Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 303

August 13, 2024 • 12 min read • 880 views

Rainweilz (1)

Noark does not reject evil spirits.

So, unlike on Earth, there are quite a few people who live openly revealing their identities. From previous conversations, it was clear that Amelia, a native of this place, did not view evil spirits so antagonistically.


‘The moment I acknowledge it, it will be a lifelong weakness.’

Biorn Jandel is an evil spirit.

That sentence is more than my Achilles’ heel.

It is a bomb that can obliterate my entire social standing and even threaten my life.

And that bomb’s trigger has been given to Amelia.

Of course, for now, Amelia and I are on friendly terms…

‘But who knows what could happen later.’

What if something happens and our relationship sours?

From that day on, I wouldn’t be able to sleep properly, and even without any issues in our relationship, it would certainly be a source of anxiety.

If she decides to use me, I would be summoned like a slave and exploited like a dog.


Amelia Rainweilz, are you insulting me right now?”

I spoke in a low voice, like a growling beast.

After all, evil spirits don’t lose their memories?

It could just be a story she made up to test me.

No, even if the pill really had such properties, it could be passed off as a defective product—

“What if I am insulting you?”


This is the first time someone has responded so boldly…

As I was momentarily taken aback, Amelia spoke up.

“Are you going to come at me? Without my help, it’ll be harder for you to obtain what the lord has.”

“…Don’t test my patience.”

At my words, Amelia sneered.

“The very fact that you’re saying that is proof that you’re not really angry. If you were, you would’ve come at me already. Like other barbarians do.”


“Come to think of it, you were strange from the first time we met. When you were asked to beg for your life in the name of a warrior’s honor, you didn’t hesitate for a second.


“But insult? Isn’t it a bit funny to say such things now?”

Ha, is this karma?

She says it like that, and suddenly I have nothing to say.

So there’s only one method left for me.

“Mocking a barbarian, you must be out of your mind.”

This was my ultimatum.

If I hesitate any longer, it will only get worse.

With that in mind, I was about to gather my strength.

“Why, are you really thinking of coming at me? Like you did with that spirit hunter who came after you?”


She knows about that too?

“…Did you investigate me?”

“There were too many suspicious points. Not just me, but anyone would’ve looked into it. Although, after you received the noble title, most people, including me, stopped suspecting you.”

Without giving me a chance to interrupt, Amelia continued speaking.

“But to think you’re really an evil spirit. How did you manage to get a noble title? Even if the Secret Security Department cleared you, the royal family would have tried to verify it for such a significant award.”

Uh, there was no such thing.

I don’t know, but it’s fortunate.

I can use this.

“Can’t you think that it’s because I’m not an evil spirit?”

I said, confidently straightening my shoulders, but Amelia immediately responded without even listening.

“As I said before, only evil spirits don’t lose their memories with that pill.”

“A defective product—”

“That’s not possible.”

Is she stubborn?

No matter what I say, it doesn’t get through her solid guard.

What should I do?

While I was pondering, Amelia muttered something.

“…Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe the royal family turned a blind eye knowingly. Back then, you were like a hero in the city.”

Ha, what’s this now?

I’m curious about what she means, but asking might make it seem like I’m admitting it, so I held back.

Did my expression give me away?

“You look like you don’t understand.”

“No, not at all. Why should I be curious about that?”

Amelia smiled faintly at my denial.

“You don’t intend to admit it until the end, huh?”

“Of course not. I’m not an evil spirit.”

“Well, that’s just like you. Fine. There’s another way anyway.”

Then Amelia took out a disc the size of a compass from her subspace.

Even if I didn’t want to know, I couldn’t help but recognize it.

‘Damn, why is that here?’

No.7234 Misaligned Trust.

An item that, when activated, makes it impossible to lie within a 10-meter radius, and it was the cause of much trouble in the Doppelganger Forest.

“I didn’t see it when we unpacked earlier.”

“I bought it separately when I was staying in the city before. I thought it would be useful in a city like this. Didn’t expect to use it on you first.”

I see, that’s how it was.

She had already simulated how to use her cards to cook me up.

“Seeing your expression, I don’t need to explain what this is. After all, an evil spirit wouldn’t be unaware.”


Amelia pressed the groove on the top of ‘Misaligned Trust’

Then she placed it on the bedside table.

The second hand started moving slowly with a ticking sound.

Amelia then asked.

“Biorn Jandel, are you an evil spirit?”

It was a checkmate.


A suffocating silence followed.

In it, I desperately racked my brain.

‘…What should I do?’

It’s not a matter of whether to reveal I’m an evil spirit or not.

That was already over the moment ‘Misaligned Trust’ appeared.

‘It’s not a fake.’

Unfortunately, the ‘Misaligned Trust’ was genuine.

I tested it the moment it was activated.

I couldn’t even say a simple lie like ‘I am a woman.’

“Five minutes left.”


“Are you just going to stay silent?”

An item where even silence becomes an answer.

The fact that I’m an evil spirit has already been proven.

So, there’s only one thing I’m contemplating.

‘Should I kill her?’

As it’s the most important secret to me, even extreme measures seem attractive.


‘…Don’t think such ridiculous thoughts.’

I tried to shake off that thought.

Killing her is impossible.

To be honest, in a one-on-one fight, it’s not like I see no chance of winning…

But if Amelia chooses to flee, it won’t be easy to chase her down.

Moreover, if I fall out with her now, all my future plans would be in jeopardy.

‘Besides, she clearly looks like the troublesome type if she becomes an enemy.’

So, there’s only one method.

It’s not the barbarian way of solving things.

Since she’s a woman caught in a black-and-white mindset, if I don’t want her as an enemy, I have to make her a friend.

“I shouldn’t waste time just standing here, so I’ll start talking. The statement ‘only evil spirits don’t lose their memories with that pill’ is not a made up statement but a fact.”

After a long contemplation, I finally made my decision.

“…Yes, I am an evil spirit.”

It was my second coming out, following the one with Lee Baek-ho.

Amelia didn’t seem particularly surprised.

I just had to admit it to myself, but she had known it for a while.

“You have a strange expression.”

“…You wouldn’t understand. How refreshing yet stifling it feels right now.”


Suddenly, Amelia stopped talking.

At first, I wondered why, but then I understood.

‘Misaligned Trust’ identified a lie and blocked her mouth.

“Were you about to say something like, ‘I’m sorry’?”\


Ha, it’s really absurd.

I felt a surge of anger but barely managed to suppress it.

Right, I can’t make her an enemy now.

Since she discovered I’m an evil spirit, I need to make her my best friend in this world.

So, let’s confirm this first.

“But are you okay with it? That I’m an evil spirit.”

“If you mean if I have any resentment like the city folks, the answer is no. I used to work as a team with an evil spirit for over a year.”

“…Then why were you so persistent in digging it out?”

“Because I was curious.”

This was the second critical point.

For such a trivial reason, did she dig into something I desperately wanted to keep hidden?

My head was steaming when…

“…It’s strange how often we get tangled together. So, I was curious. I wanted to know if you were hiding something, if you were someone I could trust.”

Amelia averted her gaze and said.

Seeing that the Misaligned Trust was active, it wasn’t an empty lie.

Ha, so it’s hard to get angry—

“Oh, and I also calculated that if I had your weakness, you wouldn’t be able to betray me easily.”

She shouldn’t have said that.

Well, what can I do? That’s just how she is.

“I have a question.”

“…Ask away.”

“If you’re an evil spirit, why were you so enraged by Jandel Jarku’s death? Was it guilt?”


I don’t know either.

I was about to say that, but the words wouldn’t come out.

So I just admitted it honestly.


“Hmm, you really are a soft-hearted person.”

Amelia looked at me with an intrigued expression.

“Is your goal to return, like other evil spirits?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Because of your comrades?”


“You must have been affectionate from the beginning.”

Really, why is she so interested in me?

I should change the subject soon…


At that moment, the ticking of Misaligned Trust stopped.

The effect duration had ended.

‘Now I can breathe again.’

I quickly changed the topic of conversation.

I had already revealed myself as an evil spirit.

Now, I need to confirm things I couldn’t ask while hiding my identity.

“Amelia, why were you looking for Auril Gavis before?”

“Oh, if you’re an evil spirit, you must know about him.”

“Know him? I even met him recently.”

“You met him?”

“That story can wait. First, answer my question.”

“…On the day my sister died, he was there.”


“I thought he was somehow involved. I wanted to meet him and find out the truth. That’s all.”

Hmm, not as much as I thought.

I expected some grand secret.

But no, just the fact that the old man was there that day is valuable information. I may be able to find out his objective on this journey.

“Now, tell me. Where did you meet him?”

“Do you know about the Ghostbusters?”

“If you mean the gathering of evil spirits, then somewhat.”

Okay, less to explain.

“I didn’t expect to be summoned there since it is 20 years in the past, but I was. I met someone claiming to be Auril Gavris there.”

After briefly explaining how he found out I was from the future, I continued.

“The important part starts now, so listen carefully. The old man said that no matter what we do here, we can’t change the past.”

“…He said that?”

“Yes, I couldn’t believe it, so I tested it. And the result was what I told you before.”

Dwalki and Raven.

Even though I tried to change their future, the situation unfolded as if it was already part of causality.

“So, I’ll ask again, Amelia.”


“Are you still going to try?”

Amelia didn’t answer.

When I told her last time, she didn’t even flinch.

 However, now that it was supplemented by Auril Gavis’s words, it seemed to carry a different weight.

“I’ll do it.”

After a long period of quietly gathering her emotions, Amelia finally spoke.

“It’s too late to give up now.”

Too late, huh…

It’s like someone who bought stocks at the time of bubble burst.

“I see. Then I’ll help too.”

Instead of advising her to cut her losses, I expressed my intention to join her.

Isn’t she quite compassionate?

If I keep building goodwill and making her owe me, she probably won’t think of using my weakness against me—

“…I’m tired, so I’ll rest first.”

At that moment, Amelia ended the conversation and lay down on the bed.

I was a bit taken aback.

‘Huh? Going to sleep? Isn’t this the time to say thank you?’

Saying something like, “It’s reassuring to have your support” or “I’m glad you’re here,” was not something I expected, but I didn’t think she would just lie down without a word of response.

Sigh, this messes up my plans…

How can I score some points here?

“Amelia, are you asleep?”


“Well, if you’re tired, I, uh, could give you a massage or something.”


“Oh, right… That’s a bit much, isn’t it? Sorry for disturbing your rest.”

I watched her reaction and then lay down on the bed opposite her.

Even though I closed my eyes, there was no way I could fall asleep.

The silence dragged on endlessly until…

“What’s your real name?”

The question came out of nowhere, and I answered honestly without thinking. I had no idea why she suddenly became curious about my real name…

“Lee Han-soo. By the way, Lee is the surname.”

Since my identity as an evil spirit was revealed, my real name wasn’t particularly important. Plus, refusing to answer might lower my likability.

Yeah, that’s it.

That should have been it, but…

“Hans? So your name is Hans? It’s a surprisingly common name—”

I inadvertently cursed.

“What the hell?”

No matter what, that crossed the line.

Enjoy, and see you on Monday