Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 187

June 24, 2024 • 14 min read • 475 views

Some People Never Change  2

The Supreme Power Under Heaven.

This was another name for the Jade Heaven Alliance.

The war with the Celestial Demon Troupe had actually increased the size of the Jade Heaven Alliance. They had turned the crisis into an opportunity.

The already massive fortress grew even larger with the rebuilding, and numerous new organizations sprang up like mushrooms after the rain. As a result, it is said that even within the Alliance, it is difficult to determine exactly how many organizations existed.

Nevertheless, the Four Court system—Inner, Main, Outer, and Secret—remained as solid as ever.

Within the Jade Heaven Alliance, there were not many who wielded power comparable to the heads of these four courts. Even fewer could make them feel uneasy. Among these rare individuals was one who now stood before Yeo Joong Wol, the head of the Secret Court.

“Greetings, Young Master.”

“It has been a while, Leader Yeo.”

The person who greeted Yeo Joong Wol with a smile was none other than Yong Cheon Myeong, the young master of the Jade Heaven Alliance.

As he smiled, the large scar across his cheek twitched like a living creature.

It was a scar that had become his symbol, and it made him look stronger and more determined.

It was said to be a wound he sustained in the fierce battle against the Celestial Demon Troupe.

It was a glorious scar that only those who fought unflinchingly on the front lines could possess.

This was the story known to the public, and people cheered passionately for such heroic tales of Yong Cheon Myeong.

It was an era in need of heroes, and Yong Cheon-myeong was a hero with all the qualities that people would cheer for.

His actions over the past six years proved just that.

Yong Cheon Myeong’s gaze had become even fiercer, and a powerful aura of intimidation naturally emanated from his entire being.

An ordinary person would feel diminished just by standing in front of him, such was his presence. However, Yeo Joong Wol looked at him without any change in expression.

Yeo Joong Wol continued with a gentle smile.

“What brings such a busy Young Master to this humble place?”

“Ha! Since Leader Yeo hardly ever comes out, I had to come personally.”

“I’ve had many things to attend to lately and couldn’t step out. My apologies.”

“Not at all. It’s well known that Leader Yeo is the busiest man in the Jade Heaven Alliance, and as the saying goes, the thirsty dig the well, so the one who makes the request should move”.

“A request? I’m already getting nervous.”

Yeo Joong Wol joked. However, contrary to his words, there was no sign of intimidation in his eyes.

His gaze was sharp, as if piercing through Yong Cheon Myeong’s intentions, filled with wisdom.

After staring intently at Yeo Joong Wol for a moment, Yong Cheon Myeong finally let out a small laugh.

“There’s no need to be so tense. It’s not that big of a request.”

“Please, speak. I will listen.”

“I understand that the Secret Court l is in charge of selecting our main trading partners this time.”

At that moment, a chill passed through Yeo Joong Wol’s eyes.

He seemed to have finally understood why Yong Cheon Myeong had come to visit him.

The Jade Heaven Alliance, known as the Supreme Power Under Heaven, boasted an immense scale. Maintaining this required vast amounts of resources and money.

Although they had their own trading guilds, it was difficult for these alone to support the Jade Heaven Alliance. So the Jade Heaven Alliance contracted with external trading guilds to supply its needs.

Trading guilds that dealt with the Jade Heaven Alliance could gain tremendous profits just from the association itself. More importantly, trading with the Jade Heaven Alliance bestowed a significant amount of trust in these guilds from the public.

The Jade Heaven Alliance renewed its main trading guilds every few years. Trading guilds across the world eagerly awaited inclusion as a main trading partner.

Being selected as a main trading partner of the Jade Heaven Alliance was a prime chance for any merchant group to advance significantly.

The task of selecting the main trading guilds’ list was handled by the Secret Court. They were less influenced by external factors and made fair judgments through strict evaluations.

Many had attempted to bribe their way into becoming a main trading partner, but Yeo Joong Wol had always cut them off decisively.

Yeo Joong Wol spoke politely yet firmly.

“You are mistaken. We do not select the guilds; we only compile a list. The Four Courts’ council makes the selection based on our list, so asking me would be of no use.”

“I’m aware.”


“What I’m asking for is not special treatment for any particular guild, but merely an opportunity to be included on the list. Whatever happens after that is irrelevant. It’s just that the potential of that place is too significant to overlook.”

“Which place are you referring to, that you’re making such a strong request?”

“Have you heard of the Great Whale Merchant Troupe?”
Upon Yong Cheon Myeong’s mention, Yeo Joong Wol slowly recollected his memories.

“Are you referring to the trading guild under White Light Sect?”

“Indeed, you’re well-informed.”

Yong Cheon Myeong smiled broadly, but Yeo Joong Wol couldn’t bring himself to smile.

The White Light Sect was one of the Ten Great Sects, and the Great Whale Merchant Troupe operated independently under its auspices.

From what he had heard, they used large ships called Great Whale Ships to trade with other countries.

“The Great Whale Merchant Troupe is as secretive as the White Light Sect itself. Because of this, gathering information about them internally is difficult. Including such a group among the main trading partners won’t be easy.”

“Isn’t this a good opportunity, then? Being on the list for main trading partners means, like it or not, they must undergo due diligence. It’s a good chance to accurately assess their financial and military strength. We might not get another opportunity like this for a long time.”

Yong Cheon Myeong’s argument was very compelling and persuasive.

Seeing the deep furrow in Yeo Joong Wol’s brow, Yong Cheon Myeong stood up.

“That is all I ask. The decision is yours, Leader Yeo.”

“May I ask you one thing?”

“Of course.”

“What is your relationship with the White Light Sect?”

“Nothing. No relationship at all. I just heard about the Great Whale Merchant Troupe from an acquaintance. It’s a very solid trading guild, and it’s a pity that they have no dealings with our main sect.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. If you’re suspicious, feel free to investigate.”

As Yong Cheon Myeong smiled, the scar across his cheek wriggled eerily, more vivid than ever.
Throughout the war with the Celestial Demon Troupe, Yong Cheon Myeong had become significantly more ruthless, as if it was his true nature all along.

Because of this, there were whispers within the Jade Heaven Alliance about Yong Cheon Myeong having changed. While some welcomed Yong Cheon Myeong’s transformation, others viewed him with suspicion.

Yeo Joong Wol belonged to the latter group, but he concealed his true feelings, smiling gently.

“How could I possibly doubt the Young Master? Alright, I will include them on the list and conduct a due diligence.”

“Ha! Thank you. As always, you are the only one who looks out for my dignity, Leader Yeo. I will take my leave now. Have a good day.”

Having achieved his objective, Yong Cheon Myeong left with a loud laugh.

Left alone, Yeo Joong Wol’s expression hardened.

He gazed thoughtfully at the door through which Yong Cheon Myeong had exited.

“It seems the young master is backed by the White Light Sect. To reveal their connection so openly…”

Yeo Joong Wol shook his head slightly.

The owner of the Jade Heaven Alliance was essentially the owner of the world.

The efforts of the Ten Great Sects to connect with the future leader were fiercely unfolding behind the scenes.

It wasn’t surprising that the White Light Sect would establish ties with Yong Cheon Myeong.

What made Yeo Joong Wol uneasy was the secrecy surrounding much of White Light Sect’s operations.

The White Light Sect was an enigmatic place.

Clearly one of the Ten Great Sects, yet it was extremely closed off, with no external interactions. Even the Jade Heaven Alliance struggled to fully grasp information about them.

Yeo Joong Wol turned and asked someone, “What do you think?”

“It seems reasonable to include the Great Whale Merchant Troup on the list, as he suggested.
The Young Master must have his own reasons, but that aligns with our interests as well.”

With that, a girl who appeared to be in her late teens emerged from a secret door.

She had exceptionally fair skin and delicate features, resembling a doll. Her most striking feature was her shiny black eyes, sparkling like stars.

Her eyes, as deep and sparkling as Yeo Joong Wol’s, set her apart from her peers.


“Are you okay, Master? You look pale.”

“Truthfully, I’m not okay. Sigh!”

Yeo Joong Wol sighed softly and sat down. The girl hurried to his side.

The girl was Lim Sobo, Yeo Joong Wol’s disciple.

Six years had transformed Lim Sobo from a mere girl to a young woman.


Suddenly, Yeo Joong Wol coughed violently, quickly covering his mouth with a handkerchief.

After the coughing subsided and he removed his hand, the handkerchief showed spots of blood.


A shadow fell over Lim Sobo’s eyes.

The blood on the handkerchief had a slight black hue – a classic symptom of poisoning.

In the Jade Heaven Alliance, known as the Supreme Power Under Heaven, one of its top ten power holders was secretly poisoned.

It was clear this was an inside job. Yet, they couldn’t identify who had administered such a subtle poison.

Despite consulting numerous physicians in secret, none could cure Yeo Joong Wol’s poisoning.

He was managing to hang on for now, but Yeo Joong Wol was gradually weakening. If things continued, it was certain he would lose his life soon.

Yeo Joong Wol took Lim Sobo’s small hand.

“Given my condition, you’ll need to take on the external affairs. I’m sorry to burden you like this. I intended to gradually prepare you, but now I’m thrusting such pressure upon you already.”

“I’m fine, Master. Please entrust me with any task. I want to lighten your burden.”

Lim Sobo answered with a calm expression.

Yeo Joong Wol looked at her with a touch of sorrow before continuing.

“There’s someone willing to sell information.”


“Information related to the Young Master.”


Lim Sobo’s eyes flickered, startled by the unexpected news.

Unperturbed by Lim Sobo’s reaction, Yeo Joong Wol continued.

“He will soon come to the Jade Heaven Alliance. You must send someone trustworthy to secure him.”

Nam Woo Gyeong’s injuries healed quickly.

Although there was a branch of the Hao clan nearby, Nam Woo Gyeong continued to stay in the out-building where Lee Gwak was. He thought it was safer there.

Gong Pilyu, the leader of the Hao Clan’s Lianzhou branch, came to the out-building after Nam Woo Gyeong regained consciousness and helped with his recovery.

During this time, Lee Gwak had many conversations with Nam Woo Gyeong.

Lee Gwak honestly recounted what had happened.

He spoke of his bad blood with Yong Cheon Myeong, the assassination attempts by the Hidden Blood Squad, his fight with Go Geom-wol, and lastly, his connection with Gwang Noh ya, leaving nothing out.

After hearing everything, Nam Woo Gyeong sighed softly.

“Sigh! You have experienced in a few years what most people wouldn’t in a hundred. You’ve had a tough time.”

Now, Nam Woo Gyeong understood the source of Lee Gwak’s strength.
Gwang Noh ya, who had taught Lee Gwak, had been one of the strongest martial artists in the jianghu for nearly a hundred years.

Even the absolute powers of the current era, like the leader of the Jade Heaven Alliance or Celestial Demon Troupe, could not confidently claim to be above him.
Aside from the fact that he had caused considerable harm in the jianghu, Gwang Noh ya could be considered the best martial artist of the past century. It was only natural for Lee Gwak to be strong, having been taught by such a supreme master.

‘Gwang Noh ya is a public enemy of the jianghu, so Lee Gwak being his disciple must remain a secret.’

Despite being part of the Hao Clan, which bought and sold all kinds of information for money, and even though he was their heir, Nam Woo Gyeong resolved to protect Lee Gwak’s secret as if he were his own brother.

Then, it was Lee Gwak’s turn to ask a question.

“But who were those assassins? Why were you being chased by them?”

“For a few years now, there have been frequent assassinations of martial artists in the jianghu. Initially, because the assassinations happened in different regions and the victims came from varied backgrounds, I couldn’t imagine they were connected. By chance, I found a link and discovered they were all assassinated by the same group of assassins. Since then, I started tracking them, and I found out that this mysterious group of assassins calls themselves the Blood Rain Assassins.”

“Blood Rain Assassins?”

“Yes! Someone started calling them that, and the name stuck.”

“That’s a chilling name.”

“Their actions are even more chilling. They are particularly active in assassinating figures related to the Jade Heaven Alliance, with a success rate close to ten out of ten. Meaning they rarely fail.”


It takes a considerable amount of money to train just one capable assassin, let alone a large group like the Blood Rain Assassins, which would require astronomical funding.

That’s why Nam Woo Gyeong became interested in the Blood Rain Assassins.

“I was curious which organization would create such an assassin group and for what purpose. So, I started gathering information, but it seems they got wind of it.”

“Their information network must be quite formidable.”

“Indeed! The fact that they managed to track me down and destroy the Fragrance Pavilion in an instant shows how powerful they are. What baffles me is that there were no signs of them until they appeared in the world.”

“So, you think a powerful group supports them or directly created them?”


Nam Woo Gyeong nodded.

As the successor to the Hao Clan, messing with him would bring endless repercussions. Yet, they attempted an ambush, which meant they were either reckless or supported by a powerful backer who wasn’t afraid of consequences.

“Will you be alright if such people continue to target you?”

“Kuh! I was caught off guard this time, but it’ll be different next time.”

Nam Woo Gyeong snorted.

People often thought of the Hao Clan as just an information network formed by the lower classes, but the sect also had powerful martial artists hidden within its ranks. They were simply kept secret.

A hundred years ago, the first woman to become the leader of the Hao Clan was born.
Her name was Gi Yehwa.

Gi Yehwa felt the need for a powerful martial force within the Hao Clan and secretly established such an organization.

This was the Death Squad.

Death Squad was the strongest martial force within the Hao Clan, boasting skills that didn’t fall short of the elite of the Ten Great Sects.

Nam Woo Gyeong planned to mobilize the Death Squad.

If one doesn’t retaliate after being attacked, the opponent will look down on them.

You have to return the favor to be taken seriously.

That was the law of jianghu.