Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 211

May 15, 2024 • 12 min read • 1334 views

Leader (4)


Erwin burst out of the crowd of explorers and threw her hand around my arm.

“Thank goodness! I was so worried!!”

Heh, I didn’t expect to meet her here.

Of course, that’s not a bad thing.

I relaxed a bit and checked my surroundings.

It turns out, Daria, her sister, was also nearby.

‘I don’t think they’re all from the same clan…….’

Initially, I wondered if it was that clan Erwin had joined as a mercenary.

But on closer inspection, that didn’t seem to be the case.

Most here are wearing a clan mark, but not all. Moreover, the clan marks were all different.

So, what exactly is this group made up of?

“Miss Erwin, who is this person?”

A human woman in her early thirties, lowered her weapon and asked, and Erwin finally let go of my arm and turned around.

“Don’t worry. He’s someone I know! Oh, and my sister knows him too, right, sister?”

“Yes, that’s right. His identity is verified, so there’s no need to worry about him being from the Noark’s side.”

“That’s a relief to hear.”

Upon hearing Daria’s words, the woman instructed the explorers to lower their weapons.

Hmm, is this woman the person in charge here?

“Nice to meet you. I am Vercil Gowland, the vice-captain of the Raler Clan.”

“I am Bjorn, son of Jandel.”

“Small Balkan…?”

I shrugged, and the woman looked at me with something like amusement.

“It seems a very important person has arrived.”

A compliment that naturally elevated me.

If I were a typical barbarian, I would have puffed up my shoulders at this point.

Is this how leaders converse?

“That’s more like what I should say.”

I stare at the woman as I reply briefly.

What I just said wasn’t just politeness; I meant it.

“If it’s the Raler Clan, I know it’s quite large.”

Not one of the top ten clans, but definitely large enough to boast about.

A peculiar fact is that 80% of the clan members are female.

“To be the vice-captain of that clan…”

I had unexpectedly met a significant figure.

But I had no intention of just making friends here.

“So, what exactly are you all doing here?”

“Let me explain.”

As soon as the introductions were over, Vercil, the vice-captain of the Raler Clan, briefly explained the situation.

It turned out they were in a similar predicament as us.

They had entered the labyrinth and moved quickly to reach the second floor.

And then…

“That incident happened.”

To understand the situation, Vercil led the team back to the starting point.

However, the place was already in complete chaos.

Therefore, she began gathering forces as a temporary measure.

“Everyone here is someone we’ve met before. Their identities are certain.”


“I don’t personally know everyone, but there’s mutual acquaintance within one degree of separation. Unfortunately, we’ve had to strictly exclude anyone for whom this method wouldn’t work, so you can rest assured.”

Ah, they couldn’t trust identification tags, so they used this method.

Just like how Erwin vouched for me.

They formed a group where everyone vouched for each other, creating a base level of trust.

“Our goal is simple.”

After explaining the group, Vercil then outlined the group’s objective.

“To combine our strengths to protect ourselves. Ultimately, to break through the enemy and reach a safe zone.”

“The safe zone, do you mean the dark zone in the center?”

“Yes, since you are aware, this makes things quicker. Would you join us, Mr. Jandel?”

Maybe it was because she was the vice-chief of a prominent clan?

Clearly, her every word shows she’s experienced in dealing with people.

She seems quite prudent too.

‘Being the vice-captain, she must be quite skilled.’

After a brief contemplation, I accepted Vercil’s offer to join.

“Fine, I look forward to working together.”

In these uncertain times, when no one knows how the day will end.

At least I found a temporary nest to stay.


“You don’t need to stand guard, so take a break. I’ll let you know when we’re about to leave.”

I gratefully accepted Vercil’s consideration.

A rest was desperately needed in the current circumstances.

Fog obscuring vision.

Battles with people, not monsters.

A chaotic situation where it’s hard to predict what comes next.

Physical fatigue was one thing, but the mental stress was tremendous.

“Come on, let’s rest over here.”

Noticing my team members stiffening awkwardly among the unfamiliar explorers, I led them to an empty spot and sat down.

And then, we just rested.

“It really turned out well. To meet such people, it seems we’re not meant to just die out here…”

Did the tension finally ease?

Initially vigilant, my teammates also enjoyed a moment of relaxation, their faces showing relief.

That was when it happened.

“Mister, you made a good decision. That vice-captain, she’s really strong. The others are no different.”

During the conversation, Erwin tactfully came and sat next to me, having been beside her sister before.

“By the way, it really seems like we’re destined to meet. I just thought I wanted to see you, and then you actually showed up! Hehe.”


Even Aynar and Misha, who usually didn’t think highly of Erwin, just frowned slightly without picking a fight.

They knew it too.

How foolish it would be to create discord out of personal feelings in such a situation.

“But how do you two know each other? I heard fairies and barbarians usually don’t get along.” Raven, meeting her for the first time, chimed in with curiosity.

“Oh, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am—.”

“I know! Mister told me a lot about you. That a really amazing mage has joined the team…”

“…Did Mr. Jandel really say that?”

Well, not exactly like that…


I decided to think of Erwin’s embellishment as part of her social skills and just observed quietly.

“My name is Erwin Fornacci de tersia. You are Alluva Raven, right?”

“Just Raven is fine.”

“Then please, just call me Erwin.”

In a friendly atmosphere, Erwin boasted about our encounter as if showing off.

Mr. Bear, leaning against the wall, seemed curious about my relationship with Erwin as he listened intently without making it obvious.

“Sharing your first return drink with such a lovely fairy… Jandel, you seem to have more luck with women than I thought.”

What is this Ahjussi saying?

“You’re Urickfreit, right? Hehe, thank you for the compliment!”

“…Just call me Abman.”

“Okay, Mr. Abman!”

Erwin, who had the air of a junior, quickly bonded with the group members.

Honestly, it was quite impressive.

“But how do you use this crossbow? It seems like ordinary people couldn’t even pull it because of the tension.”

“Oh, this? It’s nothing special. Want to try pulling it?”

“Can I? Uh… Wow! It’s really different from my bow.”

“Hehe, it uses troll tendons, so that’s expected.”

Had Erwin always been this good at socializing?

Like performing tricks in front of a mother-in-law—

‘Ah, maybe that’s not far off.’

I had mentioned forming a clan.

Naturally, Raven and Mr. Bear would be top recruitment targets.

She probably figured it’s wise to make a good impression now, given that they might end up in the same clan someday.

Well, the other two seemed less impressed.

Uraburak. Drop the grin. Is this really a time to smile?!”


For the first time in his life, Mr. Bear was stunned by a preemptive scolding from Aynar.

Did he realize the situation a bit too late?

Mr. Bear mumbled something indistinct as if making excuses.

“Ah, ah! I’m obviously a cat person.”

“Right? I almost doubted you! Now, come over here and check out my great sword. Talking about bows is just boring!”

“…Is it boring?”

“Of course!!”

Aynar dragged Mr. Bear over and made him sit next to her as if she were kidnapping him.

It was during this absurd scene.


“Ah, sister.”

Daria, who had been watching us intently from a distance, approached.

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but there’s something I need to discuss.”

“With Mister?”


Since she had something to say to me, I was about to get up, but Daria stopped me.

“There’s no need to disturb your rest for this.”

“Is that so? Then, what do you want to talk about?”

Daria looked at me awkwardly, standing. Somehow, her demeanor seemed uncomfortable.

Soon enough, I would understand why.

“You’ve become a rank 5 explorer, haven’t you?”

To my knowledge, Daria was also a rank 5 explorer, and that hadn’t changed.

But what about me?

Once just a rank 9 rookie, I had risen to lead a team as a rank 5 explorer in just one year.

Naturally, it was a bit awkward.

“And? Is that all you wanted to say?”

“…I have a proposal.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“How about our teams stick together for a while?”


Daria continued in a strictly business-like tone.

Though seven teams had gathered for a common goal, at the end of the day, everyone were just strangers, right?

“If you agree, our two teams would stay closely aligned during travel. We could combine our strengths immediately if anything happens.”

Alliances are inevitable wherever people gather.

Daria was proposing an alliance to me.

“Not a bad proposal.”

The offer was quite appealing.

Yes, just one condition needed to be met.

“But did you get your leader’s permission?”

Daria had joined the Blue Barrier Clan’s fourth team as a mercenary.

Naturally, the team leader was one of the clan’s officers.

Had she really finished discussing this with him?

“That man… don’t worry. I can persuade him. So, your answer?”


“Great, then I’ll come back later. Erwin, you should head back with me for now.”


Afterwards, Daria led her Sister back to their team, and I watched them go.

A strange sentiment crossed my mind.

When we first met, I was just a brash barbarian in her eyes, merely hanging around her sister.

But now, to receive such a proposal from her first.

“Let’s finish personal preparations and start moving soon.”

A few minutes later, Vercil announced that it was time to leave. She also informed us of our team formation for the move; we were to be third from the front.

Just behind us would be Erwin’s team.

‘It feels like I’ve been set up.’

It was like a train of teams following one another.

Of course, I had no complaints.

Given the nature of the Crystal Cave, it was natural to move in single file, and it made sense for Vercil’s team, who had the most power, to lead and clear the way.


“I’ve heard about you, Erwin and Daria told me. They call you the Little Balkan, right? I’m counting on you.”

“Sure, we’ll take care of the back.”

Why, of all places, are we ahead of them?

Is this really a coincidence?

‘Probably not.’

Whether third or fourth from the front, it’s a fact that the front is more dangerous.

It might seem minor, but it’s true that we are at a disadvantage.

Raven seemed to think so too.

“Um, I’m not happy about this.” 

“What part are you referring to?” 

“The formation. We’re not going to keep going like this, right? It would be fairer to alternate between the front and back.”

The leader of Erwin’s team, who we jokingly called Square Jaw, gave a congenial smile.

“Ha ha, our side has many long-range fighters, and you guys have more close-range, right? It’s just a logical arrangement.”


“Besides, aren’t we positioned safely in the middle? Who do you think helped arrange that?”

Square Jaw cut off Raven sharply, drawing a clear line.

Even Raven, a rationalist, found no words to counter.


If we are indeed here because of him, then it might be fair for us to take the front in terms of contribution.

We might even say we were lucky.


‘A mere team leader from a mid-sized clan influencing a vice-captain from a major clan?’

It sounded absurd no matter how I thought about it.

This needed more observation.

“Let’s end the discussion here and move on. It looks like the front has already started moving.”

What a rush.

Suspicious but complying, I moved forward.

Thud, thud.

Thus began our real journey.


The journey itself was smooth.

It almost felt like luck to have stumbled upon these people, with Erwin to vouch for my identity.

“Vice-captain! There’s a dark mage!”

“Stall for time. I’ll handle it soon.”

The combat capability of the team led by the vice-captain was truly impressive.

‘They usually operate around the 7th floor, right?’

With them clearing the path, it was very comfortable for us following behind.

‘Is this what it feels like to ride a bus?’

Apart from a few ambushes on side paths, there was hardly any need to swing a mace.

About an hour into our journey, it was then.

“There’s good news and bad news.”

Vice-captain Vercil halted our movement and addressed us.

“The good news is that we are almost there. It’s just a 20-minute run to the Dark Zone.”

Yes, I was aware of that too.

“What’s the bad news?”

Asked by one of the explorers, Vercil recited as if devoid of personal feelings.

“Not everyone can continue together.”

A chilling silence began to envelop the cave.

See you on Monday