Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 160

May 27, 2024 • 12 min read • 619 views

Episode 160: Martilal Artist Lee Gwak

Giving with One Hand, Taking with the Other (1)

Silently, Yu Mun Sang shifted his gaze between the old man and Dam Il-cheon. The old man wore an increasingly apologetic expression, while Dam Il-cheon dared not even raise his head.

A suffocating silence filled the room. Neither the old man nor Dam Il-cheon dared to break it.

Finally, Yu Mun Sang spoke.

“What has happened?”

“I am sorry.”

“I asked what happened.”

The old man bit his lip for a moment at the coldness of Yu Mun Sang’s voice. Yu Mun Sang looked at him with eyes as cold as his voice.

“It is shameful, but my disciple caused a disturbance. He happened to encounter someone who had previously defeated him and, losing his temper, attacked him.”

“And the result… a defeat?”

“I am sorry, elder brother.”

The old man bowed once again, and Dam Il-cheon bit his lip.

The relationship between Yu Mun Sang and the old man resembled that of a cat and a mouse.

The old man, who had entrusted his life to him, could not muster the courage to defy Yu Mun Sang.

Yu Mun Sang’s gaze turned to Dam Il-cheon.

“Who was the opponent?”

“It… was a man named Lee Gwak.”

“Lee Gwak?”

“He is an unknown martial artist.”

“So, you lost to an unknown nobody?”

“I am sorry.”

“I heard you had considerable talent, but it seems I was mistaken. To have learned one of the secret sword techniques of our sect, the Nine Life Stealing Sword, and still lose to an unknown nobody.”


Yu Mun Sang’s words pierced Dam Il-cheon’s heart like a cold dagger. The pain from Yu Mun Sang’s remarks hurt him more than the wound inflicted by Lee Gwak.

Unable to bear it, the old man defended his disciple.

“The opponent was stronger than anticipated. I, too, could not easily overlook his martial prowess.”

“Is that so?”


“And this martial artist entered Haenam Island without my knowledge?”

“He seemed to be new to Jianghu.”


Yu Mun Sang seemed intrigued.

The old man’s name was Gong Ji-sim, and he was his disciple.

However, almost no one within the Martial Sword Troupe was aware of this fact.

Officially, Gong Ji-sim had been expelled as a disciple decades ago.

He had committed a great sin against the Martial Sword Troupe and was expelled, becoming someone with no connection to the organization. Hence, almost no one within the Martial Sword Troupe remembered him.

The Martial Sword Troupe of decades ago was not in as favorable a situation as it is today.

Its finances were a mess, and its power had shrunk to the point where the term “one of the Ten Sect” seemed generous. There were even internal conflicts that nearly led to its dissolution.

Yu Mun Sang rose to supreme leadership during these challenging times. The first command he issued after assuming leadership was for Gong Ji-sim to assist from the outside, not within the Martial Sword Troupe.

Unlike Yu Mun Sang, whose talents reached the heavens, Gong Ji-sim’s martial prowess was not exceptional. Though he now boasts a martial prowess enviable by many, Gong Ji-sim’s future seemed bleak at the time.

Gong Ji-sim gladly accepted Yu Mun Sang’s proposal and gathered local pirates to form the Nine Shadows Fleet.

His talents might not have been exceptional compared to Yu Mun Sang or his fellow disciples, but they were more than enough to dominate and lead the pirates.

It all started with just one boat.

They targeted small boats that wouldn’t cause any issues even if looted. It wasn’t just the goods they took, but they also took the lives of everyone on board.

Gong Ji-sim took extreme care to ensure his identity was not revealed. If it became known that he was a disciple of the Martial Sword Troupe, it could harm Yu Mun Sang.

The looted treasures and goods were secretly sent to Yu Mun Sang. Yu Mun Sang used the funds provided by Gong Ji-sim to develop ports and recruit numerous people.

If Yu Mun Sang was the light, Gong Ji-sim was the shadow.

Gong Ji-sim’s sacrifices played an absolute role in the Martial Sword Troupe reaching its current glory.

Over the decades, the Nine Shadows Fleet grew in size, and Gong Ji-sim took in disciples, eventually passing on the leadership of the Nine Shadows Fleet.

Now, there was only one thing Gong Ji-sim wished for.

For Dam Il-cheon to be officially recognized as a disciple of the Martial Sword Troupe.
If that were to happen, he felt he would have no regrets.

Recently, Gong Ji-sim cautiously broached this topic with Yu Mun Sang, who responded positively.

In fact, as the Nine Shadows Fleet grew, maintaining it had become burdensome. The number of people to feed increased, necessitating larger scales of looting.

Considering the goods sent to the Martial Sword Troupe, they had to loot diligently.

Gong Ji-sim was the only connection between the Martial Sword Troupe and himself, and the only person Yu Mun Sang could trust.

His dedication to the Martial Sword Troupe and Yu Mun Sang deserved immense respect.

Yu Mun Sang trusted Gong Ji-sim that much.

If Gong Ji-sim said the opponent was not to be underestimated, then it must be so.

“Lee Gwak, you said? We’ll have to look into him. There might be trouble otherwise.”

“Your judgment is excellent.”

Gong Ji-sim bowed once again.

Yu Mun Sang looked at him for a moment, then patted his shoulder.

“I know you’ve been through a lot for a disciple. But I need you to endure a bit more. The day our dream comes true isn’t far off. All this is thanks to you. I will never forget your contributions.”

“Thank you, brother.”

Gong Ji-sim looked at Yu Mun Sang with touched eyes.

No one else recognized his sacrifices. But to Gong Ji-sim, it didn’t matter. As long as Yu Mun Sang, his brother, recognized his sacrifices, that was enough.

His life, sacrificed for the Martial Sword Troupe, had been worth it.

Yu Mun Sang’s words were the final affirmation of his dedication.

“That’s enough.”

The life he had sacrificed for the Martial Sword Troupe was indeed worth it.

Yu Mun Sang solidified his sentiment.

“Soon, Il-cheon will also be formally announced as a disciple. If I say he’s a disciple I’ve secretly nurtured, no one will doubt it.”


“But there’s one problem.”


“You said there was a failed looting attempt? Aren’t there those who know Il-cheon’s face? Surely you’re not planning to announce that the leader of the Nine Shadows Fleet is a disciple of the Martial Sword Troupe to the world?”


The faces of Gong Ji-sim and Dam Il-cheon froze.

Yu Mun Sang, about to leave the room, paused momentarily and added, “Just take care of that issue. Then, Il-cheon can become a disciple of the Martial Sword Troupe.”


The door closed with a heavy sound.


Lee Gwak ate early in the morning and left the inn.

His destination was the workshop district in Haenam Island.

As expected of the Martial Sword Troupe’s base, the workshop district was bustling. Although the Martial Sword Troupe provided weapons, martial artists who had reached a certain level of mastery often sought weapons that perfectly suited them in the workshop district.

Thanks to the innkeeper, Lee Gwak came to know about this place. He followed the innkeeper’s directions to the workshop district.

Clang, clang!

Even though it was still early, the sounds of hammers striking metal filled the air, mingling with the scent of burning metal carried by the breeze

The street was lined with numerous workshops.

Some workshops were quite large and had fancy signboards, while others were small and modest. But Lee Gwak knew that appearances were not that important.

Calmly strolling through the street, Lee Gwak examined the weapons displayed outside the workshops. He touched the swords, picking ones that might suit him, but after visiting four workshops, he still hadn’t found a sword that felt just right.

Nevertheless, Lee Gwak didn’t give up or feel disappointed as he continued to explore the workshop district.

Suddenly, Lee Gwak’s eyes lit up.

He recognised the signboard of a workshop in the distance.

Eun Family Steelsmith.

“Has Eun Family Steelsmith’s branch made its way here?”

Lee Gwak smiled, recalling fond memories.

Lee Gwak had obtained the sword he previously used from the Eun Family Steelsmith. Although it was destroyed during his fight with Go Geom Wol, it still held pleasant memories for him

Without hesitation, Lee Gwak entered Eun Family Steelsmith. Unlike other workshops, a merchant greeted him.


The merchant, appearing to be in his early forties, had a kind demeanor.

Unlike other workshops where craftsmen greeted customers, the Eun Family Steelsmith distinguished itself with merchants who welcomed patrons.

“What weapon are you looking for?”

“Do you have blades?”

TL/N- Lee Gwak uses blades,

“Of course.”

The merchant smiled and led Lee Gwak to where the blades were prominently displayed.

“Please feel free to choose from here.”

“Thank you.”

Lee Gwak nodded and began examining each blade on display.

From the crude Willow Leaf Blade, resembling a razor-sharp leaf, to the Cow Tail Blade resembling a cow’s tail, and the Goose Feather Blade extending straight like a goose feather.

Lee Gwak inspected each blade carefully. The shape of the blade wasn’t crucial; at his level of mastery, even a branch found on the ground could serve as a weapon.

However, this didn’t mean he was indifferent to his choice of weapon. While the shape might not matter, there were blades that felt just right in his hand. That’s precisely what Lee Gwak was seeking.

A blade that felt perfectly balanced and gripped well in his hand.

The blade he now held felt exactly like that. It was a straight sword with no curvature, akin to a directly stretched branch. A round ring was attached to the end of the handle, and it was wrapped in leather to prevent slipping.

These types of straight blades were commonly called ring-pommel blades or ring-hilt blades.
It was a type of sword that had been used for a very long time, shorter than a typical blade, making it easy to wield with one hand.

Lee Gwak weighed the balance and weight of the blade for a moment, a smile forming on his lips. He liked the way it felt in his hand.

It was the blade he had been looking for.

The merchant approached.

“You’ve chosen a fine blade. It was made from high-quality steel by the best craftsman in our forge, so its durability is exceptional.”

“If it’s Eun Family Steelsmith’s best craftsman, then it must be Eun Gwang Ho, right?”

“How did you know?”

“I had a brief connection with him in the past.”

Lee Gwak had met Eun Gwang Ho when he escorted Lim Sobo to the Myriad Merchant Troupe.
Although years had passed, he vividly remembered Eun Gwang Ho’s stubborn face.

The merchant’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.

He hadn’t expected Lee Gwak to know Eun Gwang Ho. Not many knew Eun Gwang Ho was Eun Family Steelsmith’s top craftsman. Especially an outsider knowing this fact was almost impossible.

“May I know what connection you had?”

“It’s not a significant connection. I just happened to meet him while escorting someone to the Myriad Merchant Troupe.”


The merchant muttered, intrigued.

Though Lee Gwak downplayed its significance, merely meeting Eun Gwang Ho was impressive in itself. Obsessed with metalwork, Eun Gwang Ho only granted meetings to the master of the Myriad Merchant Troupe, the ‘Merchant King’ Eun Won Ho.

Few ever saw Eun Gwang Ho’s face, including the merchant who had only glimpsed him from a distance and never had a conversation with him

“Indeed, this is craftsmanship worthy of Eun Gwang Ho. A truly well-made sword, faithful to the

Lee Gwak admired the sword as he held it,

The shape of the blade was simple, but the craftsmanship was evident.

“I’ll take this. How much is it?”

“I can’t charge you too much since you know Eun Gwang Ho.”

“No, I want to pay its full price. It’s against my principles to buy such an item at a discount.”

“Then, fifty silver coins will suffice. That’s more than fair for us.”

“Are you sure that’s enough?”

Lee Gwak looked puzzled, thinking a sword made by Eun Gwang Ho should cost at least a hundred silver coins to make a profit.

“Even if it’s made from the finest steel, it’s still a conventional weapon. Fifty silver coins is plenty.”

The merchant insisted firmly, and Lee Gwak couldn’t argue.

He handed the merchant a bill of fifty silver coins.

“Ha! This is a bill issued by the Myriad Merchant Troupe.”

The merchant laughed upon seeing the bill, feeling a deeper connection to Lee Gwak because he used the Myriad Merchant Troupe’s currency.

“Now, that blade is yours. I hope you use it well.”

“I will treasure it.”

“I’m glad to see a fine blade find a worthy owner. It’s very satisfying.”

The merchant smiled warmly and handed Lee Gwak a scabbard for the blade, which was as unadorned as the blade itself.


Lee Gwak sheathed the sword and strapped it to his waist. It suited him as if it had been made specifically for him.

“Looks good.”