Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 197

May 1, 2024 • 11 min read • 1135 views

Master Key (2)

The Watchers of the Round Table

A secret community created for the exchange of high-quality information.

When I first entered this place, the existing members were curious about my relationship with the Master.

The reason is simple.

It had been a year since the Master, who used to recruit members via the direct message feature, had disappeared.

They assumed that they could get an update on the master from me, and once the concept of “Lion Mask” was established, it became clear that we knew each other.

My response to all enquiries in this regard was no comment.

[“The answer is no.”]

I was worried about the aftermath.

To deny it seemed inconsistent with the mysterious persona I had built up.

Perhaps I got greedy.

[“…Do you perhaps know where the Master is?”]

At the second meeting, I had shrugged nonchalantly in response to the Fox mask’s question, as if to say I could reveal anything if she brought something interesting. I leaned back casually, resting my chin in my hand, as if I were the supreme ruler.

It was clearly intended to be misleading.

“…Wasn’t it the Master who invited you? I’m sure that’s what you said…”

The Fox mask’s voice was incredibly confused.

The other masked figures were also wondering what was going on.

“Hmm, I invited him?”

The Master feigned ignorance, stroking his chin.

The other masks’ gazes turned to me.

Curiosity and eyes full of intrigue about my identity.

“If it wasn’t the Master, then how did this person get in?”

“Maybe he used an invitation code he received a long time ago?”

The Goblin speculated, and the Clown countered.

“How silly. Don’t you know that invitation codes expire after just a month and can’t be used?”

“…Is that really true, Master?”

“What the Clown says is true.”

“Well then…”

As the Master nodded in agreement, the stares directed at me grew even more intense

“Why did you lie to me about knowing the Master…?”

The Fox asked me in a cautious tone.

I held my breath and closed my eyes for a moment.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t flustered by the Master’s unexpected appearance, but losing my cool would only ruin things.

I quickly decided on the stance I would take.

“I didn’t lie.”

I never directly boasted that I knew him.

It was just their misunderstanding.

Pushing forward, they really had nothing else to say.

‘Well, they might feel a bit of uncomfortable’

From the half-caught hostility to various pieces of information.

Hadn’t I shown them more than just one or two things?

After all, they couldn’t possibly reach the truth that I’m a cyber thug with just this.

Yes, so…

“You didn’t lie, you say?”

I went on brazenly.

After all, the ‘Lion mask’ is that kind of character.

“Exactly as I said. Do you have a problem with your ears?”

“Oh, no… it’s not like that…”

Even without exuding hostility, the fox mask was visibly flustered when our eyes met.

I laughed out loud.

And I was about to deliver the line I had prepared, claiming it was all a misunderstanding on your part, but then.

“Let’s all stop this.”

The Master spoke to me.

“I don’t know what happened among you, but he deceived nothing.”


“Now I see. I understand who you are.”

My heart sank momentarily.

Of course, that moment was fleeting.

To know who I am? Impossible.

Even if he’s the Master, he’s just the admin of a private chat room—how could he know—

“Ha ha! I thought you were more of the tiger sort.”

The Master’s laughter caused me to clamp my mouth shut.

Not because he hit the mark, but because I couldn’t understand at all what he was talking about.

I chose silence.

Saving words saves half the trouble, I figured.

“That sergeant.”

That judgment was not wrong.


Now I see.

This old man must have mistaken me for someone else.


Sergeant Lee.

That’s the nickname of Lee Baek-ho, the unfortunate player dragged into this world on his discharge day.

“Ha, ha, pretending otherwise is useless. You’re the only one I gave a code without an expiry.”

Thinking about it, it was an understandable mistake from the Master’s perspective.

After all, it was Baek-ho who transferred the invitation code to me.

With our masks on, it’s impossible to distinguish between me and Baek-ho.

‘…Is this a lucky break?’

I’m still not sure.

It all depends on how close Baek-ho was to the Master…

“Never thought you’d show up here. When you first visited, didn’t you criticize me for engaging in foolish activities?”


“I’m curious. What changed your mind?”

I didn’t need to ponder long to reach a conclusion.

‘Not close, then.’

The term ‘criticize’ could mean anything.

After all, there are friendships where people fight but still care deeply about each other.


[Oh, I didn’t tell you. I can only stay here for an hour because of the initial pill I took.]

Baek-ho can only stay here for an hour.

Therefore, attending a meeting that starts between 3:00 and 3:10 PM is impossible for him.

And the master doesn’t know this?

Lee Baek-ho told me this on the very first day we met

‘It’s starting to add up.’

The Master doesn’t know much about Baek-ho.

So it’s quite possible for me to pretend to be Baek-ho.

“I shouldn’t be the one to say this, but honestly, someone like you wouldn’t benefit from participating here.

The Clown grumbled in response to the Master’s subsequent remark.

“…, Pfft, gain nothing? Master, you really underestimate us, don’t you?”

“Ah, my apologies if I offended you. But he’s really that impressive.”

“Hmmm, I see…”

The Clown’s eyes lit up at the Master’s high praise.

I then quickly surveyed the other masks. Their reactions weren’t much different.

Just filled with astonishment.

“Master has never praised someone like this before…”

“I had no idea it was this serious.”

The crescent moon continuously exclaimed in astonishment, and the deer horns looked somewhat annoyed. By the way, the fox flinched and bowed her head as soon as our eyes met.

‘What to do?’

Seeing them like this deepens my dilemma.

There’s a saying that every crisis is an opportunity.

Just from the changed looks in the members’ eyes, it’s clear.

If I successfully continue pretending to be Baek-ho, it could significantly help maintain my act.

‘Moreover, I might learn what kind of person Baek-ho is through this old man.’

The returns are certain.

So, what about the risks?

‘…There really aren’t any significant risks, are there?’

If it doesn’t work out, I can just reveal the truth that I’m Baek-ho’s friend.

Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes.

Now that the master has mentioned how remarkable he is, being his friend, I should be seen as equal to Baek-ho.

‘Alright, let’s take the plunge.’

Having made up my mind, I broke the long silence and addressed the Master first.

“What should I call you here?”


“I can’t address you as usual, can I?”

“Why not? Just call me ‘Old Man’ like you used to. Drop the formal speech too.”

“Alright, Old Man.”

I shifted my stance naturally, yet it was a thrilling moment.

‘That was a close call from the start…’

I hadn’t expected that we were on informal speaking terms.

But this revelation helped me understand one more thing.

Lee Baek-ho is a proud adherent of Korea’s Confucian values.

And yet, he uses informal language with an older person?

“It’s not just that they weren’t close, it’s that they didn’t get along at all.

This gave me a sense of how I should treat him.

So, naturally, I made up for my earlier mistake by saying.

“Strange taste you have. Even when I try to show respect, you turn it down.”

My tone suggested genuine bafflement.

Whether it worked or not, I couldn’t be sure, but the Master chuckled as if delighted.

“Ha, ha! That’s more like you. Anyway, let’s end this topic here. I’m glad to see you after so long, but there’s no time.”

“…Master, you say there’s no time?”

“Due to circumstances, I can’t stay here long.”

“What? What has been happening all this time—”


The Master cut off Fox mask’s question with a brief murmur.

“I understand that Miss Fox has many questions for me. Why I disappeared without a word, what I mean now, but I cannot tell you.”

“Is it that urgent?”

“No, it has nothing to do with time.”

With the master drawing a firm line, the fox did not press any further.

Instead, she asked one more question.

“So… will you come again?”

“Well, I’m not sure. But I’ll definitely return in a year. If something comes up that I need to announce, I might come back sooner.”

“Pffft, that means you had something urgent to announce today too, Master.”

“Clown, you’re right,” admitted the Master.

The master’s shocking announcement shifted all attention from me to him.

For me, it couldn’t be a better situation.

Especially considering the content itself.

‘He’ll return in a year…’

In simple terms, this meant I wouldn’t have to sweat over being exposed at every meeting.

Still, my curiosity was greater than any relief.

‘He says he has no time, but that doesn’t seem to be a lie… What situation is he in? What urgent information did he have to share?’

Surrounded by many questions, I focused intently on the master. I wasn’t the only one; all the masks were doing the same.

An eerie silence naturally formed.

“Ha, ha, don’t tense up too much. It’s actually good news.”

Trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere, the Master slowly began to speak.

And then…

“Within two years, a binding magic capable of involving up to six people will be created. It means the keys to open the abyssal gate will increase to six!”

Silence pressed down on the room.

Members glanced at each other with awkward expressions, saying nothing.

Seeing this, the Master tilted his head.

“Eh, why such faces? I thought you’d be more surprised…”

That’s because it’s old news.


The creation of a six-person binding magic.

The moment it was known, it was indeed information that would have shaken the entire city for months.


“…You were the first to break this news? Ah, no wonder everyone reacted so blandly.”

Realizing the Clown had discussed this at the last meeting, the Master clicked his tongue.

“But it’s quite unexpected, Clown. I didn’t think you’d talk about such things here. Have you started to like these people a bit?”

“Pffft, as if. I was just curious to see their reactions.”

The Clown, chuckling, looked my way.

Following his gaze, the master gave me a meaningful look.

It seemed like he was about to say something, and I tensed up.

But then…


At that moment, the Master’s figure began to flicker like a hologram.

“Oh, it’s already time for me to leave.”


Fox cried out in disappointment, but the flickering only sped up.

In that situation, the master looked only at me.

It was an extremely uncomfortable and eerie gaze.

Was it as if he could see right through me, just by our eye contact?

“Old Man, is there something you wish to say?”

Finally, I couldn’t hold back and asked.

And then.

[It’s not ‘Old Man,’ it’s ‘Old Guy.’]

A voice echoed in my head like telepathy.

The voice’s owner was clear.

[That damned kid always called me that.]


Just when I thought it was too easy.

‘He knew from the start?’

I stiffened involuntarily.

Of course, it was so subtle it was nearly imperceptible, and it lasted only a moment.

But then…

[Hmm, your reaction was so natural I was confused until now. But seeing your heart rate spike, you’re definitely not that kid.]

Was he just testing the waters?

[Don’t worry. Whatever you do here, I have no reason to interfere.]


[Just curious, but unfortunately, I’m out of time today. We’ll talk more about who you are when we meet again.]

With those words, the Master’s figure dispersed like mist.


I laughed out loud.

It was the kind of involuntary chuckle that comes out when faced with something utterly ridiculous.

There are really no easy assholes in this world.