Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 290

August 13, 2024 • 10 min read • 777 views

The Giant (2)


The beating of my heart, which had been low, gradually shortened.

“… Are you Auril Gavis?”

Perhaps he is the one who might answer all the questions I’ve had since the day I woke up in this body.

“Did you really… make that game?”

“You were supposed to ask one question at a time, but I understand your urgency. I’ll answer up to this point.”

He nodded his head.

“Yes, I created that game.”

So, he really is the one.

Assuming he’s not lying, of course.

“Now that I’ve given you my name, it’s your turn. What’s your name?”

He asked, implying that since I asked for his name, he was now asking for mine.


‘He must have the same intention as I do.’

A name is important.

Especially in a spiritual world where appearance holds no meaning.

As the fact that the Ruin Scholar appeared as a child shows, we possess the appearance we consider ourselves to have in this place.

Revealing one’s name means losing anonymity.

It provides a means for someone to find me outside.


“Lee Han-soo.”

I reveal my real name, which I haven’t told anyone other than Lee Baek-ho.

Of course, the old man was not satisfied with this.

“Oh, you’re of Korean origin? But that’s not what I asked. I meant the name you use here.”

“The name I use here…”

Okay, I figured he would say that.

Nibels Entze

That’s still a name I use here, right?

Knowing that Lee Baek-ho could discern truth from lies, I intentionally mixed in a trick.

Isn’t it possible that he’s the one who created the Round Table?

If he created the core system gem of the assembly, it’s not unreasonable to think he might have such an ability.

‘After all, there’s no harm in being cautious…’

He gave me a meaningful look after hearing my answer.


“Is there a problem?”

“No. Then it’s your turn.”

He announced the end of his turn, staring at me ambiguously.

My mind was a mess.

What should I ask first?

There were so many things I wanted to ask him that prioritizing them was a challenge.


‘Yes, let’s start with that.’

I chose one question from my list.

“Why did you summon us to this world?”

The fundamental question of all events.

The motive.

Why did he do such a thing?

“You are indeed special.”

Auril Gavis said something strange instead of answering.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve met a few people from Earth, but most of them think they just entered a game.”

Ah, that’s what he meant.

I used to think that way too.

But after experiencing so much here and gathering so many clues, it’s impossible to still be under that delusion.

This place is an independent world.

If my guess is right, [Dungeon & Stone] was created based on this world.

“So, what’s the answer?”

“Yes, that must be your biggest curiosity from your perspective.”

Auril Gavis finally opened his mouth.

The reason they had to summon beings from another world.

“Because only you can open the Abyss Gate.”

“What? The Abyss Gate? What is that…”

Auril Gavis interrupted me.

“One question at a time, remember?”


Right, that’s true.

“Go ahead.”

When I handed over the turn, he smiled broadly and spoke.

“Have you… used the Fragment of Records?”

His wrinkled eyes were filled with eager anticipation.


The Fragment of Records.

A family heirloom passed down for generations by the Noark family, possessing the absurd ability to reverse time.

‘What, how does he know about that?’

My heart sank the moment he mentioned that.

I wasn’t expecting this.

I didn’t think the next question after asking my name would pierce through all my circumstances.

‘…What should I answer?’

It’s too late to feign ignorance and ask what the ‘Fragment of Records’ is.

He must have noticed my dismay.

“You can take your time to answer.”

Auril Gavis said, but I quickly finished my judgment and asked back.

“Why do you think that?”

Of course, asking this is almost half-confirming it.

But what can I do?

Lying wouldn’t work on someone like him.

‘He must have some unknown reason for this.’

Auril Gavis is almost certain.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have specifically mentioned the ‘Fragment of Records.’

“There are three reasons.”

Auril Gavis explained the basis of his conjecture with a grandfatherly smile.

“First, for someone who’s been here a year, you’re too strong. Second, you weren’t one of those I invited here. Third, although you’re strong, you shouldn’t be able to invade my domain without permission.”

“Just for that…?”

“Haha, it’s not just that. To justify such contradictions, it has to be ‘that.'”

I still didn’t fully understand, but…

“So, should I take that as a yes?”

Since it’s ridiculous to deny it now, I admitted it coolly.

It’s unfortunate that my secret was exposed with the second question, but what can I do? 

I just have to handle things better from now on.

“Haha, since you’re from Earth, you can’t be from the past. So, what year are you from?”

“I thought it was one question at a time.”

“Ah, yes. Go ahead.”

He seemed to be in a good mood.

“So, what else do you want to know? What is the Abyss Gate? Is the witch still alive? Or perhaps you’re curious if the outside world is as the king says, a hell?”

His voice suggested he’d answer anything I asked.

‘This feels oddly uncomfortable.’

Maybe it was because I saw how he coldly dismissed the other members earlier? Auril Gavi’s inexplicable kindness was triggering my rebellious instincts.

‘…Should I just quit now?’

I even considered ending the Q&A session and asking to be let out.

I had no logical reason, but it wasn’t something to be taken lightly. Ignoring this kind of instinct usually led to big trouble.


‘If I don’t find out now, I may never know.’

There was no denying that this was too valuable an opportunity to pass up just because I felt uncomfortable.

This old man holds all the answers.

I quickly made my decision.

‘I’ll cut out the minor things and focus on the important ones.’

Are you from this world?

If so, how did you travel between dimensions?

Do you have any allies, and why did you create this spiritual world?

I swallowed numerous questions and asked.

“Why do you want to open the Abyss Gate?”

Motivation is one of the easiest elements to grasp a person’s character.

Why does this person act?

Auril Gavis took a moment before answering.

“Why are you curious about that?”

“One question at a time.”

“Haha, don’t be so stern. I just thought you’d ask what the Abyss Gate is first.”

His question was reasonable.

It just wasn’t logical for me.

“Haha, I’m starting to understand your nature.”

“So, the answer?”

“I was planning to answer most of your questions, but this feels a bit unfair.”

“Are you refusing to answer?”

“I still don’t know who you are. Everything has a sequence.”

Phew, I didn’t expect this.

Should I just end the Q&A session here?

Just as I was thinking that.

“How about this instead? If you open the Abyss Gate, you can return to your original world. How about that? It wasn’t what you asked, but it’s something.”

Auril Gavis offered this as a reward.

He probably intended to reveal this when I asked about the Abyss Gate…

‘This can’t be all.’

It felt like he was hiding something crucial.

If ‘returning’ was the only feature of the Abyss Gate, he wouldn’t have a reason to summon us here.

Tsk, that’s why I wanted to know the motive…

‘Well, I can skip tricky questions from now on.’

“Fine, it’s your turn.”

I handed over the turn, pretending to be satisfied.

And we quickly exchanged questions.

“What year did you come from?”

“Year 154.”

“20 years ahead.”

He slowly probed into my personal details, and I did the same.

“Are you antagonistic to the royal family?”

“…Yes, you could say that.”

“Could you be clearer?”

“We are antagonistic.”

I see.

So they’re not in cahoots.

“Who handed you the invitation?”

“An evil spirit from Earth with the nickname GM.”


“That’s all I know.”

“I see. Your turn.”

“Why is the royal family hiding that the outside world is fine?”

“Hmm, has that been revealed 20 years later?”

Auril Gavis subtly tested me and then answered when I gave no reaction.

“The royal family believes that’s the way to protect this world.”

“So, it’s not just a simple power grab.”

“Regrettably, yes.”

He then asked me how many times difficulty I cleared, and I answered.

“15 times.”

“…You’re lying.”

Come on, be serious.

But one thing became clear.

He really was a lie detector.

“Still, I don’t understand. Why lie about this…”

Auril Gavis trailed off, as if realizing something.

“…The original! Did you clear the original version I made?”

He raised his voice in excitement.

‘Damn it.’

Caught in a trap.

If I said no, it would still be an answer in itself.

‘And he had the nerve to call my questions unfair?’

It’s absurd, but what can I do?

The world is ruled by the strong.

A small fry like me just has to grin and bear it.


I kept my mouth shut, unable to say “no.”

“So that’s it! Of course, the Fragment of Records wouldn’t react to someone who cleared a mass-produced knockoff…!”

The old man took my silence as confirmation and began muttering emotionally.

Listening to him made me feel a bit strange.

“Tell me, how did you clear it? How long did it take? No, what did you do before?”

Suddenly, the old man seemed almost desperate.

But since old people tend to have emotional swings, I needed to confirm something first.

“I’d like a drink.”

“Huh? You shouldn’t feel thirsty here…”

“Are you saying I’m lying?”

I took off my mask and frowned, and the old man quickly conjured a cup of water for me.

Hmm, this is a bit ambiguous.



“I’d prefer soda over water.”

“Ah, that!”

The old man quickly changed the liquid in the cup.

It was clear but had bubbles rising from the bottom, unmistakably soda.

I couldn’t resist and immediately drank it.


Unlike the tasteless water in my room, I could feel the refreshing carbonation in my throat.


“Haha, you drink heartily like a real man. Anyway, now that you’ve finished, answer me. Are there many who have cleared the original like you 20 years from now?”

A smile crept onto my lips involuntarily at that question.

It must be because my barbarian instincts, which are sensitive to hierarchy, were telling me something. I didn’t know why clearing the ‘original’ was so important but…

“Hmm, are you that curious?”

Maybe now I’m the one in control.