Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 232

June 4, 2024 • 16 min read • 1419 views

New Age (2)

A very, very, very big reward from the royal family.

I haven’t heard the details yet, but my mouth is already watering.

However, in my experience, times like these are the most dangerous.

Isn’t it an unspoken rule of the world that if you receive a gift, you ought to return it someday?

I need to check if I can swallow it.

“What exactly is the reward? And what do I have to do?”

Kyle kindly answered my questions one by one.

The reward hasn’t been specifically decided yet.

Moreover, it’s not just me who will receive the reward but all the survivors from that day.

They’ll soon summon us to the royal palace for a commendation ceremony?

“One thing I can say for sure is that there will be rewards given, and your achievements will be the most highly praised.”

“I see. Do you have any guesses?”

“Well, there are a few…”

Kyle trailed off and, stressing that these were his personal opinions, listed his predictions for the reward.

“First, a title.”

A noble title.

“Of course, the possibility of receiving a title is very slim. Even if it is granted, it won’t be a hereditary title. There won’t be any land either.”

I’m not expecting much.

That’s how nobility works in this world.

You can’t just become one with a couple of achievements.

If I had to guess, maybe the best I can get is access to the capital.

“Second, an elixir. Since the royal family is hosting a grand feast, you can expect something decent.”

It means the treasure vault where up to level 3 elixirs are stored.

“And the third?”


“The most typical reward.”

The third expected reward was equipment made from high-tier materials or numbered items. The fourth was simply money.

“Excluding the title, the rest will likely be distributed according to merit.”

I think I get the gist.

Those with lesser contributions will get some money.

Those with considerable achievements will get equipment or around level 5 elixirs.

‘Depending on the merit, up to level 3 elixirs…’

This is making my mouth water even more.

Level 3 elixirs are high-tier, only properly farmable on the 7th or 8th floors.

And to be able to choose what I want?

It’s clear that my growth, which had stalled for a while, will speed up significantly.

But still…

“So what does the royal family want from me? You haven’t mentioned that yet.”

I haven’t heard the most important information.

What do I need to give in return for this gift?

The royal family will soon aim to regain public trust by defeating Noark.

If they want me to join the army and participate in the battle, no matter how attractive the reward, it’s right to refuse.

“There’s nothing major. Just show that you are friendly to the royal family during the commendation ceremony. The rest will be handled by the royal family.”

“A simple yet difficult request.”

Kyle gave a bitter smile at my response.

“It seems the royal family doesn’t look so good in your eyes.”

I answered with silence.


Understandably, how could they look good?

They didn’t even try to find another solution and just took the easy way out, leading to everyone’s death in the end.

“Still, please understand that not everything that happened that day was the royal family’s will. Even among the royal knights, the values they pursue differ. If a different commander had been there, the outcome might have been different.”

Although Kyle spoke in defense, the uncomfortable feeling didn’t go away.

It might be a sense of responsibility.

It felt like I was betraying those who fought alongside me after being abandoned by the royal family.

Like switching sides to the colonists during the colonial era.

I cautiously asked one thing.

“…What do you think of the royal family?”

A question that could be considered treasonous.

Kyle stiffened for a moment, then smiled and answered.

“To be honest, I don’t see them in a very positive light.”

It didn’t seem like he was just saying that to match my sentiments.

It’s not like this old man has that kind of personality anyway.

Still, I didn’t expect a Rank 2 battle mage to say such things, even in private.

“But the royal family is necessary for this world to maintain order. Although, as someone who left the Mage Tower and joined the military for personal gain, I’m not in a position to say this.”

“Personal gain?”

“You’ve probably already noticed. The relationship between the Ruin Scholar and me.”

Well, that is true.

“Can I ask for more details?”

“He is the enemy of my mentor. One day, while they were researching together, he betrayed him and finally completed that forbidden magic.”

“So you joined the military for revenge?”

“Yes. When I heard he had taken refuge in Orcules, I was devastated. I couldn’t do anything alone.“

Young Kyle judged that he needed the military and the royal family’s help for revenge.

So he went under the royal family.

The enemy of my enemy is my ally, he figured.

“So don’t think too hard about it. If you don’t like them, so what? If there’s something you can use, it’s rational to use it.”

Kyle’s advice was spot on.

Realistically, what would I gain from making an enemy of the royal family?

The same goes for the other survivors who harbor resentment toward the royal family.

After all that suffering, we should gain something.

“Your expression has improved a bit.”

“Thanks to you.”

“It’s about time for my next appointment. I’ll take my leave.”

“Thanks for coming. Since I’m like this, go ahead on your own.”

“Haha, were you planning to see me off? No need, rest well. You’ll be busy from now on.”


Kyle turned back to me as he headed to the door.

And then…

“You’ll find out soon.”

He left with a meaningful smile.

「Character’s reputation has increased by +10.」

「Character’s reputation has increased by +10.」

「Character’s reputation has increased by +10.」

「Character’s reputation has increased…」



The day after Kyle left, I had visitors.

It was Raven and Mr. Bear.

“If everyone’s rested, let’s settle the loot now.”

“Shouldn’t you ask if I’m okay first?”

You look fine to me. And it’s your own fault for pushing yourself so hard, and we’re supposed to worry about you?’

“Is that so…?”

I felt a bit hurt as a tank, but her next words cleared that feeling away.

“So, please stop getting hurt.”

But then, perhaps feeling embarrassed, she continued.

“What did Miss Karlstein ever do wrong? It seems like she’s always the one cleaning up after you.”

“Huh, me? I’m fine… I mean, I’d prefer if he didn’t get hurt, but still…”

“Miss Karlstein, you’re too kind—that’s the problem. If you leave him as he is, he won’t live a full life.”

“……Enough, let’s get to the point. What about the loot calculation? Did you sell all the equipment?”

“Yes. I was dead tired, but I forced myself to sell everything, so be grateful.”

Apparently, Raven had returned to the city just a day ago. So, right after the investigation ended, she didn’t rest but immediately sold the loot.

The reason she urgently sold everything, despite being exhausted, was simple.

“The sooner we sell, the higher the price we’ll get.”

With the massive loss of explorers, demand had plummeted, causing equipment prices to fall. Moreover, 99% of the loot that survivors brought back was equipment, leading to an oversupply.

“Thank you. I hadn’t thought of that.”

“If you could think of that in that situation, Mr. Jandel, you’d be superhuman, not a barbarian.”

Come on, just a simple “you’re welcome” would’ve sufficed.

“Aruru! What are you talking about? Bjorn is indeed a super-barbarian!!”

What’s with her now?

Maybe it’s because this exploration was so depressing, but the usual commotion now felt unfamiliar.

“Well, everyone, have a seat.”

I organized things before the introduction dragged on too long and had everyone sit on the sofa.

Then we started the loot calculation.

Thanks to Raven’s thorough organization, it didn’t take long.

It was just about listening to the accounting and receiving the payment.

The calculation was over in an instant, and we were chatting casually when Mr. Bear brought up a new topic.

Oh, by the way, you might not have heard this since you’ve been holed up at home: Jandel, you’ve got a new title.

“Oh, really!”

Aynar, Misha, and even Raven looked curious.

Since even Raven didn’t know, it seemed it wasn’t widely known yet. As expected from the tavern owner, he was quick with such information.

“A new title, huh…”

So, am I finally shedding the ‘Little Balkan’ title?

“What is it? Tell me quickly.”

“Heh, what do you think it is?”

Mr. Bear was savoring the attention and delayed his answer.

There were various guesses among the group, and eventually, Mr. Bear asked for my opinion.

“How about you, Jandel? Any guesses?”

“Well, as long as it’s not ‘Big Vulcan’, I’ll be happy.”

Mr. Bear smacked his lips as if disappointed by my reaction, then revealed my new title.



“It’s Giant. That’s your new title.”

Hmm, it’s simpler than I thought.

So now I’m Giant Bjorn, son of Jandel? I chuckled at the thought, and Misha commented on it.

“It’s a fitting nickname. It also reflects one of Bjorn’s essences, [Giantification].”

“Yes, that’s what I thought when I heard it. Ah! But why wasn’t he called that before? Didn’t he have that essence then?”

Mr. Bear, who had been smiling, now looked puzzled.

It was Raven who answered.

“No, I heard he had it even back then. He could transform much larger than now, right?”

I nodded.

Back then, I had borrowed [ The Unholy One] skill from Misha’s brother using the vampire skill [Blood Master], making me about 1.5 times larger than I am now.

Yet, I was still nicknamed ‘Little Balkan’.

“Hmm, larger, huh? Then why were you called Little Balkan then?”

Mr. Bear tilted his head in confusion. Once again, Raven provided the answer.

“Somehow… I think I know why.”

“Oh? You think you know?”

“Yes. Back then, Mr. Jandel’s back probably didn’t seem as big to people. Not as much as now.”

My face flushed at her words.

Everyone seemed to agree seriously.

“His body got smaller, but he appeared bigger… Maybe that’s why.”

“Yeah, I get what you mean.”

“Bjorn is a great Giant!! Someday, he will leave the biggest mark on this world!”

Ah, I wish she wouldn’t say things like that.

I hurriedly changed the subject.

It was a conversation I had with Kyle.

Since it was related to the royal family, everyone except Aynar listened intently, forgetting about my new nickname ‘Giant.’

“A celebratory banquet… I wonder how many will attend.”

Urickfreit, you’re naive. It would be much faster to count those who won’t attend.”


“People might curse the royal family behind their backs, but realistically, who wants to be on bad terms with them? Especially when they’re offering rewards for our hardships.”

“But, as explorers, we have our pride. Jandel! Say something.”

“I actually agree with Raven.”


“Unless we’re planning to defect to Noark, it’s only right to take what we can.”

Explorers never let themselves be at a disadvantage.

Though not extreme, but explorers are very sensitive to losses.

Anyway, after sharing our thoughts, we had a meal together before parting ways.

“See you next time. Contact us if you need anything.”

Raven and Mr. Bear left.

Aynar went to visit the sanctuary, and Misha went shopping.

The house grew quiet before I knew it.

But it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door.


“Haha! I heard you’re still struggling, so I came by. Can you drink?”

“…Don’t tell Misha.”

Even though it was midday, I welcomed him and his clan members inside for drinks.

But as that was wrapping up…

“Oh, you’re here too?”

There was another visitor.

“Melter Pend.”

“Just call me Melter. It’s been a while, Bjorn. I wanted to come sooner, but I was busy with the funerals for my fallen comrades. May I come in?”

“Of course.”

Teterud and his clan members had other plans, so they left shortly after, and I had a one-on-one conversation with Melter.

The main topic was the battle with the wolf.

And then came a surprising story.

“You’ve awakened your aura…?”

“Haha, I wouldn’t say awakened, but I glimpsed the path and could use it slightly.”

Once an apprentice knight from the explorer ranks, he had manifested aura during the battle.

Though still unstable…

‘An explorer who uses aura in the third rank.’

I could already envision Melter’s name echoing throughout the city.

It probably won’t take long.

Given the massive loss of high-ranking explorers, it’s only a matter of time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Anyway, Melter wasn’t my last visitor.

“Jandel! Are you in? I heard you still can’t walk properly.”

Warriors I met during the journey.

Or explorers who came to express their gratitude visited my home one after another.

And we drank.

Soon after returning from shopping, Misha prepared meals

“I wish Elbertine were here too…”

At times, we observed moments of silence.

The visitors weren’t just them.

“Hey, I hear they call you ‘Giant’? How’s a dwarf supposed to live in such a world? Haha!”

The dwarf and Rotmiller, who had heard of my news, came to visit.

“It seems you won’t be able to come to the library for a while… I’ll bring some good books next time.”

Ragna from my friends’ group and Shabin from the administration.

“I heard you accomplished a great feat. I’m proud of you.”

Even the tribe chief came all the way from the sanctuary to visit me.

Oh, and the chief, aware of the celebratory banquet, gave me a warning.

“There’s poison in the king’s smile. Don’t get too close to the royal family.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good. Now, let’s drink!”

Such visits continued for several days.

There were also many return visits.

This was because the royal family had recently sent out invitations for the celebratory banquet.

“…Are you going to fight against them?”

“Of course! If we back down now, we’ll always be under their foot!”

Some came to rally support against the royal family, while others offered serious advice.

Actually, the latter were far more numerous.

“Set aside your anger and think rationally.”

“You’ve suffered the most. Who can blame you for accepting a reward?”

“If the awards ceremony itself is canceled, the deceased explorers will receive nothing. Think of their families too.”

“To be blunt, this is a big opportunity for you. Don’t miss it. I’m saying this for your own good.”

Their words made me reflect on many things.

Now, my choices would impact many others as well.

With that responsibility, I listened carefully to each opinion.

Until Misha exploded.

“Hey! Tell them to stop coming already!! Or better yet, just go out and meet them!!”

Her frustration was understandable.


May 10th.

A little over a week since the disaster. we woke up early in the morning to get ready.

Today was the day of the celebratory banquet.

“Ah! Tighten it more!”

“You’ll suffocate, Misha!”

“It’s fine, just do it… Ugh!”

As I waited on the sofa, Misha, with Aynar’s help, came out wearing a dress.

She looked somewhat embarrassed.

“…D-Do I look strange?”

“…Not at all. It suits you perfectly.”

I meant it 100%.

A far cry from her usual tight pants or plain skirts, the dress was elaborate.

The dress was white with red accents, and the skirt length was just above the knees, allowing her tail to move freely.

Was it tailored specifically for a beastwoman?

‘I should thank whoever designed it later.’

“S-Stop staring.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“So, is that all…?”

I quickly added.

“…The hairpin looks nice.”

“And the necklace?”

“That too.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Misha seemed to accept it and didn’t say more.

Feeling awkward, I changed the subject.

“What about Aynar?”

“Right, Aynar! What are you doing? Come out already!”

“But…! It’s embarrassing! Can’t I just wear my armor?”

“I told you, no armor or weapons are allowed at the palace! Come out already. It’s not weird at all!”

In the end, Aynar was dragged out by Misha.

She wasn’t in a dress, though.

She wore a perfectly tailored, slim-fit men’s suit.

‘Looks like a uniform.’

White pants and shirt, with a high-quality coat reaching her thighs.

The coat and shirt were adorned with various emblems and embroidery, giving her a flamboyant look.

“Hey, is it weird? This! This kind of outfit doesn’t suit a warrior like me—”

“It looks good, why fret?”

“Ugh, don’t tease me…”

It’s been a while since she acted like this.

“Who’s teasing? I’m wearing something similar.”

I had also been given a similar suit, but in navy blue with brown accents to match my hair color.

The patterns, embroidery, and emblems were more masculine than Aynar’s.

But the biggest difference was something else.

“It’s so tight.”

Adjusting the tight outfit, I glanced in the mirror.

This was the tailcoat barbarian mode.

In some ways, it looked more intimidating than armor.

Did suits always highlight muscles this much?

I looked like a thug.

“Bjorn! The carriage is here!”

“Alright, let’s go.”

After finishing our preparations, we left the house. The waiting coachman greeted us with utmost respect.

“Welcome, Lord Bjorn Jandel, Miss Misha Karlstein, and Miss Aynar Pheneline. My name is Jack Haynes, and it is an honor to escort you to the palace. If there’s anything uncomfortable, please pull the string at any time.”

It felt like we were really someone important.

“Wow, this is a private carriage…”

“Oooh! Free candy!”

With the wheels rolling on the road, the carriage started moving.

Towards the heart of Raphdonia.

Towards the place where the king resides. 

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