Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 313

August 17, 2024 • 13 min read • 2047 views

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Inheritance (2)

Her body froze as if facing a natural enemy.

Her heart raced as if it had malfunctioned.

Even though she thought of dying every day, her body craved life. Perhaps sensing this, Lee Baek-ho’s smile deepened even further.

“You know that Bjorn Jandel is a player, right?”

“I don’t… What are you talking abou—”

Misha immediately denied it upon hearing his words, but Lee Baek-ho didn’t wait for her to finish.

“Oh, so you did know?”

His voice didn’t sound like he was merely testing the waters.


Misha looked into Lee Baek-ho’s eyes, as if trying to read his true intentions.

And then…


She unknowingly held her breath.

A void-like gaze that seemed bottomless was directed at her, revealing nothing.

It was a sensation as if all her innermost thoughts had been seen through.

Lee Baek-ho spoke as Misha trembled silently.

“So, how did Bjorn Jandel die?”

His voice was emotionless, seeking only confirmation.

However, Misha sensed an inexplicable anger.

She couldn’t understand why.

Could it be that they were close? No, that didn’t make sense. Then why was this anger directed at her—?

“It was reported in the city that he died buying time so you all could escape…”

At that moment, the air grew heavy.

“Or perhaps you killed him yourselves?”

The pressure was suffocating.

At the same time, the anger that had been subtly present in Lee Baek-ho’s voice became clearer.

“After all, you knew he was an evil spirit, didn’t you? So you just backstabbed him and took his wealth, didn’t you? Didn’t he even designate the inheritance in your names? You had every reason to kill him.”

“What nonsense are you spouting—”

“Why is it nonsense? You don’t even see us as human.”

His tone was both cynical and mocking.

Misha realized that this man had experienced something similar.

Maybe that’s why?

It felt as if a blade was slicing through her heart.

It wasn’t just because she feared this man…

Could it be that Bjorn also thought the same thing when he looked at her?

Did he secretly worry and suffer, fearing he would be despised if his true identity were revealed?

Is that why he kept his distance from them?


In the final moments when he was alone, what thoughts crossed his mind?

The very thought suffocated her.

Even someone like him must have felt anxious and afraid.

That must be why he didn’t leave a single word in his will.

He always smiled in front of them, but behind that smile must have been a deep loneliness.


“Answer me. Was it you?”

One thing was certain.

Despite everything, he cared for them more than anyone.

That’s why Misha spoke with firm resolve.

“We could never do that…”

Even though she knew her words wouldn’t reach him.

She still answered.

“Saying we didn’t see him as human… Bjorn… How could that even be possible…?”

At least for her, it wasn’t possible.

She regretted that fact.

She should have told him sooner. Then, maybe Bjorn wouldn’t have had to feel anxious when looking at them.


Misha closed her eyes.

She no longer feared this unknown man.

She just closed her eyes and endured the emotions that surged like the waves of the great sea.

And then…

“……You had a good companion.”

Lee Baek-ho spoke.

“Unlike me.”

His voice was unexpectedly sorrowful, a stark contrast to his tyrannical demeanor from before.

Misha opened her eyes again.

The oppressive pressure that had tightened around her like a vice had vanished without a trace.

“Your name was Misha Karlstein, right?”


Misha answered in confusion, taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor. Lee Baek-ho continued with a smile.

“What if I told you there’s a way to bring Bjorn Jandel back to life?”

His eyes curved into a sly grin as he spoke.


Two weeks had passed since I joined the Felix Barker’s clan.

And now…


I am sitting in front of a blazing campfire.

The location was a rocky desert on the second floor.

Behind me, four men and women were busily preparing the camp.

Ah, by the way, they’re doing it because I ordered them to.

If I left everything to one person, like usual, it would take forever, wouldn’t it?

“Ugh, why do we have to do this…”

“Shut up, he’ll hear you.”

I already heard, you fool.

I chuckled as I watched the four men and women preparing the camp. Then, I made eye contact with the muscular one.

He was the first guy I had to prove myself against after joining Felix Barker’s clan. It was a bloody promotion match… No, here, they call it a raid match.

In terms of exploration rank, he’s a level 6.

He barely survived a no-skill match with me after getting his head half smashed in 3 seconds, only saving his life with a potion.

Anyway, his name was…


“…It’s Durbon, not Dumbo.”

Ah, right.

It was a mistake, but getting all serious about it annoys me a bit.

It’s obvious, Durbon is just an alias anyway.

He doesn’t even know what’s really important.

“Haven’t you learned your lesson yet?”

I got up and walked over to Dumbo.

As I approached, the guy started trembling, probably remembering the last time he got beaten up.

Seriously, if you’re going to act tough, don’t crumble when I just stand in front of you.


I placed my hand on his shoulder and spoke in a low voice.

Using the weight of my title as the third team leader of the Barker clan.

“Do you think it’s okay to disrespect your team leader?”

I squeezed his shoulder as I spoke.

“From now on, your name is Dumbo. It’s easier to pronounce. Got it?”


“Answer me.”


Tsk, should’ve done that from the start.

After encouraging him with a pat on the shoulder, I sent Dumbo off to finish preparing the camp.

Then I returned to the fire and started munching on jerky.

Chew, chew.

After completing three raid matches on my first day, I was promoted to team leader of one of the three teams, with the clan leader’s approval.

And in line with the clan’s macho culture, the team leader’s power is absolute.

Especially inside the labyrinth.

‘Ah, this is what power feels like?’

As I lazed around while everyone else worked, a scrawny guy approached and informed me that the camp was ready.

“You should rest. We’ll take turns keeping watch…”

The scrawny guy’s name was…

‘What was it again?’

Anyway, he’s the scout of our team.

Not a scout, but good enough at pathfinding, slightly below Rotmiller’s level. He’s been a plunderer for a long time, so he knows the best spots to loot.

“I’m not sleepy yet, so I’ll stay up a bit longer. The first shift was that kid’s, right? If you get tired, I’ll leave it to her, so you all go to sleep first.”

“A-ah, yes…”

After I gave him permission to rest, the scrawny guy told the others and crawled into his sleeping bag.

And then…

“May I sit with you?”

“Of course.”

A red-haired woman sat down on the chair across from me.

She had a mature aura despite her young appearance and was the scout of our team.

Amelia’s older sister.

“What’s your name again?”

“Laura Rainweilz.”

Laura responded professionally, still wary of the new team leader.

But it felt strange.

‘They do look alike, but how can their vibes be so different?’

Their overall features were similar.

But the older sister had a much gentler, friendlier impression.

Even though I knew she had once killed a successful explorer at the age of twelve to save her sister and spoke with such a stiff tone.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, I just thought you’ve been through a lot.”


Laura slightly parted her lips.

She didn’t expect someone like me, who always bullied the team members, to say such a thing.

“Your sister’s a scout too, right?”

“Yes, she’s working under Team Leader Martis.”

“Aren’t you worried?”


Laura clamped her mouth shut and glanced at me. She was curious why I was asking such questions.

But perhaps she judged that ignoring the new team leader’s question wasn’t wise?

“I’m not worried at all. I trust that Team Leader Martis will take good care of my sister.”

Laura gave a superficial answer.

Hmph, now I feel like a snitch or something.

“Relax, just be honest with me. She’s your sister, right? It’s only natural to worry.”

When I persisted, Laura reluctantly revealed a bit of her true feelings.

“I’m worried, but I’m reassured knowing that Team Leader Martis wouldn’t harm her or send her into dangerous situations.”



Laura pursed her lips tightly and glanced at me. She seemed to be wondering what I was really after with my questions.

But realizing it wasn’t wise to ignore the new team leader’s inquiries, she finally opened up.

“I may be a scout, but I’ve grown to the point where I can pull my weight after years of exploration.”

I knew that already.

She’d consumed four, albeit low-grade, essences.

Yet Laura was still a scout.

She’s treated relatively well within the team, but no matter how hard she works, she can’t claim her share of the loot—a near-slave position within the clan.

“You gave up your share to ask him to take care of your sister.”

“Since I can’t have any of the money I earn anyway. Actually, I brought her here when our father tried to sell her as a scout.”


“At least in this clan, she won’t have to go through… those things.”

“You’re kind.”

Laura didn’t respond, and silence settled between us.

It wasn’t an awkward silence.

I just sat quietly, staring at the fire, organizing my thoughts, and when I felt drowsy enough, I got up.

“I’m going to sleep now.”


“You’ve been on watch for about an hour now, so stay up for just one more hour before switching shifts.”

“Yes? But my shift is supposed to be…”

“If you do double the shift, you’ll be too tired to fight tomorrow. You said you could pull your weight earlier.”


“So switch after an hour and get some rest. If anyone complains, tell them I ordered it.”

With that, I lay down in my sleeping bag.

Laura seemed troubled, trying to say something, but she sighed and fell silent as I started snoring.

‘Laura Rainweilz…’

As I drifted off, my thoughts kept returning to her.

How could I keep this woman alive?


After completing our first day of camping in the rocky desert, we resumed our journey early the next morning.

On the second day, we reached the Pilgrim’s Path on the third floor and continued along the Twilight Slope, heading to the clan’s gathering point.

Thorny Reed Field.

A hunting ground that encompassed a portion of the western fields of the Witch’s Forest, the heart of the third floor.

On the fourth day, when we finally arrived, all the other teams had already gathered.


After exchanging a brief glance with Amelia, I headed to where the clan leader was.

“Anything happen on the way?”

“Nothing. Everyone’s quite skilled.”

“Haha, they may not be as good at fighting as you, but they’re all reliable people.”

Does this guy not know how to distinguish between flattery and reality?

I chuckled and sat down in the empty chair beside him.

“Well, since everyone’s here, we could move right away, but since we have some newcomers, I’ll go over the plan one more time.”

Clan Leader Felix Barker smoothly transitioned into briefing us on the plan.

But honestly, there wasn’t much of a plan.

We were just going to split into teams and start plundering from this reed field base.

“Just remember, if you encounter an opponent you’re not sure you can handle, contact another team through your scout. We’ll drop everything and come to help right away.”

After wrapping up the briefing, the clan leader asked if there were any questions, and I immediately raised my hand.

“But isn’t this method too inefficient?”


The clan leader looked at me like he’d just seen something strange.

I guess a barbarian talking about efficiency seemed out of place to him…

A bit unfair.

Is there any race more focused on efficiency than barbarians?

“If you have a suggestion, speak up.”

The moment the clan leader gave his approval, I boldly began to speak.

“First off, the problem is that we’re using scouts. Why are we even doing that?”

“As I’ve said before, placing insiders within the enemy’s ranks gives us a huge advantage in ambushes. It also reduces our combat losses.”

“What are you talking about? That’s not what I meant.”


Then what do you mean?

The clan leader gave me a puzzled look.

So, I explained calmly, like teaching an ignorant child.

“By doing that, you only end up killing ‘honest’ explorers who allow scouts to join them. And most of those ‘honest’ explorers are poor.”

“…What exactly are you trying to say?”

“We should target plunderers like us. That way, we can take all the loot they’ve already plundered!”

When I seriously laid out my plan, there was a moment of silence.

And then, laughter erupted.


“Why are you laughing?”

“Ah, I’m sorry if I offended you. It’s just that in over ten years in Noark, I’ve never heard such an idea before.”

“So, what’s your answer?”

“At first glance, your logic seems sound, but your suggestion overlooks the most important point. We’re not divine enforcers; how do we distinguish plunderers from others?”

Hmph, I knew you’d say that.

I grinned and leaned in.

“Alright, listen up. I’ve got a method.”

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