Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 158

May 27, 2024 • 12 min read • 460 views

The Sea Martial Festival (2)

Novel- Martial Artist Lee Gwak

As the leaders of the Martial Sword Troupe ascended the altar, the crowd’s cheers grew louder, and the air turned hotter.

The crowd’s enthusiasm reached its peak with the appearance of a young man.

He was a striking figure in his early thirties, exuding an unmatched presence.

His eyes, under his thick eyebrows, were fierce as a tiger’s, and his square jaw, under his tight lips, was covered with a thick beard. On his arm, worn like a badge of honor, was a vividly engraved image of a soaring black dragon.

“Wow! It’s the Mad Dragon.”

“Junior Alliance Leader!”

The imposing man was the Junior Alliance Leader of the Martial Sword Troupe and a member of the Ten Lesser skies, known as the Mad Dragon, Woo Mun Pae.

Woo Mun Pae had made his presence widely known by playing a significant role in the late stages of the war against the Celestial Demon Troupe. Like his nickname, his overwhelming aura was enough to uphold the pride of the southern martial world.

Woo Mun Pae looked down at the people with a serene gaze similar to that of his master. Those who met his gaze chanted his name with euphoric expressions.

The cheers for him were as loud as those for his master, Yu Mun Sang. It was proof that so many people were looking forward to his future.

A cold smile appeared on Woo Mun Pae’s lips. Like Yu Mun Sang, he took the people’s cheers as a matter of course.

It was still the era of Yu Mun Sang, but it wouldn’t be long before Woo Mun Pae’s era would begin. In fact, one could say that his era had already begun. The nickname “Mad Dragon” carried so much weight.

Woo Mun Pae took his place beside Yu Mun Sang.

Following him, the leaders of the Martial Sword Troupe took their seats. The Sea Martial Festival was about to begin.

An elderly man with a goat’s beard stepped forward from among the leaders. He was Go Won-mu, the military advisor of the Martial Sword Troupe.

True to his nickname, “Jegal of the Sea,” he was renowned for his exceptional strategy, scholarship, and sense of balance.

It was because of his presence that the Martial Sword Troupe, an alliance of numerous sects, was able to run smoothly and without much discord.

“We shall now commence the Sea Martial Festival.”

As Go Won-mu finished speaking, sturdy men carrying offerings on their backs ascended the altar.

The altar was piled high with offerings. Offerings from all the sects had been sent for this year’s Sea Martial Festival.

The offerings were dedicated to the Sea God.

Just as sailors prayed to the Dragon King for a safe return, the Martial Sword Troupe offered these gifts to the Sea God, hoping for prosperity.

Yu Mun Sang and Woo Mun Pae lit incense in a large censer to mark the official start of the Sea Martial Festival.

Yu Mun Sang recited the blessing, heightening the atmosphere.

Following him, the leaders took turns offering sacrifices to the Sea God. The crowd also prayed inwardly for prosperity and peace from the Sea God.

Watching the scene, Lee Gwak once again realized that the Sea Martial Festival was one reason the Martial Sword Troupe had prospered to this extent.

The Sea Martial Festival was not just a simple ritual.

It was a ceremony that united people’s hearts.

Through the Sea Martial Festival, people shared a strong sense of unity and deep solidarity. Even a fierce madness could be felt in their demeanor.

At the center of it all was Yu Mun Sang.

He stood at the pinnacle of the southern martial world, dominating not only through force but also over the minds of the people

“It’s almost like a religion.”

Lee Gwak felt the terror of Yu Mun Sang.

The fact that one person could dominate so many people’s minds sent shivers down his spine.
Yu Mun Sang instilled a different kind of fear than that of a tyrant.

Unknowingly, Lee Gwak clenched his fists tightly.

“Is this what it takes to be the leader of one of the Ten Sects? Or does becoming the leader of one of the Ten Sects turn one into such a monster?”

Either way, it was clear to Lee Gwak that Yu Mun Sang was a monster beyond his understanding.

“For the time being, there won’t be any martial artist capable of challenging the rulers of the Ten Sects.”

It was Seop Yu-saeng’s voice.

Turning his head, Lee Gwak saw sweat droplets on Seop Yu-saeng’s forehead as well. It seemed he was having similar thoughts while watching Yu Mun Sang.

“Who could possibly challenge their stronghold?”

There was even a sense of defeat in his voice.

Seop Yu-saeng, too, was a martial artist of great renown in the Jianghu. Yet, even he felt an insurmountable barrier when facing Yu Mun Sang.

If even a martial artist like Seop Yu-saeng felt such a sense of deprivation and fear, it was needless to say how other martial artists felt.

“We might be living in the era of the Ten Sects. Sigh!”

Seop Yu-saeng sighed, lowering his head.

Lee Gwak thought he might be right, but he did not believe the era of the Ten Sects would last forever.

The Jianghu is like a living being, unpredictable and prone to sudden changes.

Even if the Ten Sects had solidly built their fortress, it could collapse through a tiny hole.

At that moment, a name flashed through Lee Gwak’s mind.

“Go Geom Wol.”

Thinking of him, Lee Gwak felt a chill run through his body.

Then, Seop Yu-saeng called out to him.



“Why such a face? Don’t tell me you too feel a rivalry towards Alliance Leader?”

“No. I was just thinking about something else.”

“Really? Your expression was quite fearsome just now.”

“My apologies.”

“What’s there to apologize for to me? Just mentioning.”

Seop Yu-saeng smiled warmly.

Lee Gwak relaxed his stern expression. Perhaps he had been too engrossed in his thoughts about Go Geom-wol.

The Martial Sword Troupe was, after all, just a place he was passing through.

There was no need to think too deeply about it; it was enough to just enjoy the moment.

With that thought, Lee Gwak continued to watch the altar.

The Sea Martial Festival was now reaching its climax.

Red letters burned on paper, turning to ash in the air.

With that, all the official events had ended. However, the real Sea Martial Festival was just beginning.

Performers prepared beneath the altar ascended and began their show.

The leaders of the Martial Sword Troupe also enjoyed the performance.


Laughter spontaneously flowed from the people’s lips.

This atmosphere would continue for the next four days, and starting tomorrow, the martial arts contest would take place.

The winner of the contest would be granted the title of Southern Sea Young Hero, along with the opportunity to learn the Martial Sword Troupe’s secret martial arts.

This prospect excited the people even more.

Especially those who had trained in martial arts were eagerly discussing their participation.

Once the mood was elevated, it did not easily subside. Instead, it grew hotter as time passed.
Lee Gwak silently observed Yu Mun Sang.

Yu Mun Sang, who had been watching the arena with a satisfied smile, left his seat after hearing a whisper from a subordinate. But even in his absence, the Sea Martial Festival continued.

To Lee Gwak, all these scenes felt like a dream.

He had never experienced such a festival in his life. Therefore, everything happening around him felt unfamiliar.

Suddenly, Seop Yu-saeng spoke to Lee Gwak.

“It seems I cannot stay any longer. Having received an invitation from the Martial Sword Troupe, I should at least meet with the Alliance Leader before leaving. You enjoy yourself a bit more here. I will go and see the Alliance Leader and come back.”


“Then, we’ll meet again.”

Promising to meet again, Seop Yu-saeng left.

Being alone again did not bother Lee Gwak. After all, he had come with the intention of exploring on his own.

There was no hurry, no reason to rush.

As he moved freely, letting his steps take him wherever, Lee Gwak encountered sights he hadn’t seen while with Seop Yu-saeng.

One notable sight was a large statue standing on one side of the grand martial training ground.
The statue, carved from a massive rock, was seamless and smooth. But to the ordinary eye, it appeared just as a statue, whereas Lee Gwak saw it differently.


Lee Gwak’s sharp eyes detected traces of mechanisms.

Apart from a few individuals who specialized in studying mechanisms, there were hardly any in the Jianghu as proficient in traps as Lee Gwak.

Although he had not dealt with traps for six years due to focusing on martial arts, his keenness had not dulled.

Just looking at the statue, it was not clear what mechanisms were installed there. However, Lee Gwak was not disappointed.

The statue seemed like piecing together a finely torn picture. Viewing one part alone did not reveal the whole. It was important to find the fragmented pieces and imagine the complete picture.

As Lee Gwak moved around the training ground, he found traces of five more mechanisms.
Estimating the distance and arrangement of the mechanisms, Lee Gwak mused.

“If it were me…”

Lee Gwak imagined the situation from their perspective.

It wasn’t that he intended to figure out the traps for any particular reason. It was just a habit ingrained in him.

“The one who installed these mechanisms must be very arrogant. To leave two escape routes open.”

Leaving two escape routes was as good as saying there were no traps at all. Compared to the typical trap that left no escape, it was an unusual move.

It could either mean the Martial Sword Troupe was very confident in their power, or it was a high-level strategy to give a greater sense of despair to those who managed to escape.

While Lee Gwak was engrossed in imagining the mechanisms, he suddenly sensed someone’s gaze.

Turning his head toward where he felt the gaze, he saw a crowd of people. However, he could not find the owner of the gaze that had been staring so intently at him.

“Was it my imagination?”

With so many people gathered, it was natural for numerous gazes to crisscross. Among those, a few glances at Lee Gwak wouldn’t be unusual.


Yet, he couldn’t shake off a peculiar sense of concern.

“It’s him.”

A man wearing a wide-brimmed bamboo hat bit his lip so hard that it bled, but he felt no pain. Such was the depth of his rage.

Lifting the brim of his hat slightly, the man’s true face was revealed.

His sunburned, dark skin and fierce gaze were reminiscent of a black panther. He was Dam Il-cheon, the leader of the Nine Shadows Fleet.

He had secretly arrived at Haenam Island at dawn today. Even though shipping was halted and entry strictly prohibited during the Sea Martial Festival, such restrictions were no issue for him.

Haenam Island was vast, and there were many hidden geographical features where one could anchor a boat out of sight of the Martial Sword Troupe. He had moored his small boat at such a place and made his way here under cover of night.

While his master was meeting with someone, Dam Il-cheon explored the Sea Martial Festival alone.

Though he led the Nine Shadows Fleet from the secluded Haewang Archipelago, he was still a young man with boiling blood. The grandeur of the festival naturally excited him.

But his excitement had long vanished.

He had spotted Lee Gwak by chance among the crowd. Lee Gwak was so engrossed in something that he did not notice Dam Il-cheon’s presence.

At first, Dam Il-cheon thought he was mistaken. But there was no mistake—it was Lee Gwak, the man who had delivered him his first defeat.

Suddenly, the anger he had forcibly suppressed flared up again, dominating him.

His master had instructed him to stay calm. He was brought here to get some fresh air and heal his mental wounds.

Dam Il-cheon didn’t want to cause trouble. He was a pirate leader, and this was the Martial Sword Troupe, one of the Ten Sects.

Causing trouble here meant that, no matter how strong his martial arts were, he couldn’t guarantee a safe escape.

He knew this intellectually. But his heart felt otherwise.

His heart raced violently, and his breathing became rapid. Thick veins bulged on his clenched fists like worms.

“Lee Gwak!”

His teeth ground together, making a sharp noise.

That was when he heard it.

“What’s the matter?”

A familiar voice reached his ears.

Suddenly, as if nothing had happened, Dam Il-cheon resumed a calm demeanor.


The one who had spoken to him was his master, the old man.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing. But why have you returned so soon, Master?”

“There was a guest waiting.”

“A guest?”

“Yes! It seems the discussion won’t be over quickly, so I’ll have to wait until tonight before going back.”

The old man looked disappointed.

“Then I should wait here.”

“Yes! Try not to draw attention to yourself as much as possible, and stay out of sight.”

“Don’t worry.”

Dam Il-cheon smiled.