Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 221

May 23, 2024 • 14 min read • 1674 views

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One rank 3 explorer.

Nine rank 4 explorers.

Fourteen regular knights capable of using Aura.


‘One rank-3 battle mage.’

These are the key members for this plan.

But given the imminent crisis, it’s still uncertain if this number will suffice.

‘Still, it is almost a miracle to gather so many’

The core personnel have already escaped through the dimensional gate. So there is bound to be a shortage of top-level personnel.

How many people would voluntarily stay behind and refuse a survival ticket like these people?

Realistically, this is all of them.

‘Not bad.’

I think to myself and glance to the side.

A middle-aged man with black hair, dressed in a robe, stands there. He was the person I found most intriguing.

Kyle Febrosk, a rank military mage affiliated with the royal family. I was genuinely surprised when I learned his rank.

In this industry, mages’ ranks are customarily considered one level higher.

Of course, this isn’t out of respect for mages.

For example, Raven is only rank six, but in the team she’s second only to me in terms of completing the most tasks.

It’s more accurate to say that the criteria for measuring ranks differ.

But a rank 3 mage?

“A rank 2 explorer is practically a near-top-tier”

Honestly, I don’t understand why the knights’ commander left this guy here alone. For a rank-3 mage, even if he screamed he didn’t want to go, you’d still drag them along by force.

“Or perhaps, the commander couldn’t forcefully take him because he’s that valuable?”

This could be it. From the royal family’s point of view, losing this guy would be a bigger blow than losing thousands of explorers. The commander probably tried to take him with him, but failed.

“Must be a grudge, right?”

Just before leaving, I asked Kyle why he stayed behind, and he answered coldly with a sharp tone.

[I can’t run away leaving that bastard behind. It’s a rare opportunity.]

Unfortunately, he didn’t say who that “bastard” was.

I couldn’t pry further, and regardless of his motive, it was good for me, so I set off immediately.

And now,


We are running.

Among hundreds of people, I am at the forefront.

Clank, clank.

The thousand explorers are divided into three groups, following at a certain distance.

Though the forces are appropriately divided, most of the key personnel mentioned earlier are in the forefront group.

There was no backlash from the rear group.

They understood it too.

When the enemy appears, it’s this group that will clear the path through all sorts of dangers.


Apart from the sound of running, only a tense silence prevails.

Normally, I’d chat with comrades to ease the tension, but.. 

It’s impossible now.

My team is elsewhere.

Clank, clank. 

Only warriors and knights, armored like me, follow behind. 

Our mission is singular. 

When things go down, we must clear the path.

It’s naturally the most dangerous position.

That’s why I sent my teammates to the back.

Given the larger number of people, the back is much safer.

[Is there anything unusual up ahead?]

A voice comes from the message stone at my waist. 

It’s Kyle’s, about 70 meters behind. 

For reference, I positioned all of my teammates near him.


I reply, but it feels awkward.

This kind of communication is necessary when people are spread out like this, but it’s new to me. Maybe I’ll get used to it when I form a clan someday.

[Understood, inform the rear as well. Let me know immediately if anything happens. It will start soon.]

“Got it.”

I cut the communication and focus ahead. 

The thick fog from days ago has completely vanished, and there’s no sign of the Noark side’s explorers.


“Any moment now.”

As time passes, my heart beats more ominously.

It’s natural.

 The ninth tier lord is about to appear, and the crystals in the cave walls have been glowing red for over 30 minutes.

“This way.”

At a sudden fork, I turn right.

At the same time, a warrior following me marks the wall.

This is why I’m at the forefront.

A vanguard with navigation abilities is crucial—


I clear my thoughts and halt everyone. 

The crystals emitting red light are dimming and turning black.

After about three seconds, the entire passage is shrouded in darkness.


I light a torch and speak.

“Brace yourselves.”

For some reason, Einstein’s words come to mind.

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”.

Of course, this isn’t a perfect analogy for my current situation.

But one thing is clear.

「Special Condition – Nine Terrors fulfilled.」

「The Abyss Lord Berzak begins to roam the floor.」

It’s time to return to basics.


[Field effect: Abyssal Fog is applied]

[All usage effects are deactivated]

[Mana efficiency decreases to one-fourth]

[Monsters exposed to the Abyssal Fog evolve into superior beings]



I place the torch in the groove on my helmet.

It’s been a while since I used this mode, but I don’t feel embarrassed.

Other warriors are doing the same.

“Heh, it’s been ages since I used a torch.”


Everyone attaches torches to their helmets, and visibility is restored. The black mist surrounding us becomes clearer.

It’s like the darkness in the labyrinth starting from the second floor.

Darkness that devours light.

‘Visibility is about 2 meters.’

Well, in the game, I always had a few Archmages with me when I hunted Berzark.

I’ve never been in this situation before, because I’ve built up the environment and summoned them.

“I’ve heard about the creature, but it seems more dangerous than I thought.”

Tension rises among the seasoned warriors. 

Visibility is crucial in combat. 

For instance, in the United States, 21 feet (6.4 meters) is recommended as the ideal confrontation distance with a suspect.

Anything less, and it becomes difficult to respond properly if the suspect charges with a knife.

This also applies to guns. It takes this much distance to aim at and shoot a charging person.

But 2 meters?

[We need to move quickly.] Just as I finish readying myself, Kyle’s voice urges from the message stone.

“We were mounting the torches. We’re moving now.” I inform the warriors and move forward, shielding my upper body with my shield.

And then…

Clank, clank.

I gradually pick up the pace. 

This is one of the reasons why the current situation is so tricky and why I composed the vanguard of sturdy warriors and knights.

Running with a 2-meter visibility.


I shout to cast away the fear and kick off. 

Walking slowly won’t get us to our destination in time.

Yeah, we already knew it was dangerous.

“Let’s go!!”

As I charge into the darkness, the warriors muster their courage and follow.

 After all, I’m lighting the way ahead, so it’s a bit easier for them—

“Kyahhhh!!” A beast’s roar comes from the darkness, charging at us. 

It’s too large to have come from the first floor. Perhaps also it’s because I’m not using [Gigantification] as usual.


I strike the beast’s jaw with my shield. 

Immediately, the warrior to my right brings down a double-edged axe on its neck.


The blade bites into the flesh but gets caught in the bone. 

I feel a bitter taste in my mouth. 

The dwarf who just swung the axe is a rank 4 warrior. Not a guardian, but a melee warrior.

Yet he couldn’t kill it in one shot…


Despite the deep wound on its neck, the beast charges at us again. I strike its head with my mace.


It’s probably not dead yet. 

I hadn’t used my only attack skill, [Swing], after all. Well, I couldn’t use it.

[All usage effects are deactivated]

Active skills are sealed in the ‘Abyssal Fog’. 

Think of a flesh golem retaining its [Acidic Fluid] but unable to use [Flesh Explosion].

That’s also why I can’t use [Giantization] now.

‘I feel like I’m back in the old days.’

A strange sense of loss envelops my body. 

It reminds me of the early days when I had nothing. 

Perhaps that’s a big part of why the other warriors were so afraid of the darkness.

One of their greatest weapons is gone.


“What are you all doing, why aren’t you following me?”

We still have our raw stats. 

We can still use passive skills, and we have gear we worked so hard to buy.

Even though equipment effects and scrolls can’t be used…

The constant options, like the ‘50% shock reduction’ from the Guardian Corps’ emblem, still apply.

“Leave the ones you can’t kill to the back!”

Ignoring the beast, we plunge into the darkness again. We judged that trying to kill each one would delay us too much.


“Growl! Growl!”

Every few steps, beasts appear in groups. 

They’re about 1.5 times the size of a lion. 

But their form is similar to the blade wolves commonly found in the eastern district of the first floor.

The difference in strength is vast, though.

[You have slain an Abyssal Blade Wolf +EXP 5]

They’re 5th level monsters, on par with trolls in difficulty. 

We have to carve our way through them without active skills. 

This is why I recruited warrior-type members. Spellcasters, summoners, and necromancers who rely heavily on skills are useless in this event.

Warriors typically have high raw stats.

“Ahh, my arm…!”

“Priest, heal quickly!”

Even so, the deeper we go, the more injuries we sustain. 

Just as my combat ability plummeted without [Gigantification], the explorers struggle with their current selves. 

Ah, the Abyssal Blade Wolf’s skill also plays a role.

[The Abyssal Blade Wolf has cast[Inner Madness]

This active skill, gained through evolution in the Abyssal Fog, nullifies all of the caster’s defense stats and converts them into bonuses to slicing, destructive, and penetrating power.


I shake off my thoughts and block my face with my shield.

Scritch, scratch!

Something grinds against the shield from the other side. 

More than the repair cost, I worry about my body. 

If moonstone, a tier 4 metal, is like this…

“I can’t withstand this with just my body.”

No wonder there are so many injuries. Their claws can tear through tier 2 metal like paper.

‘Phew, if I get an essence, I’ll consume it right away.’

Originally, when I did this event, I was in the latter stages of the game and their essence was not appealing.

But for me now, they’re different.

Not only are their stats high for a Rank 5, but their skills are pretty good…….

With this skill, I can temporarily change my position from tank to dealer.

Though it’s unusable now, their raw stats are exceptionally high. 

A slight increase in stats will be a big help. I can always erase the essence later at the temple. A hundred thousand stones don’t seem too expensive now.


I shout to raise morale. It’s not just me. Everyone calls out their beliefs to dispel their fear.

“For Raphdonia!”

Loyal knights still cry out for the royal family that abandoned them.


Someone calls their wife’s name.

The star that rises at twilight shall guide us

Someone else prays to their god.

How much time has passed like this?

[Time to switch.]

Kyle’s voice comes through the message stone, signaling a change of guards. Warriors and knights who had been conserving their strength at the rear moves up to the front.

“…Are you alright?”

The dwarf warrior who had fought valiantly beside me asks with concern.

To be honest, I want to rest too. But…

“There needs to be someone to find the path up front.”

“Can’t you call another scout to do it?”

“Another scout…”

I chuckle. 

Most scouts lack combat prowess. 

And he is suggesting calling one of them into a place where even heavily armed warriors and knights risk getting torn apart and having their guts spill out?

“Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

“…I’ll be back soon.”

He’s loyal, having fought beside me for only a short time.

“I’ll be waiting.”

After the dwarf warrior falls back, new individuals take positions beside and behind me.

They’re not unfamiliar.

We already introduced ourselves before setting off.

“Elbertin, Davers, Karkin, good to see you. Watch my sides.”

“Haha, it’s been a while, and you’re already a mess.”

“Why don’t you rest in the back? We’ll clear the path from here.”

The warriors show concern, seeing my tattered equipment and the blood still flowing.

“I can still hold on. I’ll let you know when I can’t.”

“Stubborn as always.”

“Isn’t that why so many people followed him?”

“Damn, these guys don’t even give us time to greet each other.”

Before we could finish our brief chat, we had to move again due to the beasts appearing ahead.

“They’re different from ordinary Blade Wolves, so be careful.”

“We know without you saying.”

“They always pop out from side paths.”

“It’s been brutal over there too. Many have already died.”



“There’s no priests on that side, right?”

Yeah, that’s right.

We positioned all the priest at the forefront.

Still, it doesn’t make this place any safer.

Even here, the battles have resulted in casualties.


‘Sooner or later, the divine power will run out.’

To conserve divine power, we’ve been sending the injured to the back to use potions whenever possible.

But that’s just a matter of time.

Then this place will become an even worse hell.


I shook my head.

I was worried about my comrades in the rear, but if anything had happened, I would have been contacted through the message stone.

‘Focus on what I need to do.’

Clearing my mind, I pressed my shield to my shoulder and pushed forward with my weight.

If necessary, I swung my mace.

Sometimes I shouted, sometimes I lost my balance and fell to the ground, but I’d quickly roll and get back up.

Wham! Wham! Ssshh! Boom!

Blunt weapons, swords, or the aura of knights slicing through the black-blooded beasts.

Their fluids covered and covered me again.

Time passed like that.

“Huff, huff.”

Warriors who had invested heavily in physical stats breathed heavily and groaned.

Such was the battle.

Even I, who prided myself on having gone through all sorts of hell, struggled to stay sane.

Maybe that’s why?

When I came to my senses, there was another warrior standing to my left.

Since when?

“When did Davers and Elbertin go to the back?”


“Did they die?”


…I see.

We were supposed to drink together later.


As if pouring fuel into a fire.

I burned even the slightest emotions and pushed on.

Also, I ordered the priest to prioritize healing others over me.

I have pain resistance, so potions are enough…


Honestly, even I don’t know anymore.

Have I fought so much that my judgment is blurred?

Or is it because I’m surrounded by warriors that the barbarian instinct etched into my body has awakened?

Is it because I became familiar with their names?

Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen too much death lately.

To someone, I was a sacrificial pawn

And to me, someone else was disposable.

This was an undeniable fact until just a few days ago.

I didn’t feel frustrated or think it was unfair. That’s how the world was, and I chose to adapt.



What is this feeling?

This isn’t like me.



A heart heated to boiling.

My head throbbing.

The warmth of the blood flowing down.

The stickiness.


Yeah, maybe it’s natural to be out of my mind.


I stopped trying to find a reason

Though I don’t know why, every time someone following me died, something stirred in my chest.

It was a desire I felt for the first time in my life.


For myself.

For my comrades.

For the many who follow me.


I want to bring them back alive.

「Character’s health is below 20%.」

「Due to the passive skill [Hero’s Path], all resistance and endurance stats have reached their maximum increase.」

Even if I have to burn everything.

See you on Monday