Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 293

August 13, 2024 • 10 min read • 497 views

Newbie (1)

It was evening when I returned to the dormitory.

“You’re late.”

Whoa, that startled me.

I was sure I locked the door when I left. How did she get in?

‘Maybe I should have left a light on or something…’

When I turned on the lamp, I saw Amelia sitting on my bed.

Hmm, what should I say in this situation?

She looks a bit upset…

‘Since when did I start caring about that?’

I’m in a bad mood too.

So, I just stared at her as if to say “If you have something to say, just say it.” She slowly got up and walked past me.

“We need to be at the location by midnight. Get ready and come out.”

Alright, it’s almost time to leave.

I should get my gear on quickly.


After Amelia left the room, I put on the equipment I had stored in a corner of the room one by one.


Tier 2 material, boots made of wyvern leather.


An integrated belt with expandable pockets for storing potions, scrolls, and more.

‘Feels a bit empty.’

I didn’t buy greaves or a breastplate.

It was impossible to get a full set with the loot from just five plunderers.

Instead, I decided to focus on the shield and weapon.

So, I got a mace made of 100% Idium, a tier 3 metal.

‘Good grip.’

A large combat shield made of tier 5 metal, Adamantium.

‘Yes, the shield should be this size.’

Both were so heavy that they used up all the budget Amelia gave me.

So, my helmet is just an ordinary steel one.

Well, at this point, there’s hardly any defense to be expected from steel…

‘Not that I bought it for defense anyway.’

When I custom ordered this equipment three weeks ago, I had a lot of worries about the future.

So, I had a solid steel helmet made.

It’s similar in shape to the one I used in the early days, with a T-shaped slit for visibility.

Of course, there are differences.

The design varies because it was made by a different forge…

‘Maybe the slit is narrower than before? It’s really uncomfortable.’

The exposed part of my face is much smaller.

I’m going to meet a lot of people in the labyrinth, and showing my face might cause problems.

‘Not that it matters much now…’

I sighed and shook off my distractions.

Then I looked in the mirror once and went outside.

Amelia was sitting at the end of the hallway, seemingly ready.

“Finally out.”

What’s with the “finally”? It didn’t even take ten minutes.


Amelia turned her head and stiffened when she saw me.

Then she asked in a tone like she was interrogating me.

“Where did you get that helmet?”

“I had it custom-made. Is there a problem?”


After hearing my answer, Amelia stood silently for a while.

Her expression was cold, and her gaze was fierce.

Just like when she first saw the “Nibels Entze” ID on Parune Island.

Ah, but the situation is different in many ways.

“Why ask and then go quiet?”

“…It’s nothing.”

She didn’t explain her reasons then, and she won’t now.


“We don’t have time, so let’s move.”

Now, I think I know why.


A middleman in a black robe was already waiting for us at the meeting place in front of the sewer.

It felt strange.

Like I was about to become an illegal immigrant.



The middleman didn’t say hello, and neither did Amelia. The transaction was quick: a pouch of money exchanged hands.

“One last warning, it’s not easy to come back up once you go down.”

After finishing the transaction, the middleman gave us a formal warning.

It was absurd.

If you’re going to say that, say it before taking the money.

It looked like there wouldn’t be any refunds.

“That’s our concern.”

“Haha, if you say so.”

When Amelia replied coldly, the middleman laughed unpleasantly and took out a key to open the sewer gate.

Then he led us inside.

“Stay close.”

The journey to Noark took longer than expected.

After walking through the maze-like sewers for hours, we finally reached the entrance.

“Well, this is where I leave you. Inside, you’ll find a door as you follow this map. Show this token to the guard, and they’ll let you in.”

The middleman handed over our identity badges and used some magical device to open the entrance.


A stone door disguised as an ordinary wall slid open, revealing stairs leading down.

But just as we were about to go down…

“May I ask one question?”

The middleman, who had been silent except for necessary words, asked.

“It’s rare for a Barbarian to come to Noark. What’s the story? It’s not a romantic elopement, is it—”


Amelia cut him off firmly.

“If your job is done, leave now.”

Her voice had a professional tone, mixed with a hint of killing intent.

“…I was out of line. Go ahead. I’ll make sure the door closes behind you.”

When the middleman backed off, Amelia started down the stairs, and I followed slowly behind.

Rumble, thud!

Soon, we heard the door close.

Phew, this feels like we’re descending into hell.

“Wait, let’s check the map first.”

I tried to open the map after descending the stairs, but Amelia stopped me.

“No need. I know the way to the castle.”

Oh, right. She’s from here.

Anyway, following her through the unfamiliar place led us to our destination.

A vast cave, hard to believe it’s underground.

Far in the distance stood a massive stone gate, larger than the palace gate of Raphdonia.

“Hahaha, don’t just stand there, come on over!”

In front of the gate stood a single man, as burly as a Barbarian.

Amelia quietly said to me.

“Don’t do anything reckless. Despite his light tone, he’s one of the strongest in this city.”

“Do you know him?”

“If you’ve lived in Noark, you can’t not know him.”

Hmm, really? He doesn’t look that tough…

Anyway, we handed over the token to the man at the gate.

“Well, well! It’s rare to see such capable folks brought in? Nice to meet you. I’m Rek Aures, the gatekeeper!”


“Oh, is using real names a bit uncomfortable? Don’t worry. Hardly anyone uses their real names here. Have you decided on new ones?”

The man, who introduced himself as the gatekeeper Rek Aures, asked for our names, and we told him the ones we had prepared.

Amelia was “Emily.”

And I…

“Thor’s son, Bjorn.”

I just reused an old alias.

Nibels Entze” is also an alias, but it’s better to create a new one just in case.

Of course, it didn’t matter much.

The name would only be engraved on the token, and people rarely ask for names within the city.

“Haha, it’s been about five years since a Barbarian name was engraved on a token.”

When the gatekeeper returned the token, it was engraved with our aliases.

“Anything else we need to do?”

“No, the entry procedure is done. Head over there.”

“…Isn’t that gate going to open?”

“Haha, it’s a waste to open and close that big gate for just two people, don’t you think?”

The gatekeeper opened a side door.


Watching the side door slide open reminded me of the first day I came to this world.

Yeah, it was just like this.


The door fully opened, revealing a strange city.

“Emily, and Thor Bjorn.”

“Thor is the family name, and Bjorn is the given name.”

“Haha! Oh, right? Anyway! Welcome to Noark!”

So, I’ve finally made it here.


Noark is often thought of as a den of criminals.

And rightly so.

This is where those who committed crimes so severe they couldn’t live on the surface ended up. It’s also the hideout of the “Orcules.”


“It’s surprisingly normal.”

No bloodstains on the walls, the streets are clean, and the people don’t look particularly gloomy.

“Whatever you expected, this is still a place where people live.”

Well, a newbie might find it fascinating.

“Follow me.”

I followed Amelia around, exploring the city and asking questions.

“What’s that stone embedded in the ceiling?”

“It’s a magical tool. It emits light using a magic stone as a source.”

“What about those moving dolls?”

“They’re called patrol golems. All are bound to the lord of the city.”

“Is there a market here?”

“There is, but it’s not big. There’s only one alchemist in the city. Most food items are standardized and distributed.”

I see.

“So what if you want something specific to eat?”

“You can request it at the alchemist’s workshop with a magic stone. But it takes about two days and is much more expensive than on the surface. Any more questions?”

“…For now.”

“Good. We’ve drawn enough attention thanks to you.”


“We’re being followed. Pick up the pace.”

Without asking my opinion, Amelia quickened her steps, and I hurriedly followed.

“Being followed? We haven’t even been here ten minutes.”

“Barbarians are particularly rare here. They probably figured out we’re new arrivals from the surface right away.”

I had a rough idea of what she meant.

Noarc has a reputation on the surface as a place where evil spirits live.

I can imagine how tempting the pockets of fresh arrivals must be. They likely contain all their remaining wealth from surface.


“Didn’t you say this is a place where people live?”

Amelia tilted her head at my question.

“So, what’s strange about that? It’s only natural for a place where people live to have guys like these, right?”

Oh, really?

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

I couldn’t logically argue against that, so I just accepted it coolly.

It’s not all that different from Raphdonia anyway.

In Raphdonia, people roaming the outskirts at night usually fell into one of three categories: Criminals, Explorers strong enough to protect themselves, Or those with a belief in having nothing to lose.

“So, what are we going to do now?”

“We’re heading to a back alley out of the patrol’s sight.”

“Back alley?”

For a moment, I thought I misheard, but Amelia explained the rational reason behind it.

In Noark, it’s taboo to mess with ‘ordinary people’ born here, and the lord will find and punish offenders, but other than that, anything goes, she said.

“These guys specialize in targeting newcomers, so they must have a lot of stuff.”

Well, she should have said that first.

Locals really have a different mindset.

Right, in any situation, plundering comes first.

Step by step.

We walked through the alleyway for quite a while, seemingly wandering, before naturally stopping at a dead end.

And when we turned around…

“Where do you think you’re going? You won’t get far.”

As if waiting for us, a group of about a dozen plunderers appeared.

“Did you think you could escape by entering an alley?”

“Who would’ve thought you’d walk right into our trap. Newbies, huh.”

“We all went through this as newbies, so don’t hold it against us.”

Veterans of the city, excited at the thought of looting newbies.

It felt like watching a dying game before it shuts down.

Tsk, newbies should be nurtured and protected.


As I scanned their group, I noticed a particular man and stiffened.

However, since I wasn’t sure yet, I needed to confirm.

“Hey, you there.”

“Are you talking to me?”

Curious, the man stepped forward. His large frame could almost be mistaken for a Barbarian, and he was wearing a shiny breastplate.

It was made of a material I couldn’t fail to recognize.

“…That’s Litinium.”

“Huh, and so what?”

What do you mean ‘so what’?

Haven’t you heard of “pocketing”?

It’s common knowledge that veterans should hand over their items to newbies.

I’m already embarrassed to be shirtless, so this is perfect.

“Take it off.”


“Before it gets stained with blood.”

It’s time for you to evolve into a civilized being.