Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 114

February 13, 2024 • 16 min read • 1405 views

Reunion (2)

“Bjorn! I remember now! It’s that person from back then, nyang!”

“There’s no need to explain. I’ve remembered as well.”

I felt an odd sense of recollection as my mind traced back in time.

Going back three months to when we were trapped in the instant-death attack [Abyss of Malice] set by the layer lord Liakis.

[Be thankful that I’m not killing you on the spot. Scum]

When the Dzarwi clan rejected the explorers who had incited a riot, the explorers fell into mass panic.

That’s when he appeared.

[I, I know about this phenomenon]

He offered a new path to the clueless explorers.

Of course, it was a story hard to take at face value…

[I have been in a team with him for over a year. He is a mysterious figure. Truly, there is nothing he doesn’t know. I have no doubt that his words will save us]

With no other option, the explorers followed his path, trusting only in the guarantee of his companion, a fairy.

And then…

‘Trust without doubt my ass.’

They were all dead..

That was the only news I had heard when I inquired out of curiosity later, and I had believed it until I met that man today.

‘To think they led over a hundred people to their demise and only they survived.’

The thought made him intriguingly fascinating.

It wasn’t just luck that allowed him to survive.

It seemed fair to consider him skilled.

Back then, I just thought he was an idiot…

‘Could it be, he knew it was a death trap and still led them there?’

“Now, now! Dodge!”

Watching the man instructing explorers based on his prediction of the Death Knight’s pattern, I narrowed my eyes.

He had four summoned creatures.

While the synergy among his summons was good, the grade of the essences in itself wasn’t high.

One fact became clear.

‘They’re about average level 7.’

He’s a low-level explorer with nothing remarkable.

Had he been from a wealthy background, at least his equipment would have looked more impressive.

That raised even more questions.

Liakis’s patterns and the conditions for the Death Knight’s appearance.

How could an explorer, not from a notable family and with such a short career, know this information?

‘…Considering him a player seems reasonable.’

I arrived at a final judgment through logical reasoning.

That unnamed summoner is a player.

Why he chose a human summoner as his character, I couldn’t say.

‘Sigh, it’s a bit confusing.’

Beast-Humans, Dragon-Person, Dwarves, maybe.

But humans have no synergy with summoning systems.

This might be a minor power difference in the beginning, but as the game progresses, it leads to a significant gap.

In other words, it’s incredibly inefficient.

‘Maybe that didn’t matter to him…’

It was a plausible story.

Regardless of character optimization, ordinary people might just choose a profession that seems easy to handle.

After all, who would want to fight head-to-head?

Not me, who chose a shield the moment I knew I started as a Barbarian.

「You have defeated the Death Knight. EXP +4」

As I felt a sense of fulfillment enveloping me, I opened my eyes.

The Death Knight turned into a swarm of light and scattered, following the mage’s fireball lodged into its core.

By the way, no essence dropped.

“Too bad. I even bought an expensive test tube just in case.”

“Pa, Parteian, be, be careful with your words…”

“Ah, right.”

The mage clamped his mouth shut and looked this way.

‘Now it’s our turn.’

For a moment, I observed them with a stoic face, then quickly donned the guise of a naive Barbarian again.

“Wow, amazing! What was that magic at the end?”

“…We’re not exactly in a position to have such a conversation, are we?”

As I tried to approach the mage in a friendly manner, the fairy archer cut me off coldly.

“What was that action all about earlier? If you can’t explain yourself properly, we’ll consider you an enemy.”

Sigh, I remember people being quite pleasant in front of others before…

Was it all an act?

Ah, fairies and barbarians don’t get along well, do they?

“I was just trying to help, as I said earlier!”

“It’s strange. None of us said anything like that.”

“The Death Knight is strong! So I thought you were in danger!”

The fairy archer looked at me with suspicious eyes.

Even seeing me in baby barbarian mode, they give me such a look. Just how bad is the barbarian image among the fairies?

“Is that really the only reason?”

“What else could there be?”

“Well, there’s the essence. Even if you didn’t know, it would have been a tempting essence for the beast-human beside you.”

Misha was taken aback by the fairy’s sharp muttering and hastily gestured.

“Oh, it’s a misunderstanding! I do use a sword, but I already have all my essence slots filled, so
I couldn’t have taken it anyway, nyang!”

“Is that true…?”

“Feel free to check, nyang!”

What’s there to check, really.

What would they do about it here?

It was a ridiculous response, but the fairy simply nodded, letting it pass.

“In that case, I’ll believe you.”

It seems this fairy archer’s prickliness is only reserved for the barbarians.

“But still, it’s hard to believe you just intervened to help.”

“Ah, these pointy-eared ones…”

“You! What did you just say?”

I retorted with irritation.

“How suspicious must you be to doubt someone at first sight?”

I wasn’t really angry.

I knew barging into a battle like that was wrong.

But so what?

“Are you looking down on me because I’m a barbarian?”

Asserting myself even in a clearly wrong situation.

That’s the true essence of a barbarian.

“If you insult me further, I won’t hold back! Fairy!”

Despite the 4:2 situation, I raised my shield, ready to fight, and the Fairy was taken aback.

“No, that’s not it! There’s just something unclear, and we want it clarified!”

“Unclear how?”

“It’s clear the essence wasn’t your goal. But it’s hard to believe you had no intention of riding on our coattails for a free share of the achievement.”

Hmm, this Fairy’s really sharp.

Although she had practically hit the nail on the head, it wasn’t an issue.

“Why would I bother with such a nuisance? It’s a monster I’ve already defeated once.”

“…Excuse me?”

The fairy looked confused at my words.

Understandably, it’s hard to believe.

Meeting such a monster before reaching the sixth floor is tough.

I briefly explained.

“I’ve been to the Blood Tinted Castle before. Does that explain it?”

It was a mutant rift, so vampires appeared instead of a Death Knight, but what do they know?

There’s no need for a full disclosure here.

Half-truths are still partly true.

“But how can we believe that?”

“If you’re going to question everything, there’s no point in talking. If you want to fight, bring it on, pointy-ears.”

“Thinking I wouldn’t dare, just because I’ve been patient…!”

The fairy exploded in anger, and the man stepped forward, startled.

“Lady Meirin. Please, stop! What he’s saying is probably tru-, true!”

“What? What do you mean…?”

“I’ve remembered now! That barbarian… I saw him there, that time! Bjorn, the son of Jandel. The explorer known as the ‘Little Balkan’!”

It seems the summoner remembered my face, even though it had been a brief encounter.

The mage and the warrior gasped in unison.

“No wonder he easily parried the Death Knight’s sword.”

“Wow, impressive. Lady Meirin, it seems we were mistaken. Such a renowned person wouldn’t bother with such antics just for some credit.”

Sensing the tide turning, the fairy archer bit her lip.

“I understand Lady Meirin’s feelings. It’s hard to admit you’re wrong. But sometimes, you need to let go of your stubbornness and accept things.”

“Sigh, alright…”

Once everyone had agreed there was no ill intent on my part, the fairy archer stopped insisting.

‘Sigh, is this why it’s important to build a reputation?’

Realizing once again the importance of reputation, I turned my attention to the approaching summoner.

“Pleased to meet you. Bjorn, son of Jandel.”

His stutter made him seem somewhat comical, but this guy was no ordinary person.

After all, he had a history of leading hundreds to their doom just to save his own skin.

“Since we’ve met like this, shouldn’t we at least introduce ourselves?”

He cautiously suggested.

He must not be just curious about my name; this seemed more like an attempt to establish a rapport with me.


I nodded without hesitation.

There was no reason to refuse.

After all, I had stayed here this long because I was curious about this guy’s name.

“As you know, I am Bjorn, son of Jandel. What’s your name?”

Being sure he’s a player, I planned to remember his name for later investigation.

Not for any big reason, just out of curiosity.

Knowing his movements might serve as a reference for how typical players act.

But then…

“My name is Hans Krysen.”

TL/N-Bjorn is fucked

Fuck, I didn’t see that coming.

A player possessing Hans’s body.

What kind of absurd scenario is this?

“If you don’t mind, could we, could we become friends—”

As he offered a handshake with a friendly smile, I stepped back.

“Stop right there. I have urgent matters to attend to, so I’ll be leaving now!”

“…What? What do you mean—”

“Misha! What are you doing? Hurry up and come!”

“Uh-huh! Okay… wait! Let, let’s go together…!”

Shit, I should’ve brought some salt with me.

I’m already feeling anxious about what’s going to happen next.
As soon as I realized Hans G’s identity, I made a swift exit.

How much time had passed?

“What are you doing, nyang! Running is fine, but please at least explain—”

“…He was also Hans.”

“Uh-huh? What does that mean—”

“I’ve never had anything good happen after meeting Hans.”

I spoke sincerely out of concern, but Misha seemed to be reassured instead.

“Goodness, I thought something serious had happened, nyang!”
Serious? This is serious!

It’s Hans, of all people?

Moreover, a player from the labyrinth?

“You really have some odd quirks, nyang. I wouldn’t have thought you’d believe in such superstitions.”

Seeing Misha not taking it seriously made me feel somewhat let down.

“Pfft! Bjorn, you… seem kinda cute today, nyang?”

What is she on about?

I ended up telling her about the incidents involving Hans I’ve encountered.

Starting with Hans A, who initiated everything, to Hans C, who was a thrall of Elihsa, and Hans D, the leader of the plunderers we met in the Witch’s Forest.

“That’s right, you did say you disliked the name Hans before, nyang…?”

“Yes. But back then, it was just a feeling of bad luck.”

After telling her about Hans B, who was nearby just before Dwalki was taken to the Mozlans, Misha’s expression changed too.

“What the… What’s with this Hans guy?!”

Typically susceptible to superstitions, Misha seemed genuinely unsettled this time.

“So, what now, nyang? We’ve already met him… Is something bad going to happen, nyang?!”

Well, I don’t know that.

I just thought we should be extra cautious from now on.

“Let’s try to get to the third floor as soon as possible.”

“…Not the first floor?”

Misha, now seemingly more serious than me, raised a question, but heading to the third floor was the most rational decision.

After all, whether this is superstition or not isn’t clear…

If there really is such a thing, running away won’t change anything.

Bad luck can find you in the city just as easily as anywhere else.

It’s better to just continue with our tasks and minimize losses.

“Ugh, you should’ve just kept quiet, nyang. Now you’ve got me feeling uneasy…”

Hmm, maybe that’s true.

Meeting a player-possessed Hans must have clouded my rational thinking.

Or perhaps I’ve come to rely on her without realizing it.

“I’m not sure about the happy moments, but when it comes to the hard times, sharing them between two people definitely cuts them in half, doesn’t it?”

“That’s not what you say, you Barbarian brute!!!”

“…It was a joke.”

“Don’t lie! I could see you were serious, nyang!”

Misha was furious when I told her the truth.

Still, she seemed somewhat pleased to know I had relied on her, even if just a little.

“Sigh! Anyway, it’s good you didn’t hide it and told me, nyang. If something bothers you in the future, don’t stew over it alone, tell me. I’m the elder here, aren’t I, nyang?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Misha is five years older than me.

Of course, that’s according to Bjorn’s standards.

“What’s with that reaction, nyang?”

“It means I’ve come to rely on you more.”

“…That’s not how it sounded, nyang?”

Anyway, we ended the small talk and resumed moving. And soon I began to feel the fatigue of the day.

It was about time to set up camp.

‘It’s been almost a day since then, so we should reach the third floor by tomorrow or the day after.’

Although I was quite tired myself, I made sure Misha got some rest first. Then, I sat quietly on watch, lost in various thoughts.

How much time had passed?


Checking the time, I realized it was past midnight.

Being the seventh day, the first-floor crystal cave would have already closed, ejecting explorers back to the city.

Whether they left early or late, once back in the city, it would all be the same time…

‘I wonder if that guy made it back okay?’

Suddenly, I found myself thinking of Caron, whom I had escorted to the first floor.

[It might be a good idea to pretend to sleep after purposely making a human your night companion. If he has ulterior motives, he’ll surely reveal them!]

Was it because of the last thing he said?

I couldn’t help but worry if he might have gotten into some trouble.

‘Nah, what could possibly go wrong?’

Soon it was time to switch shifts, so I woke Misha and took a brief rest myself.


Blinding light.

The noise of the crowd.

And the damp air that wraps around one’s lungs, unique to the city.

Without realizing, Caron shouted out.

He just felt like doing so.

Was it exhilarating?

He didn’t care about the looks he received from the people around. He used to be intimidated by such gazes, but…

So what!


Caron had changed.

Or rather, he had shed a layer.

Like a large-horned beetle breaking its shell to become an adult.

In this expedition, he had grown into a true warrior.


“Tsk, always making a scene, those barbarians.”

“Look, listen. They’re headstrong, always charging in blindly. Be careful around them.”

Those dismissive glances felt like pleasing provocations.

It meant they were underestimating him.

Just like the two night companions he had slain over the past few days.

‘It was easy.’

Bjorn, son of Jandel.

Everything had gone just as he said.

The first floor was swarming with deceitful scum, ready to pounce at the slightest hint of vulnerability, unaware they were walking into a trap.

The expressions of those who thought they were preying on him, only to be preyed upon themselves, provided a thrill he had never experienced before.

Clink, clank.

One bag on his back, one on his right arm, another on his left.

Loaded with three bags, he proudly headed towards the checkpoint. The line for the 9th-grade explorers’ gate was long, as expected.

Upon arrival, his kin, with whom he had connections, approached him.

“Caron, son of Tarson! What’s with all those bags?”

“Are they full of equipment? Don’t tell me you’ve resorted to plundering?”

Caron shook his head firmly.

“Pfft, plundering? As if.”

This was not looting, a vile act, but a noble act of protecting his kin.

As he firmly clarified, the barbarians’ gaze towards him changed.

“To think you could achieve this without resorting to plundering!”

“Jealous! How many stone breads could you buy with that?”

They were his peers who had undergone the coming of age ceremony with him, but today, they seemed younger than ever.

That’s why he gathered as many of his kin as he could.

He might have felt a sense of rivalry with them at one point, but the real enemy was elsewhere.

“Haha, don’t be envious. If you know the method, you too can earn as much. You won’t have to eat stone buns for the rest of your life.”

“What!! If there’s such a method, tell us quickly!”

“I will! But before that! There’s something I need to say first.”

Caron began by recounting his experiences in the labyrinth.

Being betrayed by those he was with.

How it was because of his heart.

How they saw us as easy and rewarding targets.

“We are not monsters!!”

“We are warriors!!”

As expected, his kin were outraged.

Hearing that ‘Little Balkan’, Bjorn, had saved him, they praised him loudly.

“Little Balkan, Bjorn, son of Jandel!”

“To have read the malicious intentions of those ruthless plunderers, he truly is a great and wise warrior!”

The atmosphere quickly heated up.

Within that fervor, Caron proudly proclaimed.

“He taught me. The reason I’ve returned with so many spoils is all thanks to his teachings!”

“Oh! Is that true!!”

“True! Now, I’ll pass on those teachings to you!”

Then, Caron shared everything he learned from Bjorn.

Well, actually, he shared ‘that method’ he devised himself, sparing no details.

Of course, he credited everything to Bjorn.

“To think, just pretending to sleep after getting a human as a night companion would work!!”

“Bjorn, son of Jandel! Is he a genius?”

“Though it sounded strange at first, coming from such a great warrior, I’ll follow it!”

Watching his excited kin, Caron was convinced.

“Tsk, they’re at it again.”

“Why do they always have to be so loud? Can’t stand leaving them be.”

“Even if you sell their hearts, their mouths would still be the same.”

Barbarians had been the lowest on the food chain in the labyrinth.

It was a hard reality to accept, but that was the recent truth.

They might be strong in a head-on fight, but they were helpless against the cunning tricks of their enemies.

But now…

“Bjorn, son of Jandel said! This is all a noble first step for us all!!”



From now on, things will be different.