Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 170

New Bonds Are Entwined(2) Cheol Gwang Woo rampaged like a mad bull. His massive size was a terrifying weapon in itself. Bang! “Aaagh!” Struck by Cheol Gwang Woo’s huge frame, a vagrant screamed as he was thrown away. As if hit by the horns of a bull, his body was horribly crushed. “Die!” Crash! A … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 169

New Bonds Are Entwined(1) Leizhou, located at the southernmost tip of the Jianghu, was as humid and hot as Haenam Island. Consequently, the attire of people passing by on the streets appeared simpler and more relaxed compared to that of the inland areas. Lee Gwak slightly shook his head as he walked among the people. … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 168

Different paths, but not different intentions (2) “Ji-sim committed suicide?” “Yes!” At Yeon Ho-gyeong’s answer, Yu Mun-sang silently looked out the window. The vast sea spread out in the distance caught his eye. Yu Mun-sang gazed at the sea for a long while, and Yeon Ho-gyeong quietly watched his back. It was after some time … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 167

Different paths, but not different intentions (2) The sight of the martial artists collapsing like stalks of sorghum, split apart, was so surreal it seemed like something out of a dream. Drip, drip! Were it not for the sound of blood droplets falling from Lee Gwak’s blade to the ground, Gong Ji-sim and Dam Il-cheon … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 166

Different paths, but not different intentions (1) Lee Gwak lifted his head and looked back. Sa Yeon-hee was nowhere to be seen. Although he had walked with his head down, Lee Gwak’s senses were not so dull as to miss her presence. However, he had pretended not to notice because she was from the Martial … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 165

A Useless Hound is Meant to be Discarded (2) The residence of the Martial Sword Troupe’s leader, Yu Mun Sang, was the Blue Heart Hall. The history of Blue Heart Hall had been intertwined with that of the Haenam Sect. It had been the dwelling of the leaders of the Haenam Sect. Although it was … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 164

A Useless Hound Is Bound to Be Abandoned (1) Yu San-ok’s eyes widened in shock. Each time the silver blade light flickered around Lee Gwak, members of the Nine Shadows Fleet fell, spewing blood. Lee Gwak was like a ghost. He specifically targeted those within the Nine Shadows Fleet known for their notorious cruelty and … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 163

Episode 163 Giving with One Hand, Taking with the Other(3) The pirate expertly steered the boat alone, maintaining balance against the fierce waves. The waves were choppy, but he balanced them with ease and pushed forward. But his hands were shaking. Not because of the terrifying waves, but because of the demon at his back. … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 162

Giving with One Hand, Taking with the Other(3) “Woo Mun Pae has a very fierce temper. Perhaps because he was recognized as a genius early on and fought hard to secure his position as the Next Alliance Leader, he tends to look down on everyone. That’s why he often makes such mistakes.” After putting some … Read more

Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 161

Giving with One Hand, Taking with the Other (2) Lee Gwak was truly pleased with his Blade. People often use the expression “fits like a glove,” and that was exactly how Lee Gwak felt about the blade he had purchased. It was as if Eun Gwang Ho had crafted it specifically for him. The merchant … Read more

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