes. It hasn’t spread widely in the Jianghu yet, but the southern Jianghu is abuzz with the news.”

“Mad dragon Woo Mun Pae was defeated? By an unknown martial artist, no less.”

Before becoming the heir to the Martial Sword Troupe, Woo Mun Pae was Yong Cheon Myeong’s rival. Thus, Yong Cheon Myeong was among those who knew best about Woo Mun Pae’s martial prowess.

Although he was brutal and arrogant, his martial arts were outstanding. There weren’t many younger martial artists who could beat him. Otherwise, Yong Cheon Myeong wouldn’t have bothered to consider him a friend.

“It seems that a new master has appeared in the Jianghu. We’ll have to investigate further, but if there are no problems, it might be a good idea to recruit him to our side. If he’s a master who can subdue mad dragon Woo Mun Pae, he’ll be a great help to the young master’s cause.

“His name?”

“He’s called Lee Gwak.”

“Lee Gwak?”

Yong Cheon Myeong’s pupils shook for a moment.

He never dreamed that he would hear that name here. Just hearing the name made it feel as if the blood in his head was rushing backwards.

Gu Mun-hoe’s eyes narrowed, sensing the violent change in Yong Cheon Myeong.

It was the first time in recent years that Yong Cheon Myeong showed such a violent fluctuation in emotion.

Yong Cheon Myeong turned his head to look at Gu Mun-hoe. A fierce energy emanated from his eyes.

“Is his name really Lee Gwak?”

“That’s what the report that just came in says. Do you know him?”

“Use all the information networks available to dig into his background.”


Sensing the serious atmosphere emanating from Yong Cheon Myeong, Gu Mun-hoe replied without hesitation,

Yong Cheon Myeong waved his hand without looking at him, signaling him to leave.

After bowing deeply, Gu Mun-hoe left the room.

Yong Cheon Myeong, left alone in the large room, muttered.

“Lee Gwak, huh? Keke! It would be good if it really was him.”

A trace of madness could be felt in his voice.

Not a day, not a moment, had he forgotten that name. It was deeply etched into his memory, just like the deep scar carved into his cheek.

Yong Cheon Myeong touched the scar on his cheek.

Today, the scar ached terribly, as if it was the very day he got it.

After that day, Yong Cheon Myeong changed.

Something that had been dormant within him awoke.

Like a hungry ghost that is always starving no matter how much it eats, he too was tormented by a strong desire.

This maniacal obsession and intense desire for the top was what drove him forward.

“Lee Gwak!”

Yong Cheon Myeong bared his white teeth.
Nam Woo Gyeong sat on the platform, observing Lee Gwak.

Tall and with a rather striking appearance, Lee Gwak lacked a presence compared to his appearance.

The top martial artists Nam Woo Gyeong had met all had distinct characteristics and an undeniable presence. But Lee Gwak had none of that.

He was ordinary in that respect. But one couldn’t simply judge him as ordinary based on his appearance alone.

Sura’s Blade.

That was Lee Gwak’s nickname.

If he were truly an ordinary martial artist, he wouldn’t have acquired such a fearsome nickname.
Lee Gwak earned this nickname through a single duel.

It meant that his first impression was that impactful.

“Considering he defeated Woo Mun Pae, one of the Ten Lesser Skies, it’s no wonder.”

Nam Woo Gyeong slightly shook his head.

Having been pursued by the Blood Rain Assassins and cut off from the news of the Jianghu for some time, Nam Woo Gyeong was astonished to hear of Lee Gwak’s victory over Woo Mun Pae.

‘Sura’s Blade…It’s an incredibly strong nickname for a newcomer. But it suits him well.’

In the Jianghu, fame is tantamount to one’s strength. That’s why most martial artists struggle so hard to gain it.

Lee Gwak gained such fame from a single duel.

Currently, the Jianghu is almost unaware of this fact, receiving less attention, but in time, many will come to know of Lee Gwak’s existence.

When that time comes, many in the Jianghu will focus on Lee Gwak.

Nam Woo Gyeong’s gaze deepened.

He prided himself on having experienced many ups and downs.

As the head of the Hao Clan’s intelligence network and a skilled martial artist, he had faced and overcome numerous crises. His insight had been honed through countless encounters and experiences.

That’s why he was confident.

‘This guy will become a storm that sweeps through Jianghu’

Nam Woo Gyeong pondered over Lee Gwak’s future path and how he could assist him.

Being a part of the Hao Clan, Nam Woo Gyeong held a strong sense of gratitude and revenge.

He never forgot a favor and always repaid grudges. That was the creed of Hao Clan and his personal principle. Therefore, he sought ways to assist Lee Gwak secretly.

Sensing his gaze, Lee Gwak approached.

“What are you thinking so deeply about?”

“Nothing much.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Much better. I think I can move around now without issues.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Thanks to you, I could recover this much with peace of mind. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“So, what are your plans? Will you go to the Jade Heaven Alliance?”

“Yes! I need to see it for myself.”

Lee Gwak’s voice deepened.

He had asked Nam Woo Gyeong, but he hadn’t heard anything about the Hidden Blood Squad either. It showed how thoroughly the Jade Heaven Alliance had sealed off their information.

Nam Woo Gyeong offered to inquire on his behalf, but Lee Gwak chose to go to the Jade Heaven Alliance himself.

“Lee Gwak!”


“Yong Cheon Myeong is not a merciful person. Nor is he someone who forgets grudges.”

“I’m aware.”

“He will not welcome you into the Jade Heaven Alliance.”

“I know that as well.”

“And yet, you still insist on going?”

“Yes! Definitely.”


Nam Woo Gyeong let out a soft sigh. He saw Lee Gwak’s stubbornly pressed lips.

Six years had passed, and much about Lee Gwak had changed, but the stubbornness of his lips remained the same as before.

“If you insist on going, I won’t stop you. But you must be careful. I don’t know what happened in the Celestial Demon Troupe, but Yong Cheon Myeong has changed.”

“In what way?”

“More fierce and cruel… He might have become a monster.”

“That bad?”

“Whatever you’re imagining, it’s worse.”

Nam Woo Gyeong’s voice trembled slightly.

Lee Gwak frowned. He had known Nam Woo Gyeong for a long time but had never seen him so disturbed. This unfamiliarity was even more alien.

“He has already transcended the limits of the Ten Lesser Skies. You must not make the mistake of judging him on the same level as Woo Mun Pae.”

“I’ll keep your words in mind.”

“The best approach is to avoid encountering him, and the second best is to bow deeply if you do meet him.”

“Is there a third method?”

“To oppose him with everything you have. But the price will be extremely harsh. Everything you possess could be destroyed.”

Nam Woo Gyeong’s warning was frightening.

Those who had opposed Yong Cheon Myeong had their lives thoroughly shattered and destroyed. However, this fact was kept a strict secret.

Yong Cheon Myeong and the Jade Heaven Alliance had hidden the truth. But they couldn’t fool the Hao Clan’s information network.

During his information gathering, Nam Woo Gyeong had met those who opposed Yong Cheon Myeong and saw firsthand how miserable their lives had become.

They had lost everything.

Their lives were destroyed, and their hopes were dashed.

Even though they were alive, it was as if they were not.

Having seen this firsthand, Nam Woo Gyeong was worried about Lee Gwak.

If Lee Gwak were to enter the Jade Heaven Alliance, he would inevitably clash with Yong Cheon Myeong.

Then, Lee Gwak smiled. It was the same smile as always.

At that moment, Nam Woo Gyeong felt an indescribable chill.



“I have nothing to lose. So, I have nothing to fear.”

He who has nothing to lose fears nothing. That’s why Lee Gwak was not afraid of Yong Cheon Myeong.