Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 195

April 30, 2024 • 12 min read • 1464 views

Bifron (5)

Auril Gavis. A person from at least 150 years ago.

Back when I asked Raven for a specific year, the record showed that paper from that era was used.

That’s why it’s all the more astonishing.

‘…She’s saying that the bastard is still alive”

I naturally thought he would be dead.

Of course, I don’t know why I thought that.

He’s likely the prime suspect who created [Dungeon & Stone] and sent many players, including me, to this world…

It’s literally a fantasy world.

There’s also a possibility that he could still be alive.

Even the Dragon Tribe lives for hundreds of years.


When I realized this, my heart pounded violently.

It was a different feeling from when I first heard his name.

Not a shock, but I was filled with anticipation.


If that bastard really is alive.

And if I can find and meet him.

There might be a way to return to the original world. The vague probability of ‘return’ appeared before my eyes for the first time,

“…Calm down.”

I forced my racing heart to settle down, regaining my composure.

Right now, it’s better to focus on the present.

“Barbarian, you are definitely unique.”

Amelia said to me with a meaningful expression.

For a moment, I thought my bluff had been exposed.


“Are you brave or what? To joke in front of me after everything. Aren’t you… scared of me?”

It seems she was just amazed.

Or maybe, because she had never met someone like this in her life, such conversations felt a bit awkward.

The important thing is, fortunately, it passed smoothly.

This is why I should live like a madman. So that whatever I do doesn’t seem weird.

“What are you saying, human woman? I am not a barbarian, but Bjorn Jandel’s son.”

“Yes, Bjorn Yandel.”

Amelia chuckled.

To me, that seemed like a sign that I could relax.

That said, the next question.

“But is that person a man or a woman?”

“A man.”

“Could he have disguised himself as a woman?”

“Probably not. The records say he was a staunch male supremacist.”

“So, regardless of ability, he wouldn’t do such a thing. What about as a child? Could he disguise himself as a child?”

“…He wouldn’t”


“He cared about his dignity.”

“I see.”

I nodded subtly and asked nonchalantly.

“But why are you looking for him?”

The easy question ended, followed by the next one.

I read about this in a book.

This kind of questioning tends to increase the likelihood of getting an answer.

Of course, whether it would work in practice was uncertain…

But there was no reason not to try.

And indeed, the answer came soon after.

“…It’s a personal matter.”

Personal matter.

A phrase often used by people when they don’t want to talk or draw a line.

Also a phrase used when people want to evade a question.

But when she says it, I’m not so sure.

[I don’t need to tell you.]

[Why should I answer?]

She may refuse to answer outright, but she has never lied to cover something up.

Maybe it really is a personal matter, not just an order from Noahark.

‘Well, that’s not important now.’

Auril Gavis.

If he really is in Bifron, I must find him.

There’s a mountain of questions I want to ask.


After the conversation, Amelia said she would stop by the city and return at night.

She had some business to attend to in the afternoon?

At first, it seemed so natural that I nodded without thinking…

“Wait a minute, how are you going to the city? Do you have a way to avoid the guards’ eyes?”

“There is a secret passage beneath the sewers.”

I would have regretted it if I hadn’t asked her.

A secret passage connected to the city!

“Could you possibly share that with me?”


“What are you hesitating for? It’s not like I made an unreasonable request.”

“…Alright, I’ll tell you.”

When I subtly reminded her that I was helping in the search for ‘Auril Gavis’, She readily shared the secret passage with me.

She even seemed relieved.

Does this mean she no longer owes me anything?

‘I’ve gained something good out of this.’

A pass that allows me to go to Bifron whenever I want. Of course, I have no plans to use this passage during my exile.

I know I tend to stand out.

Going out recklessly and getting caught would complicate things.

The knight who sent me had given me the only warning.

Do whatever you want, but don’t escape.

“Then go and come back.”

“Go and come back?”

“Didn’t you say you’d return tonight?”

“Yes, that’s right…”

I accompanied Amelia down to the sewers to get the location of the secret passage and bid her farewell there.

Afterwards, when I checked the time, it had been three hours since I had given the order to gather. So, I headed to the gathering place, asking for directions from people around me.

The Dimension Square, once bustling with explorers.

When I reached the square someone called out to me.

“Hey, do you know why the boss suddenly called all of us here? What about those guys from the Western Alliance?”

“My name is not ‘hey.'”


“I’m your boss.”

“What does that mean—”

“I do not entertain questions.”

I pushed through the crowd towards the center.

Members of the Western Alliance kneeled before me and the eastern guys just gave puzzled looks.


Yes, that’s right.

“What the…?”

Members of the Western Alliance kneeling before me and those from the East just showing confused expressions.

Fortunately, they made way, making it easier for me to reach the center.

“Have you arrived? Please go up there.”

After reaching the center, I was assisted by Jingjin and headed to the platform.

Had he prepared something in advance because it was necessary?

‘Wow, he’s doing a good job.’

Somehow, I thought, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take him outside and put him to work as my butler.

With a secret passage, it’d be a waste to just keep him here!

Though if we’re caught by the guards, it won’t just end with a fine.

While I was thinking this, I was about to ascend to the platform.


The wooden stairs shattered.

Such thin boards could not support the weight of me and my equipment.

I couldn’t hide my dismay and said,

Jingjin, what’s going on?”


An immediate apology without any excuses.

It softened my heart a bit…

Whoever built this platform must hate barbarians. Otherwise they would have made it strong enough for a barbarian to climb.

Yes, that means,

“This platform is harmful.”

“Yes. I will burn it immediately.”

Jingjin brought a torch and set the platform on fire.

With a liquid that seemed like oil added on top, flames shot up quickly, engulfing the three-story-high platform in fire.

It almost felt like a campfire.


The warm flames were as comforting as the fire itself.

Back then, I was alone, but what about now?

Aren’t over a thousand subordinates with me?

“What will you do now?”

“The inauguration ceremony will proceed as planned.”

“Inauguration… Yes, that’s right. That’s why you gathered everyone…”

“You didn’t know?”


I patted Jingjin’s shoulder as a sign of forgiveness and then leaped high.

My destination was the rooftop of a nearby four-story building.


The rooftop cracked a bit under my landing, but fortunately, it didn’t break.

Somehow, that felt like a relief.

If I had smashed through the floor and fallen, it would have been quite embarrassing.

‘Is this what they mean when they say a position makes a man?’

Even without realizing it, I try to maintain my dignity.


Anyway, as I approached the railing, the crowded square became visible in one spectacular view.

Now it was time to start the inauguration ceremony in earnest.


I led the chant,


The senior members of the Western Alliance immediately responded.

The Eastern folks just blinked and watched.

They looked as if they were witnessing a crazy scene.

I clicked my tongue shortly.


There’s still so much to teach.

After the inauguration ceremony, which imprinted the new boss’s face on the members, I called Jingjin and Baldy  and issued an order.

“Check the back of everyone in Bifron. Bring me anyone with a tattoo.”

Of course, women and children under 14 who hadn’t undergone ‘credential verification’ were excluded, and before the first day was over, a total of 37 suspects were brought before me.


“This isn’t the tattoo.”

Amelia, who returned at night, checked each of them and shook her head.

Yes, it wouldn’t be this easy.

I pushed Jingjin and Baldy, the vice leaders of the ‘Bethel-Ra Union’, to increase efficiency, and many more suspects were caught on the second and third days.

Of course, the one we were looking for was not among them.

Even the quality had diminished as the quantity increased.

“This looks more like a birthmark than a tattoo.”

“So it seems. How did this happen?”

“I will rectify it.”

In simple terms, he meant he would push his subordinates harder for efficiency.

Fortunately, from the next day, there were fewer instances of them bringing people claiming they had tattoos when they didn’t.

Days 4 and 5 passed like this.

Still, there were no significant findings.

It was ridiculous to think that such a brute force method could find a big fish like ‘Auril Gavis’.

But what else could be done?

‘We have to try this. There isn’t a better method.’

If there’s a chance that the needle in the desert will send me home, it’s worth a try.

Thus, I continued the search.

Of course, I changed the method slightly.

Nothing big, just added ‘incentives’.

“Those who don’t meet their daily quota will undergo re-education that night.”

Some might question how that’s an incentive, but happiness is always relative.

Simply put, doing better off than others is a reward in itself.

Weren’t people happy in the Stone Age, even though they ate raw meat and slept naked in caves

Days 6, 7, 8…

Time passed inexorably.

Still, there was no sign of Auril Gavis, and I began to somewhat give up hope.

It was the first clue I had gotten about returning, so it would be a lie to say I wasn’t disappointed…

The real reason I started this endeavor was because of something else.

It was Amelia Reinweilz.

What on earth was this woman doing?

Using ‘Auril Gavis’ as a contact point, I talked with Amelia every day and gathered information.

Surprisingly, she answered well to my questions.

Except for sensitive information.

“I don’t eat food with wheat in it. It makes my skin itch.”

Perhaps a wheat allergy.

Her hobby might include reading.

She easily answered such questions, but avoided answering who the Barbarian she owed a debt to was and what had happened.

“That’s none of your business.”

“But I’m curious. You seem like you were a great warrior! Tell me about this person!”

“…Well, if you must know, he was a bit like you.”

She added more than usual, but it wasn’t meaningful information.

Anyway, such casual chit-chat may have lowered her guard a bit.

“Why do you go plundering? Honestly, it doesn’t seem to suit you.”

“It doesn’t suit me?”

Amelia, faced with a potentially sensitive question, showed curiosity rather than anger.

I played the line I had prepared easily.

“I’ve met many plunderers besides you since then. After that, it became clearer. You’re not someone who would kill for money.”

“…That’s funny. What do you know about me?”

“I don’t know. But I do know that someone like you could find other ways to make money without plundering.”


Amelia was silent for a moment.

Then she briefly explained her circumstances.

“…I don’t usually do it.”

“And that time?”

“Those people… deserved to die.”

Amelia looked into the distance as if recalling a distant memory.

I became curious about the deep reasons behind it, but I couldn’t hear what the personal grudge was.

Amelia had come to her senses.

“I don’t know what I’m telling you.”

“Don’t make a fuss about trivial things. We’ll be parting in a few days anyway. There are things you can only say because we’re strangers.”

“Because we’re strangers…”

That remark seemed to make an impression, and Amelia chuckled before getting up.

“It’s late. I’ll be leaving now.”

“Will you come by tomorrow at this time?”


Just like when she arrived, Amelia vanished from sight without a trace.

Well, that’s it for today?

For a change of mood, I stepped out onto the terrace.

The night view of Bifron was completely different from the city areas outside.

Streets and buildings buried in darkness, without a single light.

‘Not many days left now.’

I sat in the rocking chair on the terrace, absentmindedly organizing my thoughts and staring into the darkness.

How much time had passed?

I checked the time and then headed to the bedroom.


It was about time to go to bed.

Well, it would be a while before sleep came.

「The character’s soul resonates and is drawn to a specific world.」

Everyone must have logged in by now, right?