Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 235

June 6, 2024 • 12 min read • 1767 views

New Age (3)

“Make my daughter your official wife and take your lover as a concubine.”

The count, who made such an abrupt proposal, continued speaking.

“The first to reach the 10th floor, the abyssal explorer Rimenin; the great scout Pikma, who explored and mapped the vast 6th floor; the iron hero Juggernaut.”


“There were many other heroes. Do you know what they all had in common? They always had a reliable patron on their journeys.”

In the end, I couldn’t help but ask.

No, I understand what you’re trying to say, but…

“What do you gain from sponsoring me?”

“This city is always short on talent. Even if it weren’t for this occasion, I was planning to sponsor you.”

It didn’t seem like mere lip service.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“It’s common for nobles to sponsor promising explorers. It helps elevate their family’s prestige.”

This was something I knew.

A noble hobby of the upper class?

A modern-day equivalent would be collecting supercars.

But I didn’t know this.

“Sometimes, it even becomes a measure of a family’s power. A noble family without a sponsored explorer is looked down upon, and if the explorer fails to achieve anything significant, it reflects poorly on the family’s judgment.”

Now it made sense that this was more than just a hobby.

For nobles, social gatherings are political arenas, and others’ evaluations translate into actual power.

“The financial power of the Count of Ferdehilt is second to none. The same goes for our knight order. But there is one thing we lack.”

I didn’t know much about the Count’s family, but I could guess what it was.

“Despite our efforts, we haven’t had a notable explorer for a long time.”

“So, when you said you’d call me when ready, that’s what you meant.”

“What’s there to hide? Back then, I wasn’t sure about you, so I said that. If a sponsored explorer dies shortly after being chosen, it tarnishes our family’s reputation.”

Even so, he didn’t want to lose me, so he warned me not to accept invitations from other nobles.

A sort of staking his claim.

“If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have hesitated to sponsor you back then.”

His voice was dripping with regret, making me chuckle despite myself.

“If he had chosen me, the Count’s reputation would have soared along with my rising status.”

And he wouldn’t have to offer his daughter now.

“I no longer have any doubts. You will become a great figure. Many explorers have died, but this isn’t the end. In time, those vacancies will be filled, and you will surely lead the new era.”

“……That’s quite an overestimation.”

“Well, we shall see. Anyway, I believe I’ve explained my benefits sufficiently. So, what is your answer?”

I was silent for a moment, pretending to contemplate.

I had to reject him in a way that wouldn’t offend him.

“I’m sorry, but such a relationship is not feasible for me.”

A refusal with a little room for negotiation.

“Think it over. Many will want a good relationship with you, but who will go as far as to form a blood tie? I can do more for you than you imagine.“

That was the end of my conversation with the Count.

After a brief farewell to his daughter, I returned outside. As soon as I stepped out, Misha found me and approached.

“Bjorn! Where did you go? I looked for you everywhere because you were gone for so long!”

“Oh, a noble held me up for a moment.”

There was no need to mention what had just happened.

After a vague explanation, I returned to where we were and resumed drinking.

The more I laughed and talked, the more the Count’s words echoed in my mind.

[You will surely be a key figure leading the new era.]

Thus, the banquet ended.


The music stopped, and the noisy chatter ceased.

The tiresome banquet was finally over.

“Those Bastards.”

At first, he didn’t know what kind of banquet this was.

That’s because, since his only source of information was cut off, he was practically blind. Contacting the outside was impossible.


[It’s been a long time since we’ve met face to face.]

Through the conversation with the chancellor who had just left, he learned.

What had happened this time.

[The Noark bastards pulled a stunt this time. There were many casualties.]

Many casualties.

How many…?

The man asked, trying to suppress his rising anxiety, and the chancellor answered.

[More than you can imagine.]

Seventy percent of explorers above the 4th floor had died.

Of course, what mattered to him was another part.

Explorers above the 7th floor.

Large clans that could live comfortably without continuing their ascent but chose to steel themselves to go deeper.

Most of them died as well.

How long will it take to recover from this damage?

“Ha, it’s really infuriating. I should have smashed their heads back then.”

The man ground his teeth.

When he heard the news, the first thought that came to his mind was ‘We were screwed.’

[Was this what you wanted?] He barely suppressed his killing intent as he asked, and the chancellor answered with a smile.

[We didn’t know about this either. If you want, you can use your ability to verify the truth.]

It was true that the Chancellor didn’t know…

But being fooled by that crafty phrasing again and again…

[Bullshit. Even if it wasn’t for this incident, it was obvious it would have ended up like this.]

[Well, what do you think?]

[Don’t give me that crap. If I had been allowed to kill them all during the last subjugation, this would never have happened.]

Finally, he felt like the mystery was being solved.

During the subjugation, Raphdonia had a much better chance. The damage was significant, but if they had pushed a little harder, they could have ended it definitively.

But the royal family didn’t do that.

They gave them time, and in the end, the Noark side activated an ancient barrier and locked the gates.

[Why don’t you just admit it? You never intended to keep your promise with me from the start.]

[How insolent. His Majesty the King made that promise himself, staking the honor of the royal family. It will be kept, so do not doubt.]

[Doubt, my ass.]

The man finally realized.

No, it was more like he finally admitted it.

These bastards had no intention of letting him go.

‘They must be acting cocky because they think I have no way to escape.’

The chancellor left  after that conversation.

The reason he didn’t crush his head was simple.

It had to be night.

‘Ha, now where should I dig?’

He thought there would be clues in the royal family, but he found none.

No, he learned there were no answers here.

It’s fair to say this decision cost him at least 10 years.

But the man didn’t give up.

‘…If there’s nowhere else to go, I can head to Noark.’

Although their power was weaker compared to the royal family, they had the will to clear it.

‘Ah, whatever, I’ll think about it once I’m out.’

The man closed his eyes and extended his hand into the air.

He then slowly began to visualize.

‘Star Extinction.’

The skill of the Lord of Darkness, Deadred.

It was the essence he had obtained during his last entry into the labyrinth, something even the royal family was unaware he possessed.


A dark orb rotated above his hand, absorbing all the magic in the vicinity, including the sealing magic circle engraved in the room he was in.


The magic circle shattered.

And then…


The dark orb exploded, obliterating everything within a 100-meter radius.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

As the explosion echoed and bells rang, he sensed the approaching presence of the surrounding knights.

‘Their reaction sure is quick.’

“He’s escaping! Stop him!!”

The man smirked.

“Hey, if you come now, you’re dead.”

The knights flinched at his menacing aura.

Even though they shouted about the king and loyalty like fanatics every day, they still valued their own lives. Seeing that made him feel a bit better.


The man sneered and leaped high.

Using ‘Spatial Interference,’ he easily stepped on the air and escaped the palace, savoring his freedom.

In less than a minute, he reached several hundred meters above the ground.

This damn city was the same as always.

Wherever he looked, towering walls surrounded him like prison bars.

‘Ah, wait. But I can’t enter Noark right away because of the barrier!’

While traveling for a while, the man realized something and stopped in mid-air to ponder.

‘…Should I go to Bifron? It’s perfect for hiding.’

That seemed the best option.


‘Let’s stop by the Mage Tower first.’

Before hiding, there was a place he needed to go.

He needed to restore his information supply network to stay informed about the world even while in hiding.

‘I wonder what happened to my hyung.’

…He should be alive, right?

Yes, he hoped so.

Thinking about someone else for the first time in a long while, the man, Lee Baek-ho, flew across the night sky.


Five days had passed since the banquet ended.

I hadn’t done much during this time.

I stayed home, recovering my body, and yesterday, when I felt a bit better, I went out alone to find a family.

After all, I had made a promise.

[Let my son know. I think you’ll be famous when you get out. He’ll be happy to hear from you.]

A household with a ten-year-old boy and a young wife.

Contrary to his words, the boy didn’t smile when he saw me.

Of course, how could he?

[I’ve heard a lot about you. Thank you for coming…]

I traveled over four hours by carriage but ended up having only a short conversation with his wife.

They were planning to use the compensation money to open a store?

It was a long-standing dream of theirs.

[If you ever have any trouble raising the child or with anything else, don’t hesitate to come to me.]

[Why are you…… so nice to him? I heard that you and he met for the first time that day…….]

[If we had met elsewhere, we would have become friends.]

[Is that so…]

The tenacious woman, who had pulled herself together for her child’s sake in just over ten days, quietly shed tears.

[He was a bit childlike since he was young. He always admired heroic figures. Really, thank you. My husband would be happy. Someone like you remembering him…]

Someone like me…

The words almost reached my throat, but I held them back.

Regardless of the truth, I had to be.

If that’s what they wanted.

That was also something I had to do.


As I quietly reflected, Misha burst into the room.

“Erwin! Erwin’s here!”

So, she’s finally ready.

When I went downstairs, Erwin was standing in the living room, looking lost.

Our first meeting since that day.

I thought about what to say and eventually spoke.


Had I lived a better life, I might have been able to offer more comforting words.


Seeing Erwin’s shadowed expression, Misha nervously approached her.

“Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

“I’m fine. Thank you, Miss. Karlstein.”

“Don’t call me Miss, just call me sister… Ah!”


Misha stepped on a landmine.

“No, no, it’s okay! Just call me Misha…”

Misha quickly corrected herself.

Erwin squeezed her eyes shut, then slowly opened them and managed a strained smile.

“You don’t need to be so considerate. Really. I appreciate the thought. Sister…”

“Uh, right. Come over here. I cleared a room for you just in case you came…”

“A room? For me?”

“You don’t have anywhere else to go, right? You can stay here as long as you need until you’re feeling better. Being alone can make it harder…”

Erwin’s eyes widened at Misha’s words.

It was as if she had heard an unexpected offer.

“Is that… really okay?”

Erwin looked at me as if to ask for my approval, and I shrugged.

“I told you, your sister asked me to look after you. Now I’m your guardian.”

Erwin clenched her small fist.

Then, with great effort, she spoke as if forcing the words out.

“…Thank you for the kindness. Really, I have… nothing left now…”

“That’s not true. Misha, go ahead and show her to the room. You know the layout better since you set it up.”

“Oh! Got it!”

Misha then led Erwin around, showing her the house and such.

It seemed like Erwin hadn’t had proper sleep for a while.

She lay down on the bed to rest for a moment and fell asleep instantly.

“…Phew, I think fighting monsters would be easier.”

“I agree…”

Afterward, Misha and I had dinner together.

Aynar was spending the night at the sanctuary today.

After finishing our dinner, Misha and I chatted about various things, and when midnight approached, I went to my room and lay on the bed.


My heart was pounding.

How many people would join?


[Your character’s soul resonates and is drawn to a specific world]

Had that clown bastard shown up?

I hoped he had.

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