Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 233

June 4, 2024 • 12 min read • 1820 views

New Age (3)

The library, faintly smelling of old books.

A nervous young man presenting a report to a bespectacled middle-aged man.

“The final analysis indicates that Belbev Ruinzenes set up the magic circle, and Liranne Vivian activated it.”

“So, they are both in the city?”

“Yes. Considering that the protective barrier of Noark is functioning normally, it is likely they are inside Raphdonia.”

“They’re masters of disguise.”

“The bastards are persistent indeed. Now, I’ll continue with the casualty statistics compiled this morning.”

The young man, with a regretful voice, reported the total damage from the incident.

However, the middle-aged man listened without much reaction.

“Yes, many have died.”

Seventy percent of explorers above the 4th floor were dead.

The survivors were mostly the 1,600 or so explorers considered expendable and those rebels who never entered the labyrinth.

The damage was akin to a dimensional collapse.

“This might be for the better.”

Marquis Tercerion, the chancellor of Raphdonia, smirked dismissively.

The young man tilted his head in confusion.


“Never mind. I have things to consider. You may leave.”

“…Rest well, Father.”

“Address me by my title within the palace.”

“Yes, Chancellor.”

As the man waved his hand, the young man bowed respectfully and left the library.

‘It’s time to contact the Mage Tower.’

The man stood and approached the window.

Servants, busy preparing for the day’s event, were seen moving around.


When the window was thrown open, a strong wind blew in.

The sunlight was warm, and the sky was clear with no clouds.

“His Majesty will be pleased.”

It was a perfect day to start a new era.


Imperial Capital, Carnon.

A special area where commoners couldn’t enter without permission.

“Oh, is that the royal palace!!”

Beyond the massive gate bearing the royal family’s crest, a road stretched all the way to the palace.

The ground was covered with scattered flower petals.

Crowds gathered along the main road as if watching a parade.

Of course, there were hardly any nobles.

Even in the noble city, nine-tenths of the population were servants commuting or residing there.

“Wow! It’s the heroes’ procession!”

“Throw the petals!”

I don’t know how much they were paid, but countless servants lined the main road, welcoming us enthusiastically.

After some time passed,

“We’ve arrived. Was your journey comfortable?”

The carriage finally stopped in front of the palace’s outer wall.

Not only ours but hundreds of other carriages as well.

“Let’s get out.”

“Oh, wait a moment! Let me catch my breath, okay?”

Is she nervous now?

Well, it is her first time in the capital.

“…Tell me when you’re ready.”

“I think I’m ready now.”

As we got off the carriage, familiar faces came into view.

Survivors who had crossed the line of death with us during the last disaster.

We exchanged nods as our eyes met, given the distance between us.

“I am Fert, responsible for guiding the heroes today. Please follow me. I will escort you.”

After a brief identity verification at the castle gate, we followed the guide into the palace.

Its formal name is the Palace of Glory.

A palace used to host banquets or royal events.


Aynar seemed intimidated by the excessively ornate interior, glancing at me for reassurance.

Seriously, why does she always act like this in strange places?

“Straighten your shoulders. We’re here as guests, it’d be more awkward if you act like that.”

“…Got it!”

“This way, please.”

We followed the guide to a private reception room about twenty pyeong in size.

“It’s an honor to serve the heroes.”

As soon as we entered, maids approached to fix our hair or adjust any untidy clothing.

While this was happening, our dedicated guide explained some simple etiquette and the schedule for today’s banquet.

How much time had passed?

“Mr. Jandel!”

“Oh, I almost didn’t recognize you, all dressed up like that.”

Raven and Abman, who had arrived about ten minutes early, found our reception room. 

They, too, were dressed differently than usual. Raven was wearing a traditional dress that dragged on the ground, while Mr. Bear was in a neat suit.

“Haha, does it look a bit awkward?”

Mr. Bear scratched his cheek awkwardly.

He had dressed up with his wife’s help, but they insisted he change here.

I was surprised they had a fitting size for him…

“All formal wear for guests is magically enchanted to fit,” the guide explained. Apparently, they had thousands of such magical outfits available.

‘Enchanted clothing for formal events, huh.’

It’s both reasonable and absurdly wasteful.

How often would guests without formal wear visit the palace?

“So, Raven, did you change your clothes here too?”

“No, I wore my own.”

“I see.”

As a mage belonging to the upper class, she seemed to already own at least one set of formal attire for such occasions.

“Wow, it’s beautiful. How much would this cost?”

“Well… I’m not sure. It was a gift from my master a long time ago.”

“Really? Anyway, wearing that dress makes you look like a fairy. Not the elf kind, but the fairies from old storybooks.”

“Are you talking about fairies?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

“Hm, you’re not making fun of my height, are you?”

“No way! I really mean it, you look beautiful!”

Somehow, Misha and Raven had started a girls’ talk. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Bear, Aynar, and I stepped back to have a different conversation.

“Hey, Jandel. Have you heard anything more about the rewards? There’s a Level 4 essence I’ve always wanted, and I wonder if it’s possible.”

“Well, I haven’t heard anything about that yet.”

“Bjorn, I’m hungry. When are they going to serve food?”

“If you can’t wait, eat some jerky.”

“Oh, did you bring some?”

“Give me one too. I need something to chew on.”

As we sat together, chewing jerky, the guide who had briefly left returned.

“All preparations for the entrance are complete. Please proceed.”

The hallway outside the reception room was crowded with people.

The guides lined them up in an orderly manner. Our position was at the very front, center. To my left was Melter Pend, and to my right was Kyle.

“Oh, you’re here?”

“You look good in that outfit.”

“Stand here.”

…It was a bit overwhelming.

“Why am I in the center?”

“Haha, wouldn’t it be strange for someone else to be there? Everyone here followed you into the labyrinth.”

Well, uh…

I had no words for that. But this old man tends to overestimate me.

I was about to say something when…

“It looks like it’s starting. Look ahead.”

Kyle said, gazing straight ahead.

“Heroes, enter!”

With a grand proclamation, the doors swung open.


A jubilant bugle call began.

“Move forward.”

As Kyle urged, I stepped through the open doors, followed by numerous explorers.

Step, step.

Beyond the door was a rectangular hall.

It was spacious enough to accommodate thousands, with a red carpet leading to an empty throne.

I continued walking along the carpet.

Walking without a crutch was grueling, but I did my best to maintain my barbarian pride.

Step, step.

As we walked, knights drew their swords in salute, and priests used holy power to bless us.

The nobles applauded from afar.

The treatment was overwhelming for an explorer with just over a year of experience.

I didn’t particularly enjoy it.

Probably the others felt the same.

‘This feels like a spectacle.’

Oh, maybe it is a spectacle?


When I stopped, the explorers following me also stopped in line.

It wasn’t as orderly as a military formation.

When I stopped, the explorers following me also came to a halt. Unlike soldiers, their lines weren’t perfect, and their attire was a mishmash, giving an unorganized impression.

Was it funny?


I heard a noble laugh from afar.

And the laughter spread.

At the same time, there was a sound of something being crushed.


When I glanced back slightly, I saw a warrior clenching his fist tightly.

He was the warrior who had fought alongside me in the cave.

Geez, he showed no fear when smashing monster heads.

‘Turns out he’s a bit shy.’

Seeing another side of the warriors I hadn’t noticed before, I didn’t like it for some reason.

Unconsciously, a shout burst from my mouth.


My shout echoed through the wide hall.

It wasn’t intentional, but others followed.


It was a cry not only from a few barbarians but also from warriors addicted to our battle cries.

“These crazy people even here in the palace…”

Most explorers either looked bewildered or exhaled in disbelief.

The nobles, however, were different.

Did they think it was a planned performance?

They, who had briefly fallen silent in surprise, began clapping and whistling.

‘These guys are really something.’

It was amusing, but the mood improved.

The grandeur of the palace, the numerous noble gazes, the awkward formal wear—explorers, uncomfortable in this setting, found a bit of ease.

‘Yeah, explorers should be this bold. Considering what we survived.’

As I watched contentedly, Kyle grinned beside me.

“I told you. Who else but you would stand at the front?”

Well, maybe he’s right.

Who else but a barbarian would do this?

“Silence! Please be silent! His Excellency, Chancellor Ageni Rotten Tercerion of Raphdonia, is here!”

Amidst the heated atmosphere, the chancellor made his appearance.


A man who seemed to be in his early fifties.

Graying hair and a kind expression.

He reminded me of a school principal, as he stood before the empty throne and began his speech.

He started with a light joke.

“Haha, my apologies for being late. Please do not be too angry, heroes. It’s such a fine day, isn’t it?”

Naturally, his speech flowed into a discussion about the weather, then smoothly transitioned to the next topic.

There wasn’t anything particularly grand.

He praised our efforts one by one, explaining to the nobles why we were called.

“They accomplished what even the royal knights and renowned clans could not. Without them, we might still be unaware of what transpired there.”

Returning with information about Noark was our official merit.

Of course, they couldn’t openly say it was to pacify explorers with a carrot.

“Therefore, on behalf of the ailing king, I, Ageni Rotten Tercerion, commend their deeds!”

With the chancellor’s speech over, the rewards were announced according to each explorer’s contributions.

All survivors received 10 million stones and entry rights to the capital, Carnon, with additional rewards based on their achievements.

The order of announcement began with us…

“Leader of the Nartel Clan, Melter Pend, step forward.”

Melter was called first.

“You made significant contributions by eliminating the criminal Blue Mane from the Blue Wolf Tribe during the Goblin Forest battle, which led to our victory.”

The chancellor, already well-informed, specifically mentioned Melter’s accomplishments.

“You will be granted access to the Silver Treasury. You may choose one essence and one item of your desire. Additionally, you will receive a reward of 25 million stones.”

“Thank you.”

Melter Pend gained entry to the treasury, which housed Level 4 essences and equipment of equivalent value.

‘…Does this mean I can look forward to my turn?’

Among the three of us, Melter’s contributions were actually the smallest. The defeat of the wolf was possible because I had knocked down the corpse collector in the first place.


Unfortunately, next was Mr. Kyle.

“Sir Kyle Fevrosk, the Iron Mage, step forward.”

“It’s been a while, Chancellor.”

“Forgive me for the delay in acknowledging your contributions due to my official duties.”

Kyle’s contributions were threefold:

Using his wisdom to guide the expedition to survival.

Using mass teleportation to evade Berzark.

And holding off the Ruin Scholar during the Goblin Forest battle, inflicting damage.

“You have long desired the right to study forbidden magic, have you not? From today, you are the proud Royal Mage of Raphdonia.”

“You cannot know how delighted I am by your words, Chancellor. Truly, thank you.”

Kyle was promoted to Royal Mage.

This meant he could freely learn and master all kinds of magic.

“Warrior of the Barbarian Tribe, Bjorn, son of Jandel, step forward.”

Finally, it was my turn.

Perhaps because I was an entirely different case compared to the already well-known Melter and Kyle, the chancellor scrutinized me before listing my contributions one by one.

“Your contributions are as follows:”

“With noble resolve, you halted internal conflicts, allowing more knights to return to their families.”

“Fighting bravely on the most dangerous front lines, setting an example for others.”

“Becoming bait to buy time from Berzark, enabling the explorers to survive.”

“Pushing the Corpse Collector, Abet Necrapheto, to the brink, leading to a decisive victory.”

Hearing it listed like this, it sounded like nothing special.

As I was thinking this, the chancellor continued.

“Such deeds hardly encapsulate your efforts. Yet, on behalf of the royal family, I honor your contributions!”


“You will be granted access to the Golden Treasury. You may choose one essence or item of your desire, and you will be rewarded with 50 million stones. Additionally!”

The chancellor added,

“I bestow upon you the title of Baron.”


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