Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 169

June 6, 2024 • 11 min read • 413 views

New Bonds Are Entwined(1)

Leizhou, located at the southernmost tip of the Jianghu, was as humid and hot as Haenam Island. Consequently, the attire of people passing by on the streets appeared simpler and more relaxed compared to that of the inland areas.

Lee Gwak slightly shook his head as he walked among the people.

He had drunk so much the previous night that his head still throbbed. Seop Yu-saeng, caught up in the excitement, kept offering him drinks, and Lee Gwak, without declining, accepted them willingly.

The drinking session had ended just before dawn. Seop Yu-saeng was nowhere to be seen, probably still unconscious, and Lee Gwak had gone outside to get some fresh air.

While he could have used his internal energy to dispel the effects of alcohol quickly, Lee Gwak chose not to do so. Instead, he chose to wander around the streets of Leizhou.

The streets of Leizhou were filled with numerous shops and street stalls. Many people were buying necessary items or haggling with the vendors, filling the streets with vibrancy.

One street stall in particular caught Lee Gwak’s eye. It was run by a stooped old woman. The old woman was selling an unidentified type of noodle.

“What is this?”

“Don’t you know Red Soup Fish Noodles?”

“I do not.”

“Then you’re not from around here.”

The old woman smiled, revealing her yellow teeth. It was a warm smile.

Lee Gwak sat down at the stall and replied.

“Yes, I’m not from here.”

“Red Soup Fish Noodles are exactly what they sound like: noodles in a red broth made from boiling various kinds of fish. The broth here is made from various fish and spiced with various seasonings to make it very spicy. Eating a bowl will make you sweat profusely.”

“Just hearing about it sounds good. I’ll have a bowl, please.”

“Wait a moment. I’ll prepare it for you right away.”


Pleased with Lee Gwak’s response, the old woman chuckled and started to boil the pre-prepared noodles in hot water.

Lee Gwak looked around the market while waiting for the Red Soup Fish Noodles.

It was a common scene. Apart from a few differences, it wasn’t much different from the inland scenery. Yet, Lee Gwak couldn’t take his eyes off it.


“Here, a bowl to refresh yourself.”

The old woman served the Red Soup Fish Noodles.


Lee Gwak responded and picked up the chopsticks.

First, he stirred the noodles with the chopsticks to mix them well with the broth. A strong aroma that stimulated the olfactory senses wafted up.

Lee Gwak scooped up a generous amount of noodles with the chopsticks, blew on them to cool them down, and then stuffed them into his mouth.

“Hot… This is really delicious… Wow!”

Lee Gwak mumbled with his mouth full of noodles, letting out a sound of admiration.

The Red Soup Fish Noodles served by the old woman were truly delicious. The combination of spicy broth made from various fish and seafood with chewy noodles was a delicacy Lee Gwak was tasting for the first time.

Sweat poured down Lee Gwak’s face like a waterfall. He kept wiping the sweat with his sleeve while eating the Red Soup Fish Noodles.

The old woman looked at him with a pleased smile.

“Are you a martial artist, young man?”

“Excuse me?”

Lee Gwak looked puzzled, and the old woman pointed at the blade hanging at his waist.

“Seeing that blade, you must be a martial artist, right?”


“Then, are you going to that what’s-it-called? The vagrant market?”

“The vagrant market? Is there one here too?”

Lee Gwak looked puzzled.

He knew about vagrant markets. He had experienced one in the city where he stayed before crossing over to the Celestial Demon Troupe.

“It’s been around for quite some time. Probably half of the people you see walking around with swords in this street sell themselves there.”

“Sell themselves?”

As Lee Gwak frowned, the old woman chuckled.

“Hehe! Being dragged away for a few pennies is selling oneself, isn’t it? It’s no different from being a slave.”


Lee Gwak might not have known, but Leizhou was famous as a transport hub. Goods entering through the sea were transported inland via roads and waterways from here.

Merchants who purchased goods here either used escort agencies or hired vagrants as escorts to protect themselves.

Naturally, a vagrant market emerged.

The vagrant market, which arose spontaneously, had grown quite large and had become a feature of Leizhou.

Lee Gwak nodded at the old woman’s explanation. That’s why he thought there seemed to be an unusually high number of armed martial artists on the streets.

“By the way, is there a horse market here?”

“Looking to buy a horse?”


“It’s right next to the vagrant market. You might as well take a look at the vagrant market if you’re going to buy a horse.”

“Yes, if I have time.”

Lee Gwak nodded.

Before he knew it, the Red Soup Fish Noodles were finished. Talking with the old woman while busily moving his chopsticks, he had quickly finished the bowl.


Lee Gwak put down the empty bowl and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

“I enjoyed the meal.”

A sparkle appeared in his eyes.

A single bowl of Red Soup Fish Noodles had cleared his hangover and revived his energy.

Lee Gwak paid and stood up.

His destination was the horse market. Finding the way there was not difficult; he just had to follow the distinct smell of horse manure. However, before he could reach the horse market, he encountered the vagrant market.

As the old woman had said, the market was right next to the horse market. Consequently, Lee Gwak ended up browsing the vagrant market, albeit unintentionally.

The vagrant market in Leizhou had a different atmosphere than the one in Seize Fortress.

The vagrants selling their martial services sat in open spaces, placing small signs in front of them.

The signs briefly listed their experience and the price for their services. Then, merchants could choose a vagrant based on the information provided on these signs.

Among them, many vagrants boasted impressive resumes.

Some had made several trips to and from Jade Heaven Alliance, while others had traveled to the furthest reaches of the Jianghu, such as the Jaeui Clan.

Those with impressive resumes were highly trusted and thus commanded higher fees. Naturally, these individuals were the first to be hired by merchants.

Merchants believed that the more impressive the vagrant’s resume, the stronger their martial skills. In truth, merchants, unfamiliar with martial arts, had limited ways to evaluate a martial artist.

Surprisingly, exaggerating one’s resume did not work well in the vagrant market, as lying about one’s experience could lead to being ostracized by other vagrants.

The voices of people haggling were loud and boisterous.

“You’ve been to the Thousand Kingdom School?”

“Yes! I’ve escorted the Guanzhong Trading Group there before.”

“Then you must know the way to Thousand Kingdom School very well?”

“Ha-ha! Of course. Not just to the Thousand Kingdom School, I’m well-versed in the geography of the Jianghu. Just leave it to me.”

“Sounds reliable. Let’s go together then.”


Some were chosen by merchants, while others remained unnoticed for a long time.

Those overlooked by merchants were mostly younger vagrants with little experience, hence failing to gain trust.

Indeed, to Lee Gwak, their martial skills seemed unremarkable. It appeared they had hastily joined the vagrant market, armed with nothing but a sword.

Their bravery was commendable, but reality was harsh.

The young vagrants not chosen hung their heads, avoiding the gaze of passersby.

Lee Gwak glanced at them with pity. Their situation was regrettable, but there was nothing he could do to help.

It was then that noise erupted from ahead.

“What? Hundred gold nyangs? Is this guy insane?”

“That kid’s got some guts.”

“What’s with him being so bold? Is he crazy?”

The tone of the crowd conveyed disbelief.

Naturally, Lee Gwak’s attention was drawn to the source of the commotion. There sat a young vagrant with a sign planted before him, just like the others.

What set this young vagrant apart were his enormous size and the content written on his sign.
Cheol Gwang Woo.

Vagrant Experience: None.
Price – Hundred gold Nyangs.
Will ensure safety under any circumstances.

The crudely written sign explained the crowd’s astonishment.

Even the most expensive vagrant in the market did not ask for more than thirty silver nyangs. A sum of thirty silver nyangs was enough for a family of four to live comfortably for several years.

Yet, this boy had set his price at a staggering hundred gold nyangs, despite having no experience. It was such an outrageous claim that it bordered on ridiculous.

Merchants murmured among themselves, and even other vagrants criticized the boy. However, the boy sat still with his eyes closed, unmoved by the commotion.

“Hey, you bastard! Stop causing trouble and go home. A hundred gold nyangs? Whose dog’s name is that? You’re crazy!”

Bae Mu Sang, known as the most irritable vagrant in the market, stepped forward and shouted.
Bae Mu Sang had years of experience in the vagrant market and was known for his formidable martial skills. Although his temper was foul and his methods brutal, he was considered reliable from an employer’s perspective.


He kicked the sign planted in front of the boy.

The sign, listing the boy’s price, shattered and rolled away.

“Son of a bitch! You think becoming a vagrant is a joke.”

Bae Mu Sang fumed, puffing angrily.

Although being a vagrant often meant being at the bottom of the Jianghu, Bae Mu Sang took great pride in it. He couldn’t tolerate someone making light of it by writing such a sign as a joke.

Despite the sign being destroyed, the boy did not flinch. He sat unmoved, arms crossed, as if he had turned into a statue.

This infuriated Bae Mu Sang even more.

That’s when it happened.

“Wait a minute. Isn’t this kid the son of that bitch from the village up there?”

“Oh! Now that you mention it, he is. The son of that beautiful lady.”

Bae Mu Sang and his fellow vagrants recognized the boy’s identity.

The boy’s mother was famous in the area for her beauty. Despite being middle-aged, she maintained a youthful appearance and had no husband, which attracted many powerful suitors.
However, she firmly rejected them all and raised her son on her own.
Cheol Gwang Woo was her son.

A gleam crossed Bae Mu Sang’s eyes, as he was one of the men who had eyed the boy’s mother.

Bae Mu Sang crouched in front of Cheol Gwang Woo and smirked.

“Hey, kid! Looks like you’re looking for work. Let me help you out. And while you’re away, I’ll take care of your mother for you. Wouldn’t that be for the best?”


“I’ll become your new father. Call me dad, son.”

That moment,


Bae Mu Sang’s head burst open.

“I heard that bastard…….”

Cheol Gwang Woo opened his eyes.

His large hand dripped with blood. He had crushed Bae Mu Sang’s head with his massive fist, as if it were no more significant than a pot lid.

“Uh, what?”

“It’s murder.”

The crowd, belatedly realizing Bae Mu Sang’s death, screamed.


Bae Mu Sang, headless, toppled over from his crouched position.

“This guy killed Brother Mu Sang.”

“To commit murder in the vagrant market…”

The vagrants drew their weapons, glaring at Cheol Gwang Woo.

There was an unwritten rule in the vagrant market: you do not harm or kill anyone.

Violating this rule made one the enemy of all vagrants.

Cheol Gwang Woo was aware of this. He had tried his best to restrain himself. But the insult to his mother made him lose control.

Cheol Gwang Woo stood up.

“Damn it! My life has always been like this…”

As he rose, his already large figure seemed to grow, resembling a moving boulder.

His eyes now glowed menacingly.

The formidable aura emanating from him left the vagrants bewildered.

Sitting motionless before, no one had expected this level of ferocity from the boy. However, that didn’t mean they were afraid.

They were vagrants who had survived the harsh underworld of the Jianghu. They would not be intimidated by the killing intent of a young boy.

“Fuck you!”

“Kill him!”

The vagrants rushed at Cheol Gwang Woo, turning the vagrant market into a chaotic battlefield. Merchants who had come to hire vagrants fled in horror from the sudden violence.

“Come at me, all of you bastards!”

Cheol Gwang Woo’s roar echoed throughout the vagrant market.