Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 204

May 8, 2024 • 18 min read • 1143 views

Blessing (4)

Misha had been kidnapped.

And it happened right in the city.

It sounds like something terrible has happened, but I calmly checked the rest of the situation.

If that’s true, it’s no wonder Aynar was sleeping so soundly in her room.

“Kidnapped? Explain properly. What exactly happened? Start with when this all happened.”

“It was yesterday!”

The incident occurred just a day ago.

Aynar and Misha were simply having a meal outside and were on their way back.

But upon returning to their lodging, what did they find?

Beings in black clothes were waiting for Misha.

“Ah! It seems they were from Misha’s family home!”

If they came from the family home, they must be the tribe chief’s minions.

“…And then?”

“And then what? Those beings whispered something to Misha and took her away by force!”

Hmm, can we really say she was ‘forcibly’ taken?

I just asked to be sure.

“Did Misha leave you any message?”

“Yes, she said she’d be back tonight and I should just hang on for a day. Ah! She even told me to come and see you… I was so worried that I couldn’t sleep and I overslept!”

I couldn’t help but let out a snicker.

Misha left a message before leaving; how can this be considered a kidnapping?

When I asked this, an interesting answer came back.

“Misha told me with a face that clearly showed she didn’t want to go! If that’s not kidnapping, then what is?”

Taking someone against their will is considered kidnapping – classic barbarian logic

But I am a Barbarian too.

“Alright, Misha has indeed been kidnapped.”

I know how pointless it is to argue with a Barbarian about whether it’s a kidnapping or not.

“Right? I was so shocked that I even visited Aruru yesterday, but she talked as if it was nothing, which upset me!”

“What did Raven say?”

“She told me to not do anything weird and just wait at home until you come. So I haven’t even reported it to the security agency yet!”

Okay, that was handled well.

Best to leave Barbarian matters to Barbarians.

“So, what are we going to do, Bjorn? We obviously have to storm in there, right? Misha is our comrade, isn’t she!”

Storming in there could lead to an accident.

I clearly stated my view.

“Misha is a warrior. We need to give her time to handle it on her own.”

“That’s… right!”

“If she said she’d be back tonight, let’s wait until tonight. If she doesn’t come, I’ll go look for her myself tomorrow.”

“Got it!”

As I managed to turn the conversation around in a Barbarian-like way, Aynar didn’t stubbornly argue and easily agreed.

“But it’s morning, aren’t you hungry?” I asked Aynar

“Of course, I am!”

First, I took Aynar to have breakfast.

While eating, I checked if anything had happened during my absence.

Nothing much had happened.

Just the usual routine of training, eating, and going home.

Even the regular meetings held by Raven and Mr. Bear were put on hold until I returned.

Suddenly Aynar spoke

“Ah, at that time, Misha also admired how amazing Bjorn is. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, Bjorn is the core of the team, and without you, we can’t stick together!”

“Oh… that’s what happened.”

A blush of embarrassment came over me.

Well, it’s a hundred times better than being talked about behind my back.

I changed the subject.

“Did Misha leave you money for food?”

“Yeah, but I’ve spent it all.”

“…I will leave some money behind, so make sure you eat well until tonight.”

“Are you going out? Not waiting for Misha?”

“Staying at home won’t change anything. I have my own work to do. Misha would want that too.”

After finishing our meal, I sent Aynar back to her room and went out.

My first destination was the mage tower.

“Ah, you’re out? How do you feel?”

“Thanks to the antidote I got from Mozelans, I seem fine.”

“That’s good to hear. You’ve been through a lot. Anyway, Have you heard about Miss. Karlstein?”

“Yeah. If she doesn’t show up by today, I’ll go check on her myself, so don’t worry.”

“I wasn’t worried from the start. It’s Aynar who’s making a fuss about it, going to Misha’s home and all.”

I smiled bitterly and held back my words.

Unlike Raven, I knew about the complications between Misha and her family home.

Naturally, I was worried.

“Speaking of which, you said we couldn’t settle up because I wasn’t here? Let’s meet tomorrow then.”

“What if Miss Karlstein is late?”

“Then I’ll come back and tell you.”

After a brief catch up, we set a time and place to meet and parted ways.

My next destination was Mr. Bear’s tavern.

“Ah, you’re finally back. You’ve had a tough time.”

“Nothing major happened while I was away?”

“Nothing worth mentioning. But shouldn’t I be the one asking? How was it staying in Bifron?”

“It wasn’t bad. It’s a comfortable place.”

Like with Raven, I had a brief catch-up with Mr. Bear and informed him of the place and time for our meeting

“I’ll finally get that money then.”

“Sorry for making you wait. You could have taken it first.”

“No, things like this should be settled when everyone is present to avoid disputes. Plus, it’s not like you couldn’t come because you were having fun.”

“Thanks for understanding. I’ll be on my way then.”

After leaving the tavern, I felt a bit lost.

I had some time until evening; what should I do next? After some thought, I decided to head to the library.

It’s hard to find a better place to pass the time, and…

I had someone to report my survival to.

“…Bjorn Jandel.”

Upon arriving at the library, Ragna froze for a moment upon seeing my face.

“Long time no see?”

I grinned naturally and asked.

I was about to explain my 20-day absence.

But before I could, Ragna spoke up.

“I heard about it. Not only did you use your abilities in the city, but you broke the line and entered the Labyrinth, leading to your exile in Bifron.”

Oh, she knew.

Well, from what I’d heard at the Round Table, it was a political punishment that had become quite famous.

“I’m glad to see you’ve returned safely. And I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

An apology completely out of context.

As I puzzled over it, Ragna cautiously continued.

“I asked the butler if there was any way I could help, but he said it was an unavoidable issue…”

I still didn’t understand.

I still didn’t understand. Why was she apologizing, and what was this about a butler?

When I probed further, Ragnar clamped her mouth shut as if she had misspoken.

So I didn’t press any further.

There’s no way she’d tell me anyway.

‘It seems to involve her family matters.’

My fading interest in Ragna was rekindled.

A mage in her twenties of at least rank five.

From her clothes and staff, the scent of wealth was unmistakable.

And the butler she just mentioned.

Although she works as a librarian, which made me doubt her at times, from what I can see she is definitely nobility.


‘That’s a bit odd, though.’

I had been curious before and looked into it.

There is no noble family using the name ‘Phefroc‘.

So what exactly is her identity?

“…Are you going to read some books?”

“Ah, yes. That’s the plan.”

Perhaps uncomfortable under my gaze, Ragna changed the subject.

Accordingly, I just went in to read some books.

‘Well, I’ll find out when the time comes.’

It’s not like she has caused me any harm, right?

Digging into someone’s private family matters when they don’t want to talk about them isn’t right either.

Whatever she is, our relationship isn’t bad right now.

“Anyway, I still couldn’t find the Chronicles of the Rift series today.

I sat by the window reading until it got dark outside, and then it was time to tidy up and stand.

In the past, I accidentally discovered the Chronicles of the Rift series here and had occasionally looked for it, but I hadn’t found it this time either

“Are you leaving?”

“There’s someone I’m waiting for.”

“…I see.”

After returning to the inn, I had dinner with Aynar. Then, I asked her what she did today.

“Today? I took a nap and, out of boredom, went to the sanctuary.”

“To the sanctuary?”

“Teaching the young warriors is enjoyable. It reminds me of old times.”

But to me, it seems she hasn’t changed much since those days…

Well, except that her combat skills have significantly improved.

“Next time, let’s go together. They all want to see you. Hasn’t it been about 20 days?”

“Sure, next time we’ll go together.”

After declaring my intention to become the tribe chief, I had occasionally visited the sanctuary for early education without much hesitation.

It’s good to keep boosting my support within the tribe.

“Haha, the young warriors will be thrilled.”

Since we were both Barbarians, the meal ended quickly with such conversations. However, we didn’t go up to our rooms but waited in the dining area which also served as the lobby.

Misha hadn’t returned yet.

‘Could something serious have really happened?’

As the night wore on, I became increasingly worried, but fortunately Misha appeared about an hour later. Contrary to her usual preference for bright colors, she was dressed in black.

“Uh? Bjorn?”

“Misha!! Misha’s back!!”

Aynar immediately ran over and hugged Misha.

“Ah! Don’t. I’m not in the mood for that!”

Misha sighed and pushed Aynar away.

Then she came and sat in front of me.

“…Sorry. I was going to wait out front originally.”

“That’s fine. I’m not a child. But what happened there? Aynar mentioned something happened.”

“Ah, that…”

Misha trailed off, glancing at Aynar.

“Aynar, you go up and sleep.”

“Eh? Why?”


“Fine! I’ll go sleep!!”

After sending Aynar upstairs, we continued our conversation.

“So, why did your family call you back?”

“That… one of my brothers died, so I had to attend. I’m still part of that household, after all.”

“So, it was for a funeral.”

Contrary to my worries, it didn’t seem she was forcefully taken.

However, one thing puzzled me.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? At this time?”

It wasn’t immediately after the labyrinths closed.

A funeral at this time implies something deadly happened in the city.

“Don’t worry about strange things. That brother was always ill. He always needed the priest for treatment.”

“So not the Tribe Chief’s heir.”

I asked bluntly.

“Then who was it? You look somber, was it that elder brother you said always took care of you?”

“…You probably don’t know him. I’ve never mentioned him before.”


If she never mentioned him, he must be one of those who also tormented and ignored Misha.

Then why such a gloomy face?

“There must have been more than just the funeral there.”

“…How did you know?”


It’s obvious just from looking at her face, but I phrased it gently to avoid upsetting her.

“If it was just because of the funeral, there would be no reason to send Aynar away.”

“Why are you always so quick to notice these things?”

“…Just tell me. What happened?”

“That… Father… I mean, that man, he’s demanding that you be brought there again.”

Why does everyone seem so desperate to have me around?


Karlstein’s tribe leader wants to see me.

Maybe he’s discovered a new clue about the Frost Spirit Ring…

“Anyway, that aside. You don’t need to go there. I’ve already flatly refused.”

Since Misha has already dealt with it, there’s no need to worry further about this issue. If he really wants to meet, he should come to me directly.

If there’s no further news, it must not be important.

‘If he really does come…I’ll listen to what he has to say then. No point in going and getting into annoying situations.’

With that, this issue was settled.

“Argh, the more I think about it, the more it infuriates me. What does he think of me? Funeral or not, I won’t go back there again.”

Misha’s resolve to stand independently seemed to reignite after this conversation. We chatted about what I had missed during the past 20 days and then went to our respective beds.

The next afternoon.

“It’s been a while since we all gathered like this. How have you all been?”

All members of Team Apple Narak gathered at the same three-story tavern where we had always met.

The goal was to conduct the final settlement that had yet to be done.

“I heard about it before, but I want to hear it in more detail. What was the total income?”

“Including the ‘Foxfire Knot’ sold a few days ago, it’s 159 million stones.”

“Does that include the compensation we received from those guys?”

“Yes. I thought about it, but in the end, we killed everyone on that party, right? It’s funny to claim sole compensation for the labour So, I just set aside my share for the cost of the test tubes in advance.”

Well, we would have obtained the loot after the battle anyway.

‘Still, it’s surprising. Honestly, I thought she would claim it as her share.’

She seems to have mellowed a bit.

At least compared to when we first met.

“Anyway, I’ve brought the final statement of accounts for everyone. It’ll be easier to discuss while looking at this.”

Raven brought out the documents she had prepared, complete with  the receipts. 

The income from magic stones was distributed evenly.

Equipment and combat income was also split equally.

However, the herbs gathered in the Doppelganger Forest were classified as special spoils, so Raven took 40%.

The potions were not sold but categorized as shared items among the team.

With everything neatly organized on paper, the complex calculations proceeded smoothly.

And then…

“30 million stones each, …”

There was a slight discrepancy, but each of us was about to pocket a hefty sum of 30 million stones.

An unprecedented earning by any standard.

But now it was time to settle personal gains.

“Now, all that’s left is to settle personal spoils. I’ve had some free time lately, so I roughly prepared for this as well. As usual, I’ve priced everything at about 70% of the average market value, so it’ll be much cheaper than buying.”

Raven looked at each of us in turn as she spoke.

“Let’s start with Miss Karlstein. Haftroll leather boots with ‘Speed’ and ‘Size Adjustment’ enchantments are 2.1 million. A Litinium necklace with ‘Cold Fortification’ engraved is 2.7 million. That’s 4.8 million total. But since we have to deduct Miss Karlstein’s share… you only need to pay 3.84 million stones.”


“Aynar, you can have the expandable backpack for 1.5 million… and that’s it. Just pay 1.2 million stones.”


Urichfried, you have the subspace quiver for 2.1 million. The large steel breastplate is 550 thousand… But why did you take the breastplate?”

“…I’m planning to enchant it with Size Adjustment and give it to the Iron Guardian to wear.”

“Not a bad idea, though it sounds cumbersome to dress him up every time you summon him. Anyway, you owe 2.12 million stones.”

Everyone except Raven, who had not chosen any personal spoils, quietly placed the predetermined money on the table.

Then it was my turn.

“Finally, Mr. Jandel.”

How much would I have to cough up?

“First, the Idium shin guards are 3.1 million stones. No. 8667 ‘Outlaw of the Wasteland’ is 3.3 million stones.”

“Hold on, remove the ‘Outlaw of the Wasteland’. I’m keeping that as a shared item for the team.”

“…Shared item?”

“It could be useful when we encounter that creature on the fifth floor. Better to keep it for then.”


Raven looked at me like a tax agent scrutinizing a tax evader.

But the final decision was a ‘YES’.

“That’s a reasonable argument. Feels like I’m getting the short end, but let’s move on.”

Before I could feel the relief of saving some money, Raven moved on to the last part of the settlement.

The highlight of this settlement session.

“The essence of the Manticore. And No. 2988 Guardian Corps emblem


“The average market price for the Manticore essence is about 50 million stones, but I’ve already deducted the cost of the test tube and calculated it at the guild’s official price.”

“And the official rate is?”

“32 million stones.”

Damn it.

After applying the customary 70% discount and factoring in the 20% refund for my share…

“You’ll need to pay 17.92 million stones for the Manticore’s essence.”

Still pricey.

“…And the Guardian Corps emblem?”

“The average market price is 52 million stones.”

That’s pretty much the same as the game’s market price.

After the discount, the final price came out to 29.12 million stones.

“So adding the Idium shin guards, the total comes to 47.776 million stones.”

Raven grinned as she finished.

“Did you save up some money?”


I just clamped my mouth shut.

Then looked at Aynar.

“Eh? Why are you looking at me suddenly?”

“Aynar, how much money did you borrow from me again…?”

“Are, are you taking it back…!!”

No, I’m just collecting what’s mine.


After recording such historic income from this exploration.

However, after paying all that was due, it turned out that even the money I had saved up so far wasn’t enough.

Even including the money I lent to Aynar wasn’t enough to cover the total.

Of course, there was no problem.

“Aynar, since you’re paying back the money, lend me a bit more.”

“Uh, uh…? Are you stealing my money—”

“Ah, I’ll pay it back.”

“Ah, alright…!”

“Misha, it would be great if you could lend me some too.”

“Aw, how much are you short by?”

The missing 13 million stones were covered by a “credit loan” from Aynar and Misha.

Effectively making me a debtor.

When will I ever pay this back?

Should I hope to encounter a plunderer in the labyrinth?

“I’m rich now!!!!”

Aynar, who had lent me money, perked up after a moment of feeling low.

Aynar, who was in Misha’s and my care until a few days ago, had no money to live on, so she started spending like crazy.

Hmm, maybe that’s an exaggeration?

Although she ate lavishly, the food was so cheap that it was hardly noticeable.

“Bjorn, what should I do with this money?” Misha asked me

“Hold onto it for now. The next time we come back, you can buy yourselves some new gear.”


“Hey! I want to get new gear too!”

“Wait this month out. I’m planning to make a few pieces, but they won’t be ready before the labyrinth reopens.”

As the settlement was delayed, we decided to postpone serious spending until next month.

Having finally received a substantial sum, the plan was to buy a few parts that could be used up to the 7th floor.

Of course, that didn’t mean all the money had to be spent there.

“But we’ve earned a lot, so don’t be too frugal. Isn’t that why we earned the money?”

“Uh? Can I really do that?” Misha replied

What does she think of me?

It’s important to grow, but I’m not planning to make them give up their entire lives.

“Sounds like you have something you want to do?”


“Why the hesitation? It’s your money.”

“Well, it’s not just that…”

When I gave her a questioning look, Misha cautiously opened up.

“Can we move, by any chance?”


“Now that we’re earning well, wouldn’t it be better to move somewhere nicer? We can’t even cook here.”

Hmm, no wonder she was being so cautious.

After a moment’s thought, I agreed.

The lodge had indeed started to feel a bit cramped.

Plus, Misha’s cooking is much better than the food at the inn.

And healthier.

“Then let’s look for a new place to move gradually. Right now, we need to prepare for entering the labyrinth.”


After that, our usual daily life resumed.

We gathered to plan explorations, resumed the guide lessons with Rotmiller that had been interrupted, and occasionally checked out the commercial district to see if there was anything worth buying.

As always, these peaceful times flew by quickly.

And then…

“If everyone’s ready, let’s get going.”

We had gathered at Mr. Bear’s tavern, just like last time.

[You have entered the Crystal Cave on the first floor]

It was time to enter the labyrinth.