Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 253

June 21, 2024 • 11 min read • 1566 views

Open World (2)

Flames raged around the magical barrier.

Screams and cries.

The grief of the lost.

Absorbing all this with vacant eyes, Nebarce Greenhop thought.

‘Where did it all go wrong?’

There was nothing more to see.

It all started with Regal Vagos, the dragon slayer.

Despite the objections from Noark, he forcibly abducted the archpriest and treated him like a slave. Eventually, his wicked deeds were exposed, forcing the royal family to draw their swords.


‘…Was it me?’

Nebarce accepted the blame without deflection.

What good would it do to blame the past?

Ultimately, the former Lord of Noark who accepted Orcules would also have to take responsibility.


“What do you think? Do you think it turned out the way you wanted?”

Accept it.

Accept that I am the one who created today’s outcome.

“Stay close.”

Nebarce kept walking without rest, making sure he didn’t fall behind the magic barrier. Ahead of him was an old man who used floating magic as if it were second nature.

‘Belbev Ruinzenes

An old man nicknamed ‘The Ruin Scholar’ in his later years.

A mage whose thirst for knowledge drove countless people to ruin with his precious knowledge.

After hearing from Amelia that there was nothing they could do, it was Nebarce who sought out Belbev  in frustration.

Because back then, he had unwavering faith.

‘The cause.’

The royal family was wrong.

Their power had to be toppled, and a new world where the aboveground and underground were united had to be created.

That was the right thing to do.

Surely… it should have been.

“It’s so hot…”

“Please, spare me. I’ll give you all the money you want…”

Lives were being burned alive and collapsing.

With each instance, the beliefs that had shaped him crumbled gradually.

Is this truly the right thing?

Oppressing those who couldn’t even protect themselves in the name of the cause.

Is this really the path to a new world?


Nebarce couldn’t hold it in any longer and spoke up.

Only then did the old man stop walking and look back.

With a look as if he had heard something strange.

“Stop? I came here because I don’t want the balance of power to be upset, but you were the first to ask for help. If we stop now, the army heading for Noark will never turn back.”

That’s right.


“This isn’t what I wanted.”

“Really? Then what did you want?”

His words were stuck.

‘What did I expect when I sought out ‘the Ruin Scholar’?’

“This is a rare opportunity that will never come again. Even I didn’t expect that he would appear. What’s the problem? As long as he’s distracting the palace, we are not in danger.”

“Do you think I’m saying this because I’m afraid of dying? I just… just…!”

Nebarce couldn’t finish his sentence.

The old man, as if considering this a waste of time, coldly turned his back and started walking forward again.

“It seems a bit tough for you.”

Even at that moment, the hundreds of flames in his hands flew indiscriminately with the sole purpose of destruction, turning the city red.

“Abandon emotions and think only of the goal.”


“Isn’t it better than losing both?”

A calculative statement, very typical of a mage.


Soon, the magic barrier moved farther away, and the hot heat began to seep through his skin.

Nevarche unconsciously moved his halted steps.

His steps were filled with only questions.

“M-Mom… I can’t… breathe…”

“It’s okay, my child… Mom is right here. Until the end.”

What lies at the end of this path?


The rain fell at night.

It was the work of the mages from the mage tower.


Guards from all over the city were not resting either.

A long line stretched from the well.

Passing buckets nonstop, throwing water onto the flames.

No, it wasn’t just the guards.

“If you’re struggling, don’t push yourself and come out! Stubbornness will only cause harm!”

Among them were explorers living nearby and citizens who had heard the news and rolled up their sleeves to help.

People gathered to help overcome the disaster in front of them.

“Oh no, our house will burn down at this rate!”

“Hey, man!  Is that what you should be saying now? Some people have family inside!”

“If you have the strength to argue, carry a bucket!”

Of course, not everyone was helping with noble intentions.

Even I, standing here, am no different.


Upon arriving in Carnon, I felt overwhelmed.

This fire was on a different scale than a few factories burning down in modern times.

Is Raven holding up well?

Or maybe…

‘What do you mean, maybe.’

I punched myself to snap out of it.


A sound mind in a sound body.

There’s no time to contemplate.

Raven is no ordinary mage.

Knowing her personality, she’s probably holding up well, looking after those around her. She may even have been lucky enough to stop by the Mage Tower and avoid this disaster altogether.

“You there, mage.”

In the midst of the firefight, I approached a mage and revealed my identity. Although he was busy, he responded with a friendly look.

“You there, mage? It’s been a long time since someone called me that. Haha!”

Apparently, my image was good despite my noble title.

“So, what does Bjorn Jandel want from such a mage?”

“Can you use cold magic?”

“Is there any mage who can’t?”

At my request, the mage laughed heartily and cast a spell on me.

“Your character’s flame resistance has greatly increased.”

Phew, it’s a bit less hot now.

“Are you planning to go in there?”

“A friend of mine is inside.”

The mage who cast the spell nodded understandingly and chuckled.

“But is that enough?”

Huh? Is he mocking me?

I thought for a moment, but then felt embarrassed by what happened next.


The mage took out a message stone.


“Can you all hear me? Sorry to bother you while you’re busy, but I have a request. Bjorn Jandel, whom you all know, needs to go into those flames to rescue his friends.”

He contacted someone and made a request.

“If anyone has artifacts or potions that help with flame resistance, please send them to the coordinates of my personal lab. I’ll summon them here.”

What, like a group chat for mages?

It was an unexpected stroke of luck, so I quietly waited.

Soon, replies started coming in.

[If it’s Bjorn Jandel, who’s been granted a noble title, there shouldn’t be an issue with credit. But if there’s any damage, I’ll charge you, so be aware.]

The voice of a strict-sounding old man.

[Alright. Most of my apprentices have gone to Carnon to assist, but I’ll send whatever I can find through the remaining ones.]

A young woman’s voice.

[A beloved apprentice of mine survived thanks to him. I’ll send a scroll, and he doesn’t need to pay for it.]

A man’s voice that sounded kind-hearted.

[Bjorn Jandel, eh? It wouldn’t be a bad idea to put him in debt. If he isn’t overhearing our conversation, tell him this: the ‘Ring of the Fire Dragon’ is sent by our ‘Ioni’ School, so he should remember that.]

A calculating voice.

And then…

[Aru? You’re not referring to this child as your companion, are you?]

A familiar voice.

‘This voice… Old Man?’

If I remember correctly, it’s the old man, the master of the Altemion school and Raven’s mentor.

“Um, it seems to be correct. She’s nodding.”

[I’ll send everything I have right now.]

With that, all communications ended.

Honestly, I was stunned.

‘What is this situation?’

I simply approached the most approachable looking mage to get some cold magic.

But it turned out to be far from ordinary.

The people in the group chat all spoke with the nuance of being the heads of their respective schools, and indeed, among the members was the master of the Artemion School, the old man.

Which means…

‘This guy isn’t an ordinary mage either.’

Out of pure curiosity, I asked.

“Who are you?”

He had no intention of hiding it from the start, and introduced himself with a smile.

“Oh, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I’m Reben Arpegan.”

It was a name I had never heard before. But I knew the school he mentioned next.

It was a mid-ranked school in the Mage Tower.

But I didn’t expect the master of that school to be this young.

“I’ll make sure to repay this debt someday.”

“If that puts your mind at ease.”

A few minutes later, replies through the message stone indicated that the items had been transported, and Reben Arpegan summoned all the items to this location through magic.

‘It really is the Ring of the Fire Dragon.’

From high-level numbered items to various rare artifacts, it was a treasure trove.

Even as I examined each one, my feelings were complex.

“It’s divine luck.”

In fact, calling it luck was an understatement.

What are the odds that a mage I randomly approached is the head of a school and is willing to help me using his personal group chat?

“Divine luck? What nonsense.”


“I’ve never seen those people go out of their way to help a complete stranger like that. Do you think it was just luck?”

When I tilted my head in confusion, Reben laughed and continued.

“I don’t know what they saw in your words about saving your companion, but…”


“This is all because of you.”

It was a long-winded speech, typical of a mage, but I understood his point.

It was a bit embarrassing to hear such praise directly.


As I wiped the soot off my nose to hide my embarrassment, Reben laughed and patted my shoulder with his skinny arm.

“So, don’t say it was luck. Do what you need to do. You have to save your companion, don’t you?”

Yeah, this isn’t the time to be lost in thought.

“Thank you.”

I sincerely thanked him and then equipped and consumed the items that had been summoned.

「The character has consumed the Water of Eternity.」

「Temporary flame resistance increased by +50.」

「The character has consumed the Tears of the Spirit.」

「Temporary resistance to all elements increased by +15.」

「The character has consumed Pure Flame.」

「Temporary fire damage reduction by 10%, fire affinity +15…」



First, I drank the doping potions.


Tore the scrolls.

And then…

「The character has equipped Lava Shield No. 4819.」

「Overall item level increased by 985.」

「The character has equipped Fire Dragon Ring No. 760.」

「Overall item level…」



I adorned myself with various fire-specialized artifacts, including triple-numbered items.


The air no longer felt hot.

I even reached out to the flames as a test, and the feeling was the same.


I inadvertently said.

Of course, not being Korean, Reben wouldn’t understand my sentiment.

“Hmm, no matter how high your resistance is, you wouldn’t feel such a sensation…”

“It’s just how it feels.”

I brushed it off, still staring at the flames that showed no sign of dying down.

Then I asked Reben one thing.

“What did you see in me?”

Earlier, Reben had said that though he didn’t know what it was, everyone saw something in me that made them willing to help.

So, what did he see?


The answer was completely unexpected.


“Everything I heard about you. I saw it all in your eyes as soon as we met. That it was all true.”

A statement open to much interpretation.

Before I could ask further, Reben pushed my back with his skinny arms.

“…Your body feels like steel.”

He laughed awkwardly, noticing that my body didn’t budge an inch, then made a request.

“Oh, I hadn’t mentioned this. If you still have strength left after saving your companion, save the others as well.”

It wasn’t a difficult task.

Okay, got it.

“I’ll do my best.”

“When you say it, it sounds very reassuring. Anyway, I won’t hold you any longer, go on.”

With that, I completed all my preparations by activating the ‘Orb of Fire’ I had acquired previously.

「You have activated the Orb of Fire.」

「All ongoing flame-based damage within a 15m radius is reduced by 50%.」

The Barbarian Firefighter Mode.


I charged out.

See you on Monday! By the way, you can join here and binge-read all my advanced chapters, with new updates every day. Your support is the only way to keep the website running, so please consider supporting if you can. Thank you! 🙂