Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 190

April 25, 2024 • 11 min read • 1286 views

Overgeared (5)

No. 8667 Outlaw of the Wasteland.

A numbered item worn by a member of the Dwarf team. Being a lower-numbered item, it lacked any stat boosts and was relatively inexpensive.

Its use is a bit ambiguous.

It increases melee physical damage against humanoid ‘monsters’, the increase rate depends on the number of humanoid monsters.

No wonder it had little demand among explorers.

There weren’t many humanoid monsters in the labyrinth, and they seldom moved in groups anyway.

‘Besides, it has a cooldown of a whole day.’

Unless one was targeting doppelgangers or a specific creature on the fifth floor, it was a difficult item to use effectively.

Thanks to obtaining this item, our odds significantly improved.

Without it, maybe it would have been a fifty-fifty chance?

[Seal Release Rate 70%]

Suddenly, the magic circle emitted light again, signaling that the seal release was nearing completion.

With a 5% increase per ten creatures, it meant that over 60 clones had already been summoned.

[Current Increase Rate 401%.]

But, there was still a long way to go.

Thus, we stuck to the plan and formed a tight formation along the wall.

And then…

“Barhatun Wiar.”

Raven used her magic to summon a stone wall.

We made a decision to hold out until the moment came.

However, she didn’t barricade the entire area; there was a gap left on one side, large enough for two or three people to pass through.

It was Raven’s idea as well.

If it were completely blocked, the Doppelganger would try to break through, but if there was a path, it would likely take it.

‘It actually worked.’

I stood blocking the only pathway.

In my current state, I could knock out any clone, even those that looked like me, with one or two swings of my mace…

But I forcefully suppressed the urge.

Our goal wasn’t to hunt these clones.


As if on cue, the clones pushed against each other and rushed towards me.

Not all of them did, however.

“There’s a hole over there!”

One of the clones broke through the stone wall and forged a path.

I glanced over to confirm, and it was the clone that looked like me.

“Mr. Jandel, focus on that side! We’ll handle things here!”

The melee line and the Iron Guardian summoned by Mr Bear hurriedly formed a human barrier to block the clones, but it wasn’t easy.

We had a significant handicap.

“Ah! Don’t kill them!”

Blocking without attacking.

A task difficult to perform unless one was a specialized tank. The sound of a strenuous battle continued from behind.

But there was nothing I could do.

If I tried to help, I might make things worse.


About two minutes later, the cave shook again.

[Seal Release Rate 90%]

It was time to settle the score.

“Mr. Jandel!”

The ceiling wasn’t high, so I only exerted a little force and performed a short jump.

In professional terms, a ‘low jump’.

[Total weight of the character exceeds 500kg]

[Special terrain effect [Recoil] applies additional damage to the area]

Including my comrades, the clones were all momentarily suspended in mid-air. As soon as I landed, I quickly rushed forward, stepping over the clones.

[Temporarily increases threat level significantly]

Due to the increased threat level, the clones scrambled to their feet and charged at me like zombies, and soon I felt tremendous resistance behind my shield.


About ten seconds later?

I bulldozed through all of them and finally reached my destination.

Boom! Boom!

The main doppelganger was continuously exploding bodies in [Self-Replication].

No need to see more; I swung my mace.


It felt like smashing tofu.

But it was enough to confirm the damage inflicted.


The original, now transformed into me and in Berserk mode, ended the infinite [Self-Replication].

It looked a bit different from before.

Two heads sprouted from its shoulders.

‘Me, Aynar…’

Damn it, of all things—why her?

The doppelganger now had not only my skills but also the essence of Aynar.


[The Nameless Plunderer casts [Swing]

[The Nameless Plunderer casts [Repeated Slash]

The impact was on a different scale.

If it weren’t for the Guardian’s mark, I would have been thrown backwards.

Moreover, the summoned clones were attacking me from all sides.



I completely ignored them and swung my mace.

The two barbarians at the neck of the main body smiled a sickening smile.

A laugh that held the meaning, “Do you think that would work?”

I simply smiled back at it.

[Current Increase Rate 771%]

Because it’s not just you who’s buffed.

Introducing extreme damage barbarian mode.


As I cast [Swing] with all my might, the doppelgänger, usually blocking with its shield, staggered.

That exposed a gap.

I didn’t give it any time and swung my mace again.


With just one hit, Aynar’s head was crushed.

Since it had two heads, this alone didn’t bring it down.

No problem.

Just one more hit was all it would take.


The doppelganger, now headless, immediately reverted back to its slimy form.

Then, it hardened.

[The Doppelganger casts [Crystallization]

It’s their last desperate attempt when they are about to die.

Though calling it a desperate attempt might be undermining its difficulty.

[Magic Damage Reduced by 99%]

[Physical Damage Reduced by 90%]

Essentially immune to magic.

Physical damage is reduced by 90%, a truly overpowered skill.

If not destroyed in time, the cycle starts all over again.

It’s laughable, but that’s the original strategy.

Mass summoning, transformation, crystallization.

Repeat this sequence to accumulate damage to the “crystals” and smash them.


But we have to risk everything in this one attempt.

That’s why I left the clones alone.


At my shout, Raven and Parteian immediately used their magic.

It wasn’t an attack spell.

It was the ‘Mana Shield’ they had used during the PK with the Dwarf team.

Raven urgently shouted.

“We can’t hold it much longer!”

I knew it without having to be told.

How many clones were around me?

Since it was a spell that consumed a lot, the two mage’ mana would run out in less than a minute.

That’s why…


Trusting in the thick layer of magic on my skin, I focused only on smashing the crystallized doppelganger.


If it weren’t for ‘Outlaw of the Wasteland’, I would never have used this tactic.

Maybe I would have dealt with the clones first and then all attacked together.

Worrying whether the damage would be enough.


The fourth [Swing] finally made a crack on the crystal.

It was surprisingly effective.

I had encountered the [Crystallization] pattern several times before, but never this quickly.

How much damage was I actually dealing?

The numbers were unknown, but it was impressive.

I still had something up my sleeve.

[The character casts [Leap]

Another low jump.

[Temporary Threat Level Greatly Increases]

And then…


Immediately followed by [Wild Burst].

[Temporarily, the character’s threat level triples, amplifies physical attributes]

Tremendous power surged through my body.

Of course, this boost was only for a brief moment.

But, I judged it to be enough.

[The destructive power of blunt weapons greatly increases in proportion to strength]

The threat level turns into strength, and that strength into the destructive power of the blunt weapon, a miraculous exchange law.

[Current Increase Rate 771%]

And adding ‘Outlaw of the Wasteland‘ to that?

Even a 90% physical immunity seems nothing


Because my damage is now exponential.


[Doppelganger defeated. EXP +6

[Guardian Kill Bonus. EXP +3]


How many times had I swung my mace like a man possessed at the crystal?

I’m not sure, but around the time when the ‘Mana Shield’ ended and injuries rapidly accumulated on my body.


The crystal, cracked like a shattered mirror, eventually exploded into fragments like a grenade.

It’s a bit too close to call it a close call.

“About a minute…”

Even though I had in mind the plan to gather everyone and push the damage to the limit.

At the last moment, an unexpected variable arose, and there was no need to resort to Plan B.

‘Yeah, days like this should happen too’

While happy, I also felt a bittersweet emotion.

Nobody would call it good luck just because an unexpected accident didn’t happen.

‘No, it’s too early to relax’

Putting aside my distractions, I refocused.

Right after the boss fight started, wasn’t it against all possibility that four members of Hans G appeared?

It might also be a variant rift like the ‘Blood Castle’—


Then, the shattered fragments of the main body transformed into a cluster of light and scattered in the air. The same happened to the clones that filled the cave.


In addition, a portal to the fourth floor opened in the center.

It really meant that the rift had been cleared.

“Hey! What’s that! Did we defeat it?!”

“Uh, I thought I was going to die. Aruru, can you give me a potion?”

“That’s for later. You’re not seriously injured, so we should check that first! Essence? Numbered item? Rift stone? What came out—”

Ah, right, I need to check that too.

Being on guard in case something else happened, I hadn’t properly looked yet.

Now it was time to collect the rewards from the guardian.

I swallowed hard and shifted my gaze to where the doppelgänger had been.



There was nothing there.

‘Could this be the effect of Hans?’

The thought crossed my mind, but it’s not good to always make excuses about Hans. The drop rate for essences or Numbered items is only 33% after all.

Well, it hurts a bit that the Rift Stone didn’t appear even with a 66% drop rate…

‘……It’s common.’

This often happened in the original game too.=

Struggling to break through the rift and then not getting any reward.

“……Mr. Jandel, snap out of it. It can happen.”

“Yeah, that’s right! We’ve already gained a lot, haven’t we?”

Seeing that I was frozen in place, my teammates offered words of consolation.

Sigh, it’s not like I’m angry.

‘……So, was the reward from the PK all we got?’

It felt somewhat empty, but on reflection, feeling disappointed was also silly.

I can’t even imagine how much the equipment would sell for.

We’ve probably already set a new record for highest profit, and haven’t we even secured the essence of the Manticore?

‘……Yeah, this alone is practically like getting the essence of the doppelgänger.’

Hmm, is this what they call the power of positive thinking?

Suddenly, I felt a bit energized.

“Misha, are you okay with your injuries?”

“Nyang? Uh, just a scratch. Just a scratch!”

“Have a potion first.”

Pushing my disappointment aside, I began to take care of my teammates and wrap up the aftermath of the battle.

Watching me, Raven chuckled.

“You really do seem like a leader when you do that.”

“Are you mocking me?”

“No, I was serious this time.”


“Aruru, don’t be like that. It makes Bjorn embarrassed.”

What are they talking about?

“Then, we should head back up now.”

After tidying up, we returned to the forest. All the doppelgangers above had already vanished.

“You were safe! I’m so glad!!”

“Sorry to have kept you waiting, Ms. Sarman.”

We picked up the scout we had left at the altar and handed her over to the tank.

Incidentally, the archer from the dwarf team we had sacrificed at the altar was already dead.

That concluded our business with them.

“Ah, you should take this. It served you well.”

“Keep that.”


Parteian gifted the ‘Misplaced Trust’ to Raven. Although all its uses were depleted, it wasn’t a worthless gift.

There’s a way to recharge it, after all.

It would still fetch hundreds of thousands of stones if sold.

“Thanks for saving us. If you ever need my strength, feel free to find me anytime.”

While I was thinking that his words were just empty pleasantries,

Parteian handed me a visiting card marked with the emblem of the Narman School.

Hmm, it seems it wasn’t just empty words after all.

I’ll keep it and visit them if needed.

‘It feels like I’ve completed a side quest.’

After briefly exchanging greetings with the tank and the scout, I escorted them to the portal.

“Aren’t you guys leaving?”

“We’ve come into a rift, after all. We want to explore and study it a bit more.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Parteian nodded meaningfully, and Raven smiled awkwardly.

“Well then, I’ll be going.”

They soon took the portal back to their original location.

“Those folks… will they be alright?”

“Why worry, that’s not like you?”

“Mages naturally look out for and take care of each other, you know?”

“It’s needless worry. It’s the 4th floor, after all.”

Although Hans G and the fairy archer had died, the Sky Tower was a layer where, if desired, one could hold out indefinitely.

Probably, like us in the past, the three of them would bide their time until returning to the city.

“Well… you have a point.”

We left the portal behind and climbed back into the forest.

There was still more to take care of.