Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 74

January 5, 2024 • 11 min read • 1231 views

Ghostbusters (3)

I am sitting by the fountain eating a packed lunch.

The menu consists of potato stew with bread, and a vegetable salad accompanied by beef.

Misha is sitting next to me.

“Bjorn, try some of this.”

“You’re giving me meat…?”

“I ate a lot of it while making it earlier.”

Well, in that case.

I chewed and swallowed the meat Misha handed me.

How long has it been since I last ate beef?

It melts in my mouth.

Too bad I can’t fully appreciate the flavors with all the stares flying my way.

“Did you just call him Bjorn?”

“That means he must be the Little Balkan.”

“Hmm, I can’t see anything special about him at a glance…”

Lately, wherever I go, there are people who recognise me.

Invitations to join clans, offers to join teams.

That’s all well and good, but…

“Hey, are you really the Little Balkan?”

There are also people who come and argue unnecessarily or bother me to talk to them.

Can’t they see I’m eating?

Luckily, that was my last spoonful.

“Misha, let’s get up.”


“We’re done eating, time to go.”

We hurriedly cleaned up and left the fountain.

I could hear some murmuring from behind, but they didn’t cross the line by following or approaching me.

Misha glanced back and muttered.

“It’s strange. I thought only really famous people got recognized like this…”

Is that a jab at me?

But I get what she’s trying to say.

It must be awkward seeing someone you know become famous all of a sudden.

‘The Little Balkan…’

In the game, a high fame score had no downsides.

You could access quests you couldn’t before, and receive unexpected high-paying requests.
Moreover, with a low fame score, you couldn’t enter the first district, Karnon of the Imperial City, so fame was essential for progressing in the game.


‘I wonder if this is really a good thing.’

Where I am now is not just a simple game world.

Players are treated as evil spirits, executed immediately upon discovery.

Suddenly becoming well-known could attract unwelcome attention.


‘It was necessary to survive.’

To gain something, you have to give something up.

I acquired the essence of the Orc Hero, saved my life, and gained various other benefits.

So, I’ll accept that.

“That seems to be all for today.”

After picking up the equipment I’d sent in for repairs, purchasing various items I needed, and stopping by the auction house to see what I could find, the day began to wind down.

‘Time to head back and finish planning my training.’

“I’m going back now, what about you?”

Effectively, it was a suggestion to start heading back.

But Misha hesitates.

“Um, actually…”

Why the suspense?

As I look at her, urging her to continue, she cautiously speaks.

“…I need to stop by my family house for a bit.”

“Your family house?”

“Yeah. I might be there until tomorrow or the day after.”

“I see.”

Why the hesitancy in telling me this?

It’s just a schedule, and it’s not my place to interfere in family matters.

I’m slightly worried, but she can handle it.

“Take care.”

I decide to at least offer some words of encouragement.

After all, I know what her family means to her.

Misha chuckled.

“Maybe that does make me feel a bit stronger…”


Her voice doesn’t sound very convincing, though.

She needs a pat on the back.

Naturally, in the Barbarian way.


“Ouch! You barbaric oaf!”

Misha exclaimed in surprise, startled.

“That’s better.”

“You sly fox, anyway, I’ll definitely be back within two days, so take care of yourself and eat properly until then, got it?”

I responded with a slight smile.

“Got it.”

This is a change that has happened since returning to the city.

They said they would treat me as a benefactor, but was this what they meant?

Somehow, she’s been acting more like a mother these days
I parted ways with Misha at the carriage station.

She headed to her family, and I boarded a carriage to District 8, where my lodgings were.

My body sways with every creak.

I had nothing particular to do, so I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander.

‘Staying in this team seems best for now.’

My abilities have significantly increased after consuming the essence of the Orc Hero.

I could practically get promoted to a 6th-grade adventurer just by submitting an application.

With the reputation of being the Little Balkan, I might even jump to 5th-grade in one go.

This means I could find a better team if I wanted to.

‘But it would be difficult to bring Misha along.’

Misha’s combat strength is only at the level of a Rank 7 Explorer, nothing more, nothing less.
Of course, she has the potential to rise to a higher rank.

After all, I decided to make her my companion, especially because of her transformative ability [Enhance], and her recent acquisition of a soul essence.

With that in mind…

‘The first task is leveling up Misha.’

I finalized my decision.

Focusing on Misha’s growth for the time being would be the most efficient.

‘First, I need to increase the level of her soul essence contract, and if possible, the next exploration should be in that direction too. There might be more essences. Ah, and it would be good to change her main weapon too…’

As I meticulously planned Misha’s training, I arrived at my destination.

‘Sigh, one thing’s for sure, I need to find a closer lodging to the station next time.’

It’s practically like living near a transit hub.

Although the rent would be higher.


I got off the carriage and skillfully made my way to my lodgings.

Straight ahead, turn left at the candy store.

Then, at the statue of the Immortal King, take the right fork.

About 5 minutes more, and I’d reach the central square…

“We shall begin the execution!”

Fuck, it had been quiet for a few days.

The usually empty square was crowded with people.

They’re all looking up at the guillotine.


The sight no longer seemed as horrific to me.

But I had no interest in lingering or watching.

So, I quickened my pace, letting the eerie sound pass in one ear and out the other.

However, my subconscious picked up something strange from the visual information.

‘…Why are there so few people today?’

I’m not talking about the crowd under the guillotine.

The prisoners scheduled for execution.

Usually, they execute dozens at a time, but today there are only four.

‘And it seems like there are no usual spectators waiting to revel in the bloodshed.’

As my mind registered the anomaly.

The background murmurs became clearer.

“Was expecting something from an evil spirit, but there’s nothing special, eh?”

“Right? Their blood is even drinkable.”

“How disgusting, isn’t it? An evil spirit trying to mimic a human.”

An evil spirit?

Without realizing it, my steps came to a halt.

Turning my head towards the guillotine, I saw the trembling prisoners waiting for their turn.
Only three remained.

“I’m not! I tell you I’m not!”

“Why aren’t you gagging her again?”

A young-looking fairy woman.

A dwarf man who appeared to be around the same age as the Dwarf.

And then—

“Uh, uh uh uh!!”

A Barbarian with a familiar face.


The fairy’s head fell and dropped into a basket, and next, the dwarf was forced to kneel at the scaffold.

But my gaze was fixed on one person.

‘Lien’s son, Tarikan.’

Yes, that was his name.

The trembling Barbarian with fear-filled eyes was him.

‘Damn, I had my suspicions about his behavior…’

His awkward Barbarian way of speaking.

His cowardly nature.

His weak mindset, always seeking someone to lean on.

There were too many signs, yet I couldn’t guess how he was discovered.

But somehow, I had that feeling.

‘He didn’t seem to buy weapons with the money I gave him.’

I had no evidence.

Of course, his weapons would have been confiscated before the execution. Yet, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that he didn’t venture into the labyrinth this time.

‘Why, though?’

As I pondered the source of this baseless intuition—

“Uh, ugh!!”

The trembling Barbarian suddenly started to thrash about.

His gagged mouth moved incessantly, as if trying to speak, and his wide eyes looked in my direction.

It didn’t seem like a coincidence.

“Uh! Uhhhhhhhh!!”

Could he have recognized me from afar?

Well, I’m the only Barbarian around here, so I would stand out.

“What are you waiting for? Get him to kneel!”

Soon, subdued by the crowd, he was forced under the guillotine’s blade.

Even then, he tried to say something.

Looking directly at me in the crowd.

“Uh, uhhhhh!!”

I couldn’t understand.

What did his muffled cries mean?

Was he asking for help?

No, his eyes were too fierce for that.

“Uh, ugh!!”

As he was denied even his last words, I felt a heaviness in my heart but also a sense of relief.

‘I did well to cut ties with him then.’

If only it hadn’t ended with 150,000 stones.

If I had decided differently, to share our plight and rely on each other-

“Jandel’s so—!!”

I might have been there with him.


His last shout was muffled by the cold blade falling.

I immediately turned away and continued on my way.

But I etched a lesson in my heart.

‘I shouldn’t do such things again.’

I need to be more careful.

In this damned world, my life isn’t only threatened by Plunderers and explorers.

Who am I to pity anyone?

I should mind my own business and stay alert—

“Jandel’s son Bjorn, right?”

Someone called my name from behind.

I turned to see a neatly dressed man looking at me.

“Leave me alone and buzz off.”

I’ve had many strangers approach me lately, so I dismissed him and moved on.

But then…

“Don’t be so guarded. I’m in a similar situation.”

His tone was peculiar.

I stopped and turned back to face him.

“America? Taiwan? Europe? Where are you from?”

Damn, what’s this now?
After gaining fame, I had thought about it.

Maybe something like this would happen.


‘I didn’t expect it to be this soon.’

My mind went cold as ice.

Of course, my course of action was already decided.

Whether this guy was a real player or pretending to be one…

‘It doesn’t change anything. Let’s stick to the plan.’

I knew from the first day I woke up in this body that there were other spirits.

Back then, I had already asked myself.

‘Is it worth the risk to interact with them?’

My conclusion was simple.

Definitely not worth it.

What would I do meeting the other players?

Share information?

To some extent, yes, but…

Ultimately, it’s just the comfort of not being alone in this strange world.

It’s foolish to take such a risk just for peace of mind.


‘I don’t need to show my hand to anyone.’

There’s a saying about a poker face.

It’s used in psychological warfare, but essentially means a blank expression.

The face is where a person’s emotions are most visible.

But I decided.

What I need to do now is not to keep a blank face.

As soon as he finished his question, I responded.

“What are you talking about?”

Of course, it wasn’t perfect.

So, while responding in a Barbarian manner, I thought to myself.

‘What would Aynar have said to that?’

Having spent considerable time with her, the answer came easily.

“Don’t talk in riddles. Speak plainly.”

Yes, that’s it.

Barbarians don’t know much.

And they’re not ashamed of not knowing.

And if the stranger is human…

They show a bit of wariness and aggression.



I stepped forward with a slightly threatening look.

And puffed out my chest as if I might smash his head with one blow.

But to my actions, the man simply uttered a strange exclamation.

“Wow, almost had me fooled. You really act well. Weren’t you a 3-month newbie?”

“Acting? Didn’t I tell you not to speak in riddles?”

“Ah, no need to be guarded. I’m from the U.S. I shouldn’t have even touched that damned game.”

Regret and sorrow dripped from his voice.

And he shared information that only a player would know.

With that, I was somewhat certain.

“Anyway, you’re impressive. Earning a name in just three months, it took me over three years. And to think I was trapped as a human…”

This guy, he’s not a player.

Things are gonna take an interesting turn now,

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