Martial Artist Lee Gwak Episode 157

May 27, 2024 • 12 min read • 335 views

The Sea Martial Festival (1)

Novel- Martial Artist Lee Gwak

From the morning, Haenam Island was buzzing with excitement. It was the day of the Sea Martial Festival. People’s steps were directed towards the Martial Sword Troupe.

The Martial Sword Troupe was one of the Ten Sects. Even without this occasion, the influence of the Martial Sword Troupe was at its peak. As if to prove this fact, the procession of people heading towards the Martial Sword Troupe seemed endless.

Excitement and anticipation were clearly visible on their faces.

It was a festival held once every three years.

Missing this opportunity meant waiting another three years. That’s why people wanted to see everything about the Sea Martial Festival from the first day.

Lee Gwak also headed towards the Martial Sword Troupe, mingling with the crowd.

Despite his dislike for crowded places, he couldn’t skip such a grand event as long as he lived in the Jianghu.

Lee Gwak couldn’t help but be amazed at the sight of the Martial Sword Troupe’s massive walls from a distance. The scale of the Martial Sword Troupe was beyond imagination.

At a glance, the Martial Sword Troupe seemed no smaller than the Jade Heaven Alliance. Considering that Haenam Island was an island far from the Central Plains, it was truly an enormous scale.

The usually closed gates of the Martial Sword Troupe were wide open. There was no guard set up. Instead, personnel were intensively placed inside the Martial Sword Troupe, segregating the martial training ground where the Sea Martial Festival was taking place.

As soon as they crossed the main gate, the grand martial training ground unfolded before them.

The scale of the grand martial training ground surpassed Lee Gwak’s imagination. It seemed to stretch at least a hundred and fifty zhang from one end to the other. A large altar was built in the center of the huge stage, and stalls were set up around it, selling all kinds of food.

People bought food from the stalls and toured the inside of the Martial Sword Troupe. They were surprised and delighted, even though all they could see were the main stage and the hall’s roof peeking over the high walls.”

A performance had been underway for some time on the altar at the center of the main stage. A group of dancers, dressed in lion robes, danced around the altar, eliciting roars of laughter from the crowd.

The main event hadn’t even started yet, but the atmosphere was already heated.

“Indeed, it’s the Martial Sword Troupe. It truly reflects the demeanor of the southern Jianghu’s leader.”

“Who could disagree? At this rate, they’re surely capable of competing with the Jade Heaven Alliance.”

“Exactly! Isn’t it all thanks to the Alliance Leader, Yu Mun Sang? From being the last of the Ten Sects, he has grown the Martial Sword Troupe to such a scale. He truly is a dragon among men.”

People unanimously praised Yu Mun Sang, the leader of the Martial Sword Troupe.

The Martial Sword Troupe was divided into periods before and after Yu Mun Sang’s ascension to the position of leader. The progress made after Yu Mun Sang’s ascension was dazzling.

Before Yu Mun Sang’s leadership, Haenam Island was a very closed place. Although it had a natural harbor, it was not opened to the outside world and was only used internally.

Yu Mun Sang opened the harbor, invited people from outside, and focused on attracting merchant guilds. As a result, the Martial Sword Troupe’s finances improved dramatically, allowing more benefits for its disciples.

As a virtuous circle was created, the Martial Sword Troupe improved day by day, and eventually came to possess a power ranking proudly among the top ten sects.

Therefore, Yu Mun Sang’s authority was at its peak. Not only the martial artists of the Martial Sword Troupe but also everyone living in the southern sea praised Yu Mun Sang’s reign.

At least in this southern sea, Yu Mun Sang held an authority almost equivalent to that of an emperor.

Lee Gwak felt slightly uncomfortable.

The atmosphere, where one person was receiving unanimous praise without a single negative comment, felt awkward to him.

He wanted to see Yu Mun Sang for himself. He wanted to see with his own eyes if the man was as remarkable as people said.

At that moment, the aroma of something delicious piqued Lee Gwak’s nose. It was the smell of food from a nearby stall.

Without realizing it, Lee Gwak approached the stall that was selling dumplings. Delicious-looking dumplings were lined up on plates on the display

Lee Gwak asked the stall owner.

“How much for a plate?”

“It’s free, help yourself.”

“You mean you’re not charging?”

“During the Sea Martial Festival, the cost of the food is covered by the Martial Sword Troupe. So, don’t worry about the price and enjoy.”

The stall owner replied with a bright smile.

The Sea Martial Festival was a busy time for the stall owners as well. Since the Martial Sword Troupe was covering the costs, they didn’t have to worry about profit and could sell freely.

Lee Gwak picked up a plate of dumplings. Taking a bite, hot juice filled his mouth.

As Lee Gwak was blowing on the dumplings and eating them.

“Ha ha! Seeing you here again.”

Someone slapped Lee Gwak’s shoulder familiarly. Turning his head, Lee Gwak saw a familiar face.

“Master Seop?”

“I knew you would come.”

The man smiling brightly at Lee Gwak was Seop Yu-saeng, who was holding a plate of dumplings in his hand.

He lifted his plate of dumplings and said.

“Delicious, isn’t it? I’m already on my second plate.”

“Weren’t you inside?”

“My lodging is within the Martial Sword Troupe. But on a day like today, what’s the point of staying cooped up? It’s best to roam around and eat plenty. Ha ha ha!”

Seop Yu-saeng burst into his characteristic hearty laughter.

His informal manner was the same as before. Lee Gwak found Seop Yu-saeng’s personality likable but also somewhat overwhelming.

When Lee Gwak was at Jade Heaven Alliance, he had a fair amount of sociability and didn’t hesitate to converse with strangers. However, after experiencing a series of events, he became more guarded, especially around people with strong affinities like Seop Yu-saeng.

Unaware of Lee Gwak’s inner thoughts, Seop Yu-saeng treated him casually.

“By the way, are you planning to participate in the martial arts contest? If so, I can write a recommendation for you.”

“The martial arts contest?”

At Lee Gwak’s query, Seop Yu-saeng realized his mistake.

“Seems not. During the Sea Martial Festival, there’s a martial arts contest. Any young martial artist can participate. The winner gets the title of Southern Sea Young Hero and a chance to be mentored by the Martial Sword Troupe. It’s an opportunity for young martial artists dreaming of making a name for themselves. Aren’t you interested?”

“I’m not interested.”


When Lee Gwak firmly declined, Seop Yu-saeng let out a chuckle. Lee Gwak’s response was more decisive than he expected.

“You seem skilled in the martial arts; don’t you want to showcase your abilities to the world?”

“My skills are modest and not worth bragging about.”

“Hmm! Is that so? That’s a pity. It would have been quite interesting if you participated. Well, it can’t be helped.”

Seop Yu-saeng looked disappointed.

Then, it happened.

“Isn’t that Master Seop?”

Lee Gwak and Seop Yu-saeng turned their heads to see a young man and woman.

Lee Gwak’s eyes sparkled with recognition. They were the same people he had seen at the harbor yesterday.

They were Yook Cheon-ban and Gu Ok-rin.

Their gaze was fixed on Seop Yu-saeng.

Seop Yu-saeng nodded.


“Indeed, I was correct. I, Yook Cheon-ban, pay respects to Master Seop.”

“I, Gu Ok-rin, am pleased to meet Master Seop.”

The two greeted him with a traditional martial arts salute.

“Oh! Iron Half Sword and Purple Shadow Goddess. The rising stars of the Jianghu. It’s an honor to meet you here.”

“It’s our honor, master Seop.”

“Ha ha!”

Seop Yu-saeng laughed heartily at Yook Cheon-ban’s friendly demeanor.

Gu Ok-rin’s gaze then shifted to Lee Gwak, who was standing next to Seop Yu-saeng.

“And who is this?”

“Ah! This guy is Lee Gwak, whom I met here. Everyone, please greet him.

“Lee Gwak?”

Gu Ok-rin tilted her head, not recognizing the name.

She gave Lee Gwak a once-over.

Plainly dressed and shabby.; he looked like a novice or an unremarkable martial artist at best.

“May I ask which sect you belong to?”

“I don’t belong to any particular sect.”

“I see. Nice to meet you, Master Lee Gwak.”

Gu Ok-rin made a face as if she was no longer interested. And Yook Cheon-ban blatantly ignored Lee Gwak altogether.

Yook Cheon-ban then spoke to Seop Yu-saeng.

“I have many questions. Would it be alright if I accompanied master Seop to seek your teachings?”

“That would be nice, but I’ve already promised to accompany this friend here today.”

Seop Yu-saeng smiled and looked at Lee Gwak.


Yook Cheon-ban’s eyelids fluttered for a moment.

Although Seop Yu-saeng phrased it politely, it was essentially a rejection of Yook Cheon-ban’s proposal.

Yook Cheon-ban frowned at Lee Gwak. But, like Gu Ok-rin, he couldn’t find anything special about Lee Gwak either.

Yook Cheon-ban said with a surly expression.

“Lucky Guy, accompanying someone like master Seop and receiving his teachings.”

“I’m just grateful for the opportunity.”

“Let’s meet again later. I will also see you again, master Seop.”

After greeting Seop Yu-saeng, Yook Cheon-ban walked away, followed by Gu Ok-rin.

Lee Gwak silently watched the two depart. Seop Yu-saeng put his arm around Lee Gwak’s shoulder and said.

“Don’t feel too bad about it. They’re just obsessed with names and fame, ignoring the essence of a person.”

“I’m not particularly upset.”


“What’s there to be upset about with people who are just passing by?”


Seop Yu-saeng looked at Lee Gwak with a surprised expression.

It was natural for a young and vigorous martial artist to feel hurt, especially given the dismissive attitude of Yook Cheon-ban and Gu Ok-rin. Yet, Lee Gwak genuinely appeared unaffected.

It wasn’t an easy feat.

“My curiosity about you is growing.”

“I’m not particularly fond of men’s interest. Especially not from middle-aged men…”

“Yuck! I have no interest in men either. With so many beautiful women in the world, why would I fancy smelly men?”

“Good to hear. I hope it stays that way.”

“What? Puhaha! This guy is really something.”

Seop Yu-saeng burst into laughter.

The people around looked at Seop Yu-saeng as if he was odd, but Seop Yu-saeng didn’t care about their gazes and laughed heartily.

Lee Gwak watched Seop Yu-saeng with a blank expression, unable to understand why Seop Yu-saeng was laughing so much. But for Seop Yu-saeng, it was genuinely refreshing.

After gaining fame in the Jianghu, Lee Gwak was the only one who treated him without any formality.

Yook Cheon-ban and Gu Ok-rin, who had approached him earlier, sought his acquaintance because of his reputation, not because they genuinely liked him.

Seop Yu-saeng was tired of such encounters. Those chasing fame were like flies, always buzzing around looking for an opportunity, no matter how much one tried to shoo them away. But Lee Gwak was different.

Even though he knew Seop Yu-saeng was a renowned martial artist, he still treated him with a look of annoyance.

Unlike Yook Cheon-ban and others, the fact that Lee Gwak always seemed to look for a way to distance himself was actually refreshing.

It meant, at least, there were no ulterior motives.

Seop Yu-saeng, still holding onto Lee Gwak’s shoulder, said,

“Let’s have a drink.”

“In the middle of the day?”

“Daytime drinking is the best. Seeing stars during the day is absolutely beautiful.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Such a cold person… Huhu!”

Despite potentially being upset, Seop Yu-saeng didn’t mind.

Just when Lee Gwak sighed discreetly at Seop Yu-saeng’s attitude,

Boom! Boom!

A majestic drum sound echoed through the grand martial training ground.

Following that, nine large flags representing the Martial Sword Troupe rose above the altar.

Each flag bore the name of one of the nine main sects forming the backbone of the Martial Sword Troupe, including the Haenam Sect.


The appearance of the flags symbolizing the Martial Sword Troupe triggered a unified cheer from the crowd. Their shouts were so loud that dust swirled around the area.

The crowd’s attention then shifted to the entrance of the martial training ground.

Excitement was evident on their faces.


Moments later, an even more ecstatic cheer erupted.

It was because of the appearance of a man at the entrance of the martial training ground.

A man of noble bearing dressed in blue martial attire, the man captured everyone’s attention the moment he appeared.

Like a powerful presence as vast as the ocean, the middle-aged man was Martial Emperor of the Southern Sea, Yu Mun Sang, the supreme leader of the Martial Sword Troupe.

“The supreme leader descends, bringing fortune to the world!”

“Bringing fortune to the world!”

As he made his appearance, the martial artists of the Martial Sword Troupe bowed in unison, shouting in harmony. Even the martial artists who had come to watch the Sea Martial Festival were swept up in the atmosphere and paid their respects.

Amidst the crowd’s frenzied shouting, Lee Gwak frowned and watched Yu Mun Sang.

Yu Mun Sang, with a smile on his lips, observed the enthusiastic crowd. The people reacted even more fervently to his serene appearance.

After watching the crowd for a moment, Yu Mun Sang climbed up to the altar. Following him were members of the Martial Sword Troupe’s leadership.

The crowd cheered even louder.

The madness of the crowd seemed to reach Lee Gwak through the air.