Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 177

June 17, 2024 • 11 min read • 334 views

The Tiger Wears Sheep’s Clothing (2)

Woo Mun Pae’s gaze towards Lee Gwak was cold.

His eyes contained the power to overwhelm others.

Those who naturally reign over others develop a gaze and temperament that can dominate anyone, and in Woo Mun Pae’s case, these qualities were even more pronounced. That’s why his gaze was particularly intense.

Ordinary people would find it difficult to meet such a gaze, but Lee Gwak accepted it calmly.

A flicker of interest appeared in Woo Mun Pae’s eyes.

Sure, he had paid attention to Lee Gwak, but that was mainly because he was with Seop Yu-saeng. Lee Gwak’s appearance was simple, without anything outstanding.

However, the mere fact that Lee Gwak could calmly meet his gaze meant that he could no longer be dismissed as ordinary.

“Lee Gwak!”


“Which sect do you belong to?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I’m curious.”

“Even if I told you, you wouldn’t know it. It’s quite small…”

“Tell me anyway.”

Normally such an answer would discourage further questions, but Woo Mun Pae was different.
His face held a stubborn determination to know.

Lee Gwak sensed that Woo Mun Pae would not back down without an answer.

After a moment’s consideration, Lee Gwak responded spontaneously.

“Mad Martial Sect”

“Mad Martial Sect?”


“I’ve never heard of it before.”

A deep furrow formed between Woo Mun Pae’s brows.

Mad Martial Sect was a name Lee Gwak spontaneously created, inspired by Gwang Noh ya.

Although Gwang Noh ya had gone mad and caused countless harm to the world, at his core, he was a good person. His madness was for the sake of a greater justice, and Lee Gwak wanted to honor at least that intention.

Woo Mun Pae glared at Lee Gwak sharply.

“Is it truly an existing sect?”

“Since I am its head disciple, it certainly exists.”

“Then who is your master?”

“My master wished not to have his name known.”

Lee Gwak’s calm response twisted Woo Mun Pae’s lips.

He wanted to press further, but Lee Gwak was neither a friend nor a disciple of his.

Despite Woo Mun Pae’s indifferent nature and his disregard for others’ opinions, he knew there was a time and place for everything.

“Lee Gwak of Mad Martial Sect.”


“Then, we shall meet again. Enjoy the rest of your meal.”

Speaking as though Lee Gwak was beneath him, Woo Mun Pae turned and walked towards an empty table.

Lee Gwak silently watched Woo Mun Pae’s retreating figure.

‘He remains arrogant, viewing everyone from a position of superiority.’

Knowing this didn’t hurt Lee Gwak, but it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

“What’s with that guy?”

Then, Cheol Gwang Woo spoke up.

He had kept silent due to the atmosphere, but a faint killing intent appeared in his eyes.

He was angered by Woo Mun Pae’s attitude of treating Lee Gwak as if he were an underling.
Had Lee Gwak not been calm, Cheol Gwang Woo would have risked his life to confront Woo Mun Pae.

Lee Gwak explained calmly.

“He is the young master of the Martial Sword Troupe, one of the Ten Great Sects and one of the Ten Lesser Skies. He is fierce and brutal, earning him the nickname ‘Mad Dragon’.

“So this guy is one of the top ten strongest martial artists in the world?”

“That’s correct.”

“In my opinion, Brother, you seem stronger.”

Cheol Gwang Woo tilted his head in wonder.

Lee Gwak simply responded with a faint smile.

Though he was slightly offended, it wasn’t enough reason for Lee Gwak to engage in a physical confrontation with Woo Mun Pae.

Lee Gwak shifted his attention away from Woo Mun Pae and sipped his liquor quietly. Seeing Lee Gwak calm down, Cheol Gwang Woo also seemed to calm down and started eating the roast pork again.

Meanwhile, Woo Mun Pae and his group, having found a seat, ordered the whole roasted pig.Though smaller in size compared to Cheol Gwang Woo, Woo Mun Pae also had a large build, and the sight of the roast pork Cheol Gwang Woo was enjoying stimulated his appetite, prompting him to order the same dish.

‘Lee Gwak.’

The name made him feel uncomfortably prickly.

It was as if there were grains of sand rolling around in his mouth.

The next day, Lee Gwak and Cheol Gwang Woo left the Red Moon Inn.

Since they had to stay in Hwado with nothing special to do, exploring Hwado seemed much better than being cooped up in the inn.

Although the streets were crowded, Lee Gwak felt no discomfort. People automatically made way because of Cheol Gwang Woo’s immense size.

No matter how gentle Cheol Gwang Woo’s face might be, his bear-like size was enough to instill fear in people.

Lee Gwak, having been away from Jianghu for a long time, had much to learn, while it was Cheol Gwang Woo’s first time leaving the lands of Leizhou, so he knew almost nothing.

For both of them, the sights of Hwado were a fresh stimulus.

Hwado was a strategic point where major roads and waterways connecting to the Jianghu intersected like a web. Because of this, countless people used these routes daily, making it an incredibly bustling place.

“Brother, let’s go check that out.”

Cheol Gwang Woo suddenly pointed to a place.

Lee Gwak couldn’t see due to the crowd blocking his view, but Cheol Gwang Woo, standing a head or two taller than most, noticed a spot where people were particularly gathered.

Lee Gwak nodded agreeably.

Since they hadn’t set a specific destination for their outing, anywhere was fine.


As they approached the crowd, exclamations were heard. Making their way through the people, they saw an astonishing scene.

People dressed in bright colors performed acrobatics or displayed unique skills. Some moved with a dexterity that rivaled that of martial artists, while others showed off their sleight of hand, exchanging objects in the blink of an eye.

‘A troupe’

Having seen such sights in the Jade Heaven Alliance and Haenam Island, Lee Gwak was not surprised.

These performers were often used to liven up major events. It seems that they were also mobilized to celebrate Cheongunbi’s birthday.

“Wow! Brother, that’s amazing. They don’t have internal energy but look at their quick movements.”

Cheol Gwang Woo was both amazed and entertained by the performers’ skills.

Lee Gwak internally admired their talent as well.

Then, a low voice murmuring nearby caught their attention.

“It was worth hiring them from the Hao Clan. Their skills are unparalleled.”

The speaker was a middle-aged man in splendid attire.

He was the deputy head of Cheong Household, where Cheongunbi, the Righteous Wanderer, served as the master. To enhance the atmosphere of Cheongunbi’s birthday celebration, he had hired these performers from the Hao Clan.

The streets around Cheong Household were lively, with entertainers performing tricks or singing, elevating the mood.

These performers were specially hired by Cheongunbi for those who couldn’t enter the Cheong Household.

Seeing people enjoying themselves and praising Cheongunbi, the deputy head smiled.

Though it cost money, the effect was worth it.

Hearing the deputy head’s murmurs, Lee Gwak was reminded of a dear name.

‘Brother Woo Gyeong.’

Nam Woo Gyeong had taken great care of him when he was an insignificant martial artist in the Jade Heaven Alliance.

He had always told Lee Gwak to come to him anytime, but Lee Gwak had forgotten about him for a long time, which made him feel guilty.

‘I should visit Brother Woo Gyeong.’

With that thought, Lee Gwak decided to act immediately.

He cautiously approached the deputy head and spoke.

“Excuse me.”


The deputy head looked at Lee Gwak with a puzzled expression.

Lee Gwak greeted him politely with a fist and palm salute, so as not to arouse suspicion.

“My name is Lee Gwak, temporarily employed as an escort by the Shenyang Escort Service.”

“The Shenyang Escort Service?”

The deputy chief’s suspicions were cleared at the mention of the Shenyang Escort Service, for he too knew of the connection between Lee Won-chang and Cheongunbi.

“So, what brings an escort of the Shenyang Escort Service here?”

“I heard that you hired them from the Hao Clan.”


“I was wondering if you could tell me where the Hao Clan’s branch is located?”

“Why is that?”

“I have someone I know in the Hao Clan, and I’d like to visit them while I have the chance.”

“Ah! If that’s the case, it shouldn’t be a problem. If you go north from here, you’ll come across a street lined with pleasure houses. The Hao Clan’s branch is located in the deepest part of that area. Look for a house with a blue flag hanging outside.”

The deputy head readily informed Lee Gwak about the location of the Hao Clan’s branch.

The locations of the Hao Clan’s branches were mostly kept secret, but some were publicly known for official business.

The branch the deputy head mentioned was one of those publicly known locations.

“Thank you.”

“It’s a place everyone knows, so no need for thanks. A little inquiry and you would find it soon enough.”

“Still, I’m thankful for making it easier for me to find.”

“What a polite young man. I hope you find the person you’re looking for.”

“Thank you!”

Lee Gwak expressed his gratitude once again and turned around.

He spoke to Cheol Gwang Woo, who had been enjoying the performers’ tricks,

“Let’s go. We have a place to visit.”

“Yes! Brother.”

Without hesitation, Cheol Gwang Woo followed Lee Gwak.

Following the deputy head’s directions, they found the street lined with pleasure houses.

Despite the early hour, the pleasure houses had their windows wide open for business. Courtesans lightly exposed their pale breasts through the open windows, enticing passersby with their business.

“There, big guy. Come here. I’ll take good care of you.”

“Oh my! Look at that broad chest. Wonder if his lower parts are just as impressive. Ho ho ho!”

The temptations of the courtesans were no exception for Cheol Gwang Woo.

Already attracting attention for his immense size, the addition of the flirtatious voices of the courtesans drew even more attention to them on the street.

Cheol Gwang Woo’s face turned red.

His face, from the forehead to the nape of his neck, flushed as if on fire, and he bowed his head in a bashful manner.

The courtesans found Cheol Gwang Woo’s embarrassed demeanor even more endearing, waving and calling out to him,

“Look at him, ho ho!”

“He’s so big, but acts so shy. Ho ho!”

Cheol Gwang Woo seemed to shrink even more amidst the teasing.

Lee Gwak looked at him with a sense of wonder. It was surprising to see such a side of Cheol Gwang Woo, who possessed a killing intent sharp enough to materialize madness.

“Brother, let’s move past this place quickly.”

Cheol Gwang Woo spoke in a tiny voice, his head hung low. Lee Gwak wanted to laugh at the incongruous sight but restrained himself and replied,

“Let’s do that.”

They hurried past the street of pleasure houses, looking around them.

“A window with a blue flag.”

After scanning the surroundings for a moment, Lee Gwak quickly spotted a house with a blue flag.

It stood out in the pleasure house street for its particularly dilapidated appearance. This was the Hao Clan’s branch.

Without hesitation, Lee Gwak approached the Hao Clan’s branch.

“Is anyone there?”

Lee Gwak knocked on the firmly closed front door. After a moment, someone cracked open the door and peeked out.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in notably shabby clothes. His face closely resembled that of a rat.

The rat-faced man scanned Lee Gwak and Cheol Gwang Woo with a suspicious gaze.

“Who are you?”

“Is this the Hao Clan’s branch?”

“Yes, but… what brings you here?”

“I’m looking for someone.”

The rat-faced man frowned at Lee Gwak’s words.

“This isn’t a place for finding people.”

“The person I’m looking for is from the Hao Clan.”

“A person from the Hao Clan?”

A glint of wariness flashed in the rat-faced man’s eyes.

He seemed to contemplate for a moment before opening the door wider.

“Come in.”

“Thank you.”

Lee Gwak and Cheol Gwang Woo stepped inside, and the rat-faced man securely closed the front door behind them and asked,

“So, who are you looking for?”

“I’m searching for Nam Woo Gyeong, the Young Master of Hao Clan.”

“The Young Master?”


As Lee Gwak responded, a killing intent surfaced on the rat-faced man’s face.

Suddenly, he stepped back and shouted,



In an instant, an overwhelming number of hidden weapons were launched towards Lee Gwak and Cheol Gwang Woo.

‘A trap?’