Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 323

August 26, 2024 • 14 min read • 920 views

Role (3)

Long hair turned white.

Wrinkled face.

A kind and warm impression.

Despite his age, his back was straight, and his blue eyes seemed to pierce through one’s soul.

“Hmm, this place always feels gloomy, no matter when I come.”

Seeing the old man who looked just like the one from the community, my heart sank.

‘Auril Gavis…?’

Of course, I had anticipated this encounter today.

After all, Amelia had mentioned it.

On the day her sister died, this old man was there too.


‘Why is this old man here?’

The reason this old man is not at the center of the incident but right here…

No matter how I think about it, there is only one reason.

‘He came… to find me.’

My heart started beating faster, and my mind became chaotic.

How did this old man find me?

Could he have discovered that I am Bjorn Jandel?

And why was the community closed for months?

No, more importantly…

What is this old man planning to do with me now?

As these questions filled my mind, cold sweat began to trickle down my back.

Then, at that moment.


Auril Gavis cleared his throat, drawing attention.

It seemed he wasn’t pleased with me just standing there, staring silently…

I had to do something.

But what should I say?

Right, I should start with a natural greeting—

“So, will you step aside now?”


“If someone of your size blocks the way like that, I can’t pass through.”


‘…Does he not recognize me?’

I was so taken aback by the unexpected turn of events that my mind went blank.

But my mouth, which had spouted countless lies, quickly did its job.

“Ah, yes… Please go ahead, sir.”

For the first time since inhabiting this barbarian’s body, I used formal speech.

Auril Gavis smiled contentedly at this.

“You’re a polite one, aren’t you? Or maybe you’re quick-witted. You’ll live long.”

As I stepped aside to make way for him, he chuckled and passed by.

Thud, thud.

The sound of his footsteps grew fainter.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind.

Even though I instinctively avoided the situation, was it right to hide my identity?

Of course, it was only a fleeting thought.

It’s not like this is the community; we’re meeting in person. If I can hide my identity, I should. If he finds out I’m Bjorn Jandel, it’ll be too much trouble when I return to the future.

‘Yeah, I handled it well…’

With that thought, the tension that had frozen my body started to melt away, and reality began to set in.

Then it happened.

“Oh, I forgot to ask.”

Auril Gavis, who had been walking away, turned around.

He looked straight at me and asked.

“What happened today that made this place such a mess?”

“The lord allied with the royal forces and launched a surprise attack on Orcules.”

“Oh, is that so…?”

Though he spoke as if he found it interesting, there was no hint of real interest in his voice.

At first, I wondered if I was mistaken…

But after hearing his second question, the difference became clear.

“Oh, and one more thing. Has a barbarian entered this city recently? It would have been about five or six months ago…”

It was the exact opposite of his first question.

His tone was casual as if it didn’t matter, but there was unmistakable interest in his voice.

‘Stay calm… stay calm…’

I forced my pounding heart to settle and found the most appropriate response, answering calmly.

“Yes, there was.”

Lying wouldn’t be wise.

After all, it’s something anyone could find out by asking around in the city, so there was no point in hiding it.

“Is that so? Could you tell me where I might find him?”

“According to my memory, he joined the lord’s forces. So, he’s probably in the east, fighting right now.”

“Haha, you’re not only polite but also quite helpful, aren’t you? What’s his name?”


“Not you, the barbarian.”

“I heard he’s called Bjorn. Bjorn, son of Thor.”

Hearing my answer, he nodded and patted my arm, as if giving me a friendly gesture.

“Thanks for the information. You seem busy, so I’ll take my leave.”

“Yes, sir. I hope you achieve what you’re seeking.”

Phew, why does the air feel so cold?

As soon as our conversation ended, I gave a slight bow and entered the passageway.

Thud, thud.

I heard the old man’s footsteps growing distant behind me until they finally faded away.

‘Huh, that was close.’

I started running with all my strength.


Meanwhile, at that very moment.

“What is the current situation on the eastern front?”

“We’re stalling with the minimum number of troops as ordered, and we can retreat anytime with just a word.”

Jerome Saintred, a silver-haired knight, nodded in satisfaction at the report from his adjutant, a mage.

The first ‘special mission’ he received after becoming commander was nearing a successful conclusion.

The primary goal of the mission was to obtain the ‘Fragment of Records.’

And as a bonus, they had caused internal strife, weakening the power of Noark.

“Send word to the combat mages immediately. We’ll gather at the rendezvous point and return in ten minutes.”

Once the forces stationed in the east withdraw, the remaining forces of Orcules will direct their anger toward the now-deceased lord.

“Yes, sir.”

Then the real civil war would begin—


Hearing his adjutant’s hesitant voice, Jerome nodded, signaling him to speak.

The adjutant, careful and respectful, asked.

“May I ask about the purpose of the necklace you’re holding?”

“That’s classified information.”

Jerome replied firmly, placing the necklace back into the case and storing it in his subspace.

The adjutant lowered his head, realizing his mistake.

“My apologies. I didn’t realize it was an item related to the special mission. I was merely curious because it appeared to be a refined stone necklace…”

It seemed like he was trying to express that his question was out of curiosity, not any ulterior motive.

Jerome flinched at the adjutant’s words.

“A refined stone necklace…? What do you mean?”


“Explain yourself. Are you saying this is a refined stone necklace?”

Jerome pulled out the necklace again and showed it to the adjutant.

And he got the same answer.

“Yes, I’m sure of it. It’s a magical tool with a large refined stone embedded in it. Ah, refined stones are processed rift stones that allow for smoother spell casting…”

The adjutant trailed off as he noticed a chilling sound coming from Jerome’s clenched jaw.

“Then… I was deceived?”

The adjutant involuntarily lowered his head.

It made sense.

Normally, Jerome was the type of man who could laugh off buying something worth 1,000 stones for 100,000 stones, saying it was just another day.

“Lieutenant Avex, lead the troops and return to the city.”

“Pardon? But what about you, Commander Saintred…?”

“I have something to do.”

Jerome left without waiting for a response, and the adjutant could only watch in silence.

Without waiting for a response, Jerome abruptly left, leaving the lieutenant speechless.


The underground sewers that support Raphdonia‘s water system.

Everyone who visits this place has the same thought.

First, the stench is indescribably foul, and second, the layout is more complex than any maze.

Just like this.

‘This place always makes me feel uncomfortable.’

I had been running along a straight passage for quite some time when I climbed a ladder out of the sewer.

Pushing aside a manhole-like iron structure, I found myself greeted by a crossroads leading in four directions.

Of course, there was no problem finding the right path.

There were clear traces of several people passing through one of the paths.

I just had to follow the signs.

Though there were other issues.

‘Damn sewer.’

This section seemed entirely designed for water passage, without any side paths for people to navigate through—unlike the sewer sections I had experienced before.

Or, more precisely, it did have some side paths…

‘Now even the sewer design is discriminating against the Barbarians.’

The side paths were too narrow for a barbarian, standing over two meters tall, to pass through.

Splish, splish.

In the end, I had no choice but to wade through the sewage that reached up to my shins.

How long had it been?

Traces of battle started to appear on the walls.

Most of them were sword marks.

The depths of the cuts varied, but they had one thing in common: they were so clean that it seemed as if they had been made with precision machinery.

I could guess who left those marks.

The shallow ones were probably from Amelia, and the deep ones from that guy.

Orcules’ commander.

The traitor, Ricardo Lühensprache.


For some reason, it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

In our original plan, we had aimed to separate this guy from Amelia and  enter the sewers.

After all, in the original timeline, Amelia had been chased by this guy when she reunited with her younger self in the sewer.


‘It seems we couldn’t shake him off.’

Judging by the situation, it appears we failed.

Sigh, why did she have to make things complicated?

The future can’t be changed by doing that.

‘She’s stubborn in strange ways.’

In some ways, Amelia resembled a barbarian.

Despite being human, her stubbornness was so strong that she didn’t know how to give up.

And that’s not all.

She acts like the most rational person, but she’s filled with an overwhelming sense of attachment—


At that moment, an explosion echoed from afar, shaking the sewer.

Tap, tap-!

I picked up speed.


The physical body has its limits.

No matter how much you train and build muscle, there is a maximum amount of strength one can produce.

That’s why essence is the foundation of an explorer’s power.

With this power in the world, hunters can exceed their limits and fight against enormous monsters.

But, that’s all over now.

“Are you finally willing to fight?”

Amelia felt a sense of helplessness.

The significantly enhanced physical capabilities were the same.

But all her powers were sealed.

[Source of Immortality].

The power that greatly increased her natural regeneration, in exchange for rendering all healing effects, including potions, ineffective, was gone.


The ability that always allowed her to gain a numerical advantage in one-on-one situations was also gone.

[Power of the Abyss], [Surah’s Horn], and all the abilities that had been her wings in battle were no longer working.

All because of the man standing before her.

“…Why are you so obsessed with me?”

Amelia finally voiced the question she had been holding back.

She just couldn’t understand.

She had spent over two hours running around the city, trying to shake him off, but he had persistently followed her.

All the way to this foul-smelling sewer.

“Was that unexpected?”

He asked, and Amelia nodded.

“Yes, I just don’t understand. Wouldn’t going after the lord be more important to you than following a woman like me?”

The situation was dire, with the royal forces and the lord’s army allying to destroy Orcules.

Yet the commander, the strongest asset, suddenly abandoned the front lines to follow a woman with no connection to him?

Even knowing the outcome, the process made no sense to her.

“A foolish question.”

He smiled coldly.

“A human woman. Specializing in daggers, with a sharp red aura. All traits of the Rose Knights.”

“…Rose Knights?”

“Still pretending, even here?”

Amelia was genuinely bewildered.

She knew what the Rose Knights were. A royal unit specializing in assassination, infiltration, and covert operations.

It was rumored to consist solely of women, but there was no confirmed evidence.

“Are you a new recruit? That explains why you’d ask such a question upon seeing me.”

“No, I’m not part of the Rose Kni—”

“Give up on living.”

Amelia tried to continue the conversation, but it was no use.

“I have no interest in what you have to say.”

He cut her off as his sword slashed at her.

Amelia quickly summoned her aura to block the attack.

Or so she thought.


Her right wrist, holding the dagger, was severed and fell into the sewer with a splash.

And almost simultaneously.


His sword came at her again.

This time, he was aiming for her left wrist.

His intent to sever everything he could was evident in the ruthless aura of his sword.


Amelia deflected the sword with her dagger imbued with aura, retreating backward.

Had he anticipated even that move?

His sword, which had been aiming for her left wrist, twisted mid-flight like a snake, changing trajectory toward her neck.


By the time she realized it, Amelia was cornered against a wall.

The cold blade pressed against her throat.


As he pressed the sword deeper, a sharp pain accompanied by a trickle of blood followed.

“A fine face you have.”

With her windpipe pressed by the blade’s edge, Amelia couldn’t speak, let alone breathe properly.

“Just like your kind.”

As oxygen grew scarce, her mind began to blur.

Was she really going to die?

But then, what would happen to her sister and her younger self if she did?

In the original timeline, she should have only been injured when she met them in the sewers…


Amelia’s eyes darted around, as if searching for someone who could save her from this predicament.


Realizing who she was looking for, Amelia couldn’t help but smile wryly.

There was no way he would come here.

She had personally drugged him with something strong enough to knock him out for at least six hours.

By now, he should have woken up, read the note, and arrived at the lord’s castle. If he woke up a little early, he might have already obtained the item and returned to his original time.

No, he probably has already gone back.

That’s the only explanation that makes sense.

“Searching for a way out?”

But there was no escape route.

The moment that sword dug a bit deeper, this prolonged life would come to an end.

In other words—


The future had changed.

Today, she would die here.

The reason was most likely…

‘Because Bjorn Jandel has gone back.’

In this plan, she had excluded Jandel.

There were multiple reasons.

First, she didn’t want to be indebted to a barbarian.

And second, she thought that if he used the Fragment of Records to return to his original world, it might disrupt the predetermined course of events.

After all, legends about changing history didn’t just appear out of nowhere.

Considering the mysterious power contained in the item, she believed that it held the answer.

No, she simply hoped for it.

It was like a desperate person adrift in a lifeboat drinking seawater out of thirst.

But, to her surprise—

“Why are you smiling?”

It had worked.


The man, displeased, pushed the sword deeper into her neck.

Death, which she had always thought was near, felt even closer now.

‘So, he really did succeed in returning.’

Amelia closed her eyes and thought.

“Feel more pain.”

What will happen to my sister and me after I’m gone?

Surely, without me, someone will die…

‘Or perhaps things will turn out well precisely because I’m gone.’

It was a conclusion she would never know.

But if that were the case, it would make her both happy and sad.


The sword cut deeper into her flesh.

She couldn’t breathe, and her thoughts dulled.

It no longer seemed to matter.

She had done her best.

So, it was time to rest.

Just as she resolved herself to that thought—


A familiar voice echoed from beyond the passage.