Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 217

May 21, 2024 • 13 min read • 2023 views

Leader 1

Dimensional Gate.

A unique type of magic handled by only a few schools.

In this game, filled with countless annihilation flags, there’s no need to explain just how overpowered this magic is.

The ability to return to the city without having to wait for the labyrinth to close?

Isn’t this the ultimate survival skill?

‘Well, it’s not without its limitations.’

For one, its countermeasures in PvP combat are well known, making it difficult to use as an escape tactic during battles.

Additionally, it can only be used by up to 30 people.

This is why upper-level explorations are almost always composed of groups of 30.

‘More importantly, once used, the mage can never use that spell again.’

For reference, this is different from the game.

In the original game, only Archmages who have reached the highest rank could use the ‘Dimensional Gate’ spell.

If they did use it, that mage was guaranteed to die.

However, this world is 150 years in the future from the game’s timeline.

The six schools possessing the knowledge of the Dimensional Gate spell jointly researched and developed a method allowing lower-ranked mages to use it.

I’m not a mage, so I don’t know the details, but I do know that it’s a method that allows a mage to use it only once in their lifetime.

‘Given the current situation, there wouldn’t be any mages refusing to use the Dimensional Gate spell…’

So, how many people have entered the labyrinth?

Hmm, quite a few, I would say.

Large clans prioritize recruiting mages who can use the Dimensional Gate, and those schools also encourage mages with remaining uses of the spell to join explorations.


‘Even if they scrape together every last one, it won’t be more than 150 people.’

Realistically, fewer than 4,500 people will escape this hell using the Dimensional Gate.

‘Excluding the royal knights and the elite of large clans who have their own mages… it’s safe to say the rest are all abandoned.’

The more I fleshed out the numbers, the more I realized how ridiculous this was.

This is different from the incident with the 3rd floor, just in terms of numbers.

At least ten thousand explorers will die.

‘Knowing this, they made such a decision…’

Pushing aside the overwhelming feeling, I tried to continue my reasoning calmly.

This might be the most important thing right now.

Why did the knight commander make this decision?

‘…They must have judged that the path to the 2nd floor is blocked, or at least in a state no different from being blocked.’

Leaving the 1st floor is impossible.

No, it might be possible, but it would result in more sacrifices than simply having a few escape via the Dimensional Gate.

So the knight commander made this decision.

Believing that preserving as much strength as possible and returning to the city was the strategically correct choice—

“We meet again.”

Startled by the sudden sound behind me, I quickly turned and froze.

Phew, what a surprise.

“You said your name was Bjorn Jandel, right?”

I wasn’t sure when he appeared, but the Knight Commander was standing behind me.

His name was…

“Marco Elburn.”

“Quite a memory for a barbarian.”

Normally, I would have retorted sharply, but this time I responded smoothly.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

After all, he is the highest authority here.

Just having a brief opportunity to speak with him one-on-one was an incredible stroke of luck.

After much deliberation, I decided to ask him directly, like a true barbarian.

“I heard you’re looking for mages who can use the Dimensional Gate. Are you planning to escape?”

This question was crucial to confirm the facts.

As soon as he heard my question, his eyes turned cold.

“In this respect, you are very much a barbarian. Others might have noticed but wouldn’t have dared to ask me directly.”

As you can see, being a barbarian has its perks.

As I stared into his eyes, he asked back.

“Where did you hear that?”

That was enough for me.

So, it’s true after all.

I wondered if there might be another strategy.

“I overheard a knight giving orders to an administrative officer.”

“…Careless. Or maybe they let their guard down thinking you’re just a barbarian.”

From the look in his eyes, it seemed that knight wouldn’t get away unscathed, but that wasn’t my concern.

I was about to continue with my main point.

“Hmm, maybe you’re smarter than I thought.”

He continued with a peculiar look in his eyes.

“Since it’s come to this, I’ll tell you. I’ve heard about the composition of your team through the administrative officers.”

“…You’ve been investigating me?”

“I found you interesting, that’s all.”

Interest, huh…

Is this a positive variable or the opposite?

In the end, it was both.

“I can take you and a mage with me. Just promise to serve the royal army for a year.

He offered me a ticket for the Dimensional Gate.

The problem was, it was only for two people.

“What about the others?”

“You know what needs to be done.”

Shit, my teammates don’t meet the standards.

I thought I had trained them well over the past few months.

“So, what will you do?”

I stood at a crossroads.

“I’d like an answer now. We don’t have much time.”

My life and one teammate’s life.

Or a gamble with everyone’s lives on the line.

[Can you… win?]

[Don’t worry. I will make sure we all get out alive.]

A fleeting conversation from the past flashed through my mind.


I answered without hesitation.

“I don’t abandon my comrades.”

Maybe I really have become a barbarian to the core.


The Second Tier Lord has been defeated.

The Third Tier Lord has been defeated.

The Fourth Tier Lord has been defeated.

The Fifth Tier Lord has been defeated…


Time passed.

I kept my conversation with the knight commander strictly confidential.

[Keep the talk about the Dimensional Gate to yourself, if you value your comrades.]

His threat was a threat, but I didn’t feel the need to share it. The news would spread soon enough without my help.

And indeed, it did.

“Mr. Jandel, you heard the rumors, right?”

It’s impossible to silence thousands of mouths.

Especially when they’re not a tightly-knit group.

The knight commander’s plan to escape via the Dimensional Gate spread quickly, reaching Raven’s ears in no time.

“Yeah, I know.”

“…What are you going to do? Do you think it’s just a rumor too?”

Raven’s question drew the attention of Mr. Bear and Misha. They had clearly discussed this before coming to me.

Well, they might be the only ones who hadn’t noticed the ominous tension in the air.

“Caron, you can’t even lift that greatsword! Can you still call yourself a man?”

“I… I can lift it! Look!”

“Oh! Then you’re half a man!”

The barbarians had been passing around an adamantium greatsword for nearly an hour, having a good time.

Sometimes I envy their carefreeness.

They can move forward without a shred of doubt.

“Um, Jandel…?”

“Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought for a moment.”

I forced a bright smile and patted Raven on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry about the rumors! Everything will be fine!”

Everything will be fine.

I will make sure of it.

So, I just want them to move forward without doubt.

It’s enough for me to constantly question and worry about the traps and enemies ahead.

“Why are you so unnecessarily positive!”

“That’s what being a leader means.”

“Alright, alright, just stop patting my shoulder!”

I wrapped up the conversation and closed my eyes, lost in thought again.

Recently, my mind had been consumed by one thing.

How can we all return alive?

I’ve agonized over this thousands of times, crafted countless plans and discarded many, and meticulously examined each plan for potential variables and errors.

‘It has to be perfect.’

If Plan A fails, then Plan B.

If that doesn’t work, then Plan C.

Whenever I had a moment, I ran simulations from start to finish, preparing for the worst possible scenarios.

How much time had passed?

A faint tremor emerged from the ground, signaling we were nearing the critical point.

“That’s the eighth one already.”

This marked the summoning of the eighth lord.

This had been going on for several days, so neither Raven nor anyone else showed much reaction.

They didn’t know, after all.

What happens when the ninth Lord is defeated.

‘Even though such rumors are circulating, there are no signs of protest because most people think it’s nonsense.’

From an average person’s perspective, there’s no reason for the leaders to escape using the Dimensional Gate.

They don’t have the information about ‘that.’

“Judging by the screams, it seems close by…”

“Stay alert, everyone. It might come this way.”

We prepared for any eventuality, waiting for the Tier Lord to be defeated.

Just then, we heard movement from the rear corridor.

“Make way, everyone! Stick to the walls!”

A group pushed through the narrow passage like an ambulance on an emergency run, moving swiftly.

As we hugged the walls, they brushed past like the wind.

“They’re the Eramel Star Clan.”

A well-known large clan.

Seeing them move in the direction of the screams, it seemed they were heading to deal with the Tier Lord.

“With the reinforcements gone, it should be dark again soon.”

The first-floor Tier Lords can be defeated by a team of 30 explorers from the 7th floor. With the right strategy, even fewer could suffice.

I smiled bitterly.

‘Why do they bother taking down the Tier Lords if they’re just going to abandon everyone anyway?’

The first floor Tier Lords don’t drop any significant loot.

No essence, and the byproducts obtained through ‘Distortion’ magic aren’t particularly valuable.

The only reward for defeating them is the promotion to a proper 4th-grade clan, which comes with benefits.

Thus, it was mostly used as a test.

When a group reached a certain level, they would defeat a tier lord as a rite of passage.

‘Could it be guilt? Like, “We did our best until the end”?’

I wondered briefly but concluded that there must be more practical reasons.

By acting as if they were doing their duty until the end, those left behind wouldn’t suspect anything.


After about twenty more minutes, a distant roar echoed, and the glowing red crystal dimmed.

It signified the Tier Lord’s defeat.

“Starting tomorrow, it’s the fifth day. Just two more days to hold on.”

I checked the time occasionally, continually reviewing my plans.

How much time had passed?


It had been about two hours since the eighth lord was defeated.

Or rather…

“Damn it!!”

Only four hours remained until the hellish scenario would unfold.

“Everyone, run inside! The rumors were true!”

“The royals are abandoning us and escaping! Stop them!!”

A commotion erupted from deep inside the cave.

At that moment, in the center where the camps of the large clans and the royal knights were situated.

“You bastards!! Move, get out of the way!!”

“Step back, explorer, or I will cut you down.”

“We’re going to die either way—!”


Thud, roll.

An explorer’s head fell to the ground.

“Anyone else want to try?”

The knight’s threatening words made them hesitate for a moment.

“What are you doing? Push through!!”

“I’m getting out! I’m getting out of here!!”

“Aaagh! My arm! My arm…!”

Desperate explorers, blinded by survival, rushed in like moths to a flame.

This scene unfolded simultaneously in every passage connected to the center.

“The real enemy is out there, but they choose to shed meaningless blood.”

Marco Elburn clicked his tongue and turned to his lieutenant.

“How’s the progress?”

“Just over half have escaped.”

“Half… it’s taking much longer than planned.”

If they had all used the Dimensional Gate magic at once to escape to the city, there would have been no such commotion.

However, due to the nature of the Dimensional Gate magic, which absorbs surrounding mana, they had to use the spell sequentially.

“It’s almost our turn. Let’s leave this to the remaining knights and go, captain.”

Marco Elburn followed his lieutenant to the center. A new Dimensional Gate was opening, emitting a brilliant light.


Marco Elburn erased all lingering feelings and slowly walked towards the portal.

“Please, take me with you!!”


With each step, the sounds of desperate screams and clashing weapons filled the air.

Clink, clink.

Marco Elburn paused before the portal.

A conversation from two days ago suddenly came to mind.

[I don’t abandon my comrades.]

He was quite an impressive fellow.

Barbarian yet not barbarian.

Slightly disappointing too.

[I misjudged you. I didn’t think you would make such a wrong choice.]

He lost interest in the barbarian.

He had made the offer out of sheer whim.

Yet he didn’t take the chance.

[Keep the talk about the Dimensional Gate to yourself, if you value your comrades.]

He intended to leave with just that threat.

But at that moment…

[You feel guilty.]

The barbarian had said something strange.


[That’s why you were disappointed when I refused your offer.]

At first, he didn’t understand.

But then the cold voice cut through his thoughts.

[You wanted to be reassured that your choice wasn’t wrong through me.]

Marco Elburn couldn’t refute it.

He hadn’t realized it, but he thought it might be true.

[Knight, I am different from you.]

[Don’t use me to absolve your feelings.]

That was the end of their conversation.

They would never see each other or talk again.

“Captain, we must go.”

Marco Elburn looked ahead.

Unlike the dark labyrinth, the city beyond the portal was brightly lit.

The only city in this cursed world.

The place they must protect at all costs.

The last bastion.

“For Raphdonia.”

He stepped into the portal.

It was the choice he had to make.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Then I reminded myself.

The moment of execution has come.


‘Do what must be done.’

I opened my eyes.

“Everyone, follow me. We’re moving to the center.”

“Huh? What are we going to do there?”

What else?

By the time we arrive, various abandoned talents from different groups will be in despair.

‘First, I need to match the size.’

I need to gather strength.

That’s the first step to survival.