Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 317

August 20, 2024 • 10 min read • 2923 views

Memory (2)

Blessing of Lethe.

To be honest, the name itself had a significant meaning from the moment I first heard it.

The fact that a drug with the same name as the goddess from Greek mythology had the effect of “forgetfulness” couldn’t be just a coincidence.

Ah, of course, I didn’t think too deeply about it back then.

Isn’t this a city where evil spirits reveal their true identities and act openly?

Even if the name came out of a player’s mouth, it wouldn’t be surprising at all.


“That player turned out to be me…”

Given that this happened right after Felix Barker spread those “rumors,” I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

So I just sat there, dazed.

“Wait a minute…”

Ifaello eyed me suspiciously.

“How did you know about that drug? So far, less than twenty people have been given test samples.”

Oh, that.

“I heard Felix Barker received it from the lord this time.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Despite his slightly suspicious gaze, I straightened my shoulders confidently.

After all, I didn’t lie.

Felix Barker does indeed possess Lethe’s Blessing.

He didn’t give me the details, only hinted that it was a reward from the lord, made by an alchemist.

“Well, the lord has been keeping a close eye on things lately, so that makes sense.”

Ifaello soon accepted my explanation without any further questioning.

But there was still one thing he seemed curious about.

“Where did you hear the name ‘Lethe’s Blessing’?”

“I think that’s what they called it. I might have misheard.”

“Haha, seems like they’ve already created their own code words.”

With that, the suspicion in his eyes disappeared.

So, this matter was settled.

I took the chance to ask something that had been on my mind.

“Is that drug really safe? They said it was newly made, no other issues?”

“Don’t worry. Other than the erratic range of memory loss, there are no side effects.”

Erratic, huh…

It seems they’re still not at the stage where they can mass-produce it with consistent effects.

“But given your intended use, aren’t side effects the least of your concerns?”

“That’s true, but what if it’s defective and doesn’t work?”

“That’s highly unlikely. If anything, the effects might be too strong, but there’s never been a defective one in the initial tests.”

“Too strong, you say?”

Perhaps excited that the conversation had shifted to his area of expertise, Ifaello asked me to wait a moment and brought out a box from one side of his workshop.

“Here, this is the first batch of the potion.”

Inside the box he opened was a pure white pill.

There were slots for more than ten, but aside from that one, the rest were empty.

“This one looks twice as large as what I’ve seen.”

“Haha, it’s not just the size. If you take this, almost all of your lifetime memories will be erased.”


A lifetime’s memories, erased?

Isn’t that too much? Should it even be considered defective?

Why didn’t they mass-produce this superior prototype?

Out of pure curiosity, I asked, and Ifaello gave a response fitting of a corporate researcher.

“Oh, it’s because making just one of these costs an enormous amount. The lord said it wasn’t worth the investment.”

As a former corporate worker, I found that explanation quite convincing.

‘After all, if it was just meant to erase the memories of witnesses, erasing only a few days would suffice.’

After that, I chatted with Ifaello for another five minutes, and with that, the conversation for the day ended.


Time continued to flow, and now it was the day before D-Day.

We conducted a final review of the plan.

Well, after putting everything together, I couldn’t help but wonder if this even counts as a plan…

What else could we do? Whether it turns out well or not, we just have to try.

Anyway, here’s a summary of the main points of the plan:

  1. Infiltrate the lord’s castle and steal the fragment of the records. 

For the record, this is my solo mission.

Apparently, there won’t be many soldiers left in the castle by tomorrow. According to Amelia, my skills should be enough to handle the empty castle.

While I’m in the castle, Amelia will stay close to her baby sister, but…

The problem arises from this point on.

  1. After reuniting with Amelia, escape with the sisters.

We’ve outlined it like this, but nothing is properly decided for this step.

Even if Felix Barker undoes the [Unhealthy Contract] on Laura, everything else has to be improvised.

And then…

  1. The Rainweilz sisters live happily ever after with new identities.
    That’s the entirety of our plan.
    Frankly speaking, I don’t think it will go well.
    The lack of details isn’t the issue.
    The real problem is that the most crucial part is missing.

[Once observed, the timeline cannot be changed.]

No matter what we do in the past, the future remains the same, and we’ve seen enough proof of that.

Dwalki and Raven.

The Barbarian’s Heart.

And even Lethe’s Blessing.

I alone have witnessed this much, and Amelia even more.

Living through repetitive days, she must have felt déjà vu countless times, recalling old memories.


Something touched my arm.

When I turned my head, I saw Amelia holding out a bottle of alcohol.

“…Are you asking me to drink?”

“That’s right.”

“Out of nowhere?”

When I asked incredulously, Amelia replied in her usual, expressionless manner.

“The plan goes into action tomorrow night.”

“Still, this is…”

“I have something to tell you.”

Ah, you should’ve just said that from the beginning.

I took the bottle and uncorked it.

Still, I found it amusing.

She wanted to talk but couldn’t get drunk herself, so she’s making me drink instead. Well, it might be easier for her to talk if I’m the one who’s tipsy.


After gulping down half the bottle in one go, I asked.

“So, what do you want to say? Is it important?”

“Not really. But… I feel like we haven’t had a proper conversation lately.”

Amelia averted her gaze as she spoke.

Is she… embarrassed?

“Uh… Yeah, sure…”

For some reason, I started feeling embarrassed too.

Ah, is it because of the alcohol?

Whew, this stuff is strong. And really bitter too.

I was about to ask where she got such strong liquor when Amelia called my name.


“Weren’t we supposed to use aliases even in the lodging?”

“It all ends today anyway. Even if someone hears us, it won’t be a problem.”

“…So why did you call me?”

“There’s something I need to say.”

Amelia quickly corrected herself.

“No, more like an apology.”

“…An apology?”

The moment I heard that, a bad feeling crept in.

And as usual, that premonition proved accurate.

Thud, roll…

The bottle, more than half emptied, fell from my hand and rolled across the floor.

Ha, no wonder the drink was so bitter…

“What did you put in it?”

I asked, struggling to move my arm to my thigh, and Amelia answered in her usual, calm voice.

“Everything in my possession that wouldn’t kill you.”

With that expression and those words, she really seemed like a psychopath.

Despite the chills running down my spine, I understood one thing.

“…So, you didn’t intend to kill me.”

With that realization, I swung the emergency mini-hammer I kept strapped to my thigh with all my might.

Unfortunately, it missed.


Amelia leaned back just in time, and the hammer cut through the air.

“I knew you’d do that the moment you lowered your hand.”

It seems that after so many surprise attacks during our battles, she can now read my moves just by looking at my eyes.

“Damn it.”

With my muscles weakening, my body, which I had forced upright, began to collapse, but Amelia caught me just in time.

Okay, just as I thought.


Using the support, I swiftly moved my arm to choke Amelia.

This is what they call a triangle choke in professional terms.

However, she was not an easy opponent either.


A powerful blow to my temple sent me flying.

As my vision spun, I saw two versions of her.

It seems she summoned a clone in that brief moment and landed a high kick…

“I’m done for.”

With my body overwhelmed by drugs and a head injury, I couldn’t move anymore.

“You never make things easy, do you?”

Amelia chuckled softly and lifted me onto the bed.

Then she started talking on her own.

“I’m sorry. It seems I can’t be your comrade after all.”

With all my strength, I grabbed Amelia’s wrist as she turned away and asked.

“What… exactly, are you, planning?”

Amelia didn’t answer.

She simply pried my hand off and, with a resolute expression, began to put on her equipment.


“When you wake up, check the drawer.”

That was my last memory.


Amelia Rainweilz gazed into the mirror.

She adjusted her attire and swept back her hair, revealing a scar on her ear where it had been severed long ago.

A blemish that would surely be considered a flaw for a woman who wanted to live a normal life.

But it wasn’t something she could call a sacrifice. She had given up much more to stand where she was today.


Yet, for some reason, she found it difficult to move.


Amelia observed her emotions in the mirror.

It wasn’t fear.

Since that day, life had been nothing more than a means to an end.

Even if today ended in failure, and all the years of pursuing her goal proved fruitless, it wouldn’t matter.

Failure didn’t scare her.

In fact, it would almost be a relief.

After all, she had secretly longed for this day throughout her relentless pursuit. At least, she would have the shield of knowing she hadn’t given up until the very end.

So, why?

What was holding her back?


Amelia turned around.

The barbarian lay there, snoring peacefully, completely unaware of what was happening.

She walked over to the bedside table and opened the drawer.

Inside, she placed a note she had prepared in advance.

Then she turned away again.

A conversation from a few months ago came to mind.

[If I manage to save your sister and solve all these constraints when we return to our original timeline.]

[…If you manage to solve them?]

[Then join my clan.]

Thinking back on it now, it was utterly absurd.

Realistically, it was impossible.

But if she allowed herself to imagine it, it might have been fun. Exploring the labyrinth with this foolish man, filled with all sorts of mishaps…

Yes, perhaps…


Finally, Amelia realized why she couldn’t move.

It was regret.

Lingering feelings for a future that would never come.


But emotions were just emotions.

If her steps faltered, she just had to push harder.

She didn’t stop walking.


When she reached the door, she took a moment to steady herself before turning the doorknob with a firm grip. Once outside, she saw that the chaos had already begun.


Flames were rising from the eastern district.

Amelia moved swiftly through the crowds filling the streets.

She had deceived that man into thinking it would be tomorrow night…

But the operation was today.