Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 185

April 19, 2024 • 12 min read • 809 views

Jinx (5)

If anyone has ever been hit by a car, they‘d know.

It happens in an instant, and there’s no going back. Just like this very moment.

“Prepare for battle!!!”

As I shout, cutting through the silence.

The dwarf’s axe, swung with a lightning speed, digs deep into the mage’s shoulder blade.


The gruesome sound of tearing flesh makes the reality sink in.

By the time the sound reaches my ears, my body is already surging forward.

Tap tap.

The goal: Raven’s rescue.


I quickly close the distance, pull Raven into my arms, and swiftly retreat.

It’s the same for Hans G’s team’s tank.

“Both of you, snap out of it!”

Their tank grabs the fairy archer and Hans G by the nape of their necks, pulling them behind him, thus naturally forming a surrounding formation.

Numerically and qualitatively, we have the advantage.

So, what will the dwarf do to resolve this disadvantageous situation?

As everyone watches his next move.


The dwarf yanks the axe out of the mage’s shoulder and cries out a name.

“Hans Krysen!”

Amidst the tense air, all eyes are focused on him.

But Hans G says nothing, just trembling violently.

Then the dwarf shouts again.

“Are you okay with your secret being exposed?”

It felt like my head was ringing.

If it’s about Hans G’s secret, it could only be that.

“Fine, if you insist, I’ll erase your place to be. Hans Krysen is an evil spirit! The evidence is in my backpack—”

“Stay away from him!”

I issued the warning first.

If the dwarf truly has solid evidence, then Hans G’s betrayal is practically confirmed.


“Ah, an evil spirit? Like I’d believe—”

It was too late.


Hans G summons a lizard that spews intense flames at the tank.

“Uh… stop…”

Engulfed in flames, the tank falls to the ground.

“I’m sorry.”

Hans G, with eyes tightly shut, runs towards the dwarf.

Then he blurts out something incomprehensible to the fairy archer.

“What, what are you doing, Me, Meyrin, come over here!”

“…What are you talking about, after causing such a horrific scene, asking me to come to you!”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to abandon me like this? We came from the same place. We should go together! I’ve always been the one facing danger!!”

This sudden conversation catches everyone off guard.

“Ha, you damned little brat!”

When I see the distorted expression on the fairy archer’s face, everything clicks in my head.

‘No way, both of them were players all along.’

Even the dwarf looks surprised, apparently he didn’t know this either.

He probably just happened to find some evidence and used it to blackmail Hans G during the night watch.

“Dwarf! You must keep your promise to take me to Noah’s Ark!”

“Of course! Help me now!”

The fairy archer, having no other choice because of Hans G’s drowning strategy, moves towards the dwarf, shouting irritably.

‘Things are really tangled up.’

I feel a headache coming on.

Just moments ago, we were numerically superior.

Now, we are one person short.

Hans G’s team scout is already unconscious from shock, and even if he wakes up, he has no combat ability.

Even if we defeat them under these harsh conditions, it doesn’t solve everything.

An ominous future awaited us, where the five of us would have to face a boss battle.

‘Fuck, there’s also a doppelgänger among us’

The situation is beyond complicated.

I can’t help but curse.

‘Even for Hans’s effect, isn’t this too much?’

I sigh, but what can be done?


Might as well try.


There was no need for long conversations between us.

The situation had long passed the point of talking.


As I activated [Gigantification] and charged forward.

A gray whirlwind swirled around me.


One of the many attack skills possessed by the sorcerer.

As it was not physical damage, I could not avoid getting injured even if I endured it bare-bodied.

But, we are a team after all.

“Teyrun Sheardiem.”

A magical barrier covers my skin.

Commonly referred to as ‘Mana Shield’ in the game.

This is why mages are crucial in PK—though it’s too mana-inefficient for hunting, it’s effective against people.

Both sides face heavy costs.


When my vision clears, the dwarf is in front of me.


With his short legs, he jumps up and slams my face with his shield.

The damage itself wasn’t much, but my body was knocked backwards because of the [Gigantification].

It was due to his skill [Bipolar Shield].

It gives a knockback bonus when pushing and reduces the impact when blocking.

Sliding back.

Just as I’m pushed back, the human swordsman lunges at me with his sword aimed at my vulnerable eyes.

“Not so fast!”

Misha, who was hidden behind me, jumps out and deflects the swordsman’s blade.

Okay, I’ll leave him to Misha.


I blocked an incoming arrow with my shield and, having just landed, swung my mace at the dwarf’s head.

But what’s this?


It was a strike combined with [Swing].

Even though he raised his shield to protect his head, it should have been crushed entirely.

That’s what happened when I faced the doppelganger before.

Why isn’t the shield damaged?

‘Damn it.’

The cause was quickly apparent.

Earrings emitting light, just like the shield.

‘…No. 2988, huh?’

It makes sense that the outcome is different from the doppelgänger’s.

Numbered items cannot be copied.

With such high-grade items, the difference is like night and day.


Then, an explosion sound comes from the dwarf’s rear formation.

Mr. Bear shot an explosive arrow.

Though Hans G, the summoner, conjured a wall with ‘Earthburg’ just in time to prevent any casualties…

Doo doo doo!

As the wall collapses, Raven’s magical interception follows.


Lightning split into dozens of bolts from the sky, striking Hans G, who collapsed momentarily.

Of course, it didn’t last long since there was a priest on their side.


A few seconds later, HansG regained consciousness and used his summoned creature to spew flames.

The target is our backline.

Raven had just cast a spell and I couldn’t block it due to the angle, so Mr. Bear’s tank summon, Iron Guardian, took the brunt with his body.


Iron Guardian roared as if it was nothing. Summoned spirits typically have high resistance to magic.

‘Phew, the scale of team battles is something else.’

Soon after, Karui’s priest finished preparing and began to summon earnestly.


From a menacingly glowing portal in the air, an undead legion began to pour out.

Fortunately, there was a fitting counter on hand.


Without needing to give an order, Aynar rushes forward swinging her greatsword.

Bang! Boom! Bang!

Each use of [Repeat Slash] causes explosions and sparks, and any injuries are regenerated through her [Wings of Greed].

Of course, using skills so liberally will deplete her MP, but…

「Aynar Pheneline has slain an enemy.」

「[Devour] activates, restoring soul power.」

Aynar’s ‘Slayer’ engraving specializes in reaping souls.

Bang! Rumble rumble rumble!

Whoosh whoosh!

Skills explode from all directions, creating a cacophony of derived sounds.

This wasn’t a series of solo fights; everyone dynamically shifted between attacking their foes and retreating momentarily to assist allies.

How much longer could this fierce battle continue without a clear winner?

“Do you know?”

The dwarf, who had just slammed a knockback shield into my face, spoke for the first time during the battle.

I considered ignoring him, but I responded.

“That you’re about to die?”

“No, that the key to your team is you.”

He stated the obvious.

I kept darting around, breaking formations and inflicting damage on enemies, deflecting every arrow and spell that crossed my path with my shield.

Meanwhile, the dwarf’s role was merely to follow me around and prevent me from getting too rampant.

“So, if both you and I disappear, it becomes much more advantageous for us.”


The dwarf grinned and shouted.

“Jainan! Now!”


The name of Karui’s priest, repeatedly called by the dwarf, who lacked team voice magic for orders.

「Your character has entered the special terrain [Crossroads of Destiny]」

The surroundings, which had been ablaze with explosions, suddenly darkened.

The intense noise of battle also faded into silence.

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

What were they trying to do?…

‘They used the Crossroads of Destiny.’

Did the dwarf think I was easy to handle?


Crossroads of Destiny.

Only Karui’s priest could use this power, which simply transports two designated opponents to a secluded space.

This skill was only possible if the two were enemies, and one must win or an external force must interrupt the power for them to return…


A switch sound and the surroundings lit up.

I found myself standing on the palm of a statue the size of a skyscraper. Well, more precisely on its palm.

Looking up, I could see the face of the statue staring down at me.

The face of the evil god Karui, as seen only in books.

“You’re surprisingly calm?”

The dwarf, about ten meters away from me, muttered leisurely.

Eventually, I couldn’t hold back and asked.

“What makes you confident to bring me here?”

“Do you know about this place?”

Of course, I do.

This is a kind of duel arena.

A place to fight solely on personal skill, cut off from external environments.

And they brought me here?

“That’s ridiculous.”

Seeing my expression, the dwarf frowned.

“You overestimate yourself, barbarian.”

So, he genuinely thought that.

He believed he could just hold me here while his team wins outside.


I could say something, but it seemed like a waste of time.

No need to find a reason.

Just prove it with action.

Like a barbarian.


No need for words.

Ending the small talk, I charge at the enemy.

Tap tap!

The dwarf steps back as if he’s resigned to defeat.

It was a futile struggle.

How far could he jump with those short legs?

Indeed, the dwarf must have realized this too, as he didn’t get far before raising his shield.


He swings the shield, intending to push me away.

But, the only reason I was hit earlier was because his allies kept distracting me.


I dodge with a slight twist of my body and slam my mace down.


A clear striking sound erupts as the dwarf raises his shield overhead.

Of course, there was no issue.


If once doesn’t work, try twice.


If twice doesn’t work, try three times.


Really, it’s like playing whack-a-mole.

No matter how many times I struck, the dwarf’s shield held strong.

“So… didn’t I say I could hold on?”

Breathing heavily after such exertion.

Anyway, he must have been really counting on this.

Somehow, I feel a bit sorry for him.

To think he’d actually fall for a feint I gave him just like that.


It was after the thirteenth strike that I made my move.


I faked another mace strike and quickly reached out with my hand.



I grabbed the dwarf’s earring.

Well, a Numbered item wouldn’t break from this force, but…

Flesh isn’t a Numbers item, is it?


The delicate earlobe tore as the earring came off.

‘No. 2988, Mark of the Guardian Squad.’

No special stats or usage effects, but when worn, it adds a whopping 50% shock absorption to the shield—an extremely valuable item.

I didn’t expect to snag such a core item like this.

“Give it back!!”

The dwarf, realizing the situation too late, charged at me like a madman. Of course, all I could offer him was a solid hit with my mace.


A satisfying clang resounds from the shield he hastily used to protect his head.

Ah, that’s the stuff.

It feels like it clears the frustration.

In that spirit, one more time.


The dwarf wobbled heavily, still clutching his now partially crumpled shield.


Seizing the moment when his guard was down, I slammed my mace onto the dwarf’s head.

With that, the dwarf collapsed to the ground.

However, the space didn’t collapse, so it seems he wasn’t instantly killed.

‘Knocked out?’

After all, his physique was quite robust.

‘Anyway, that worked out well.’

I rummaged through the dwarf’s bag and pulled out an item.

A vial containing the essence of a manticore.

Looking at it, I recalled the phrase this guy had uttered when rolling the dice.

[You’re in luck.]

The most unfitting phrase for my life.

Ironically, the one who said that was now fated to die soon, and I was in the opposite position.

Sometimes I think luck might just be a harbinger of misfortune.


‘The fact that the vial in the expandable bag didn’t break and was perfectly intact?’

I chuckled to myself.

“Lucky me.”

This should be fine.

Everything else was obtained through my own efforts.

「The essence of the manticore seeps into your soul.」

I downed the essence in the vial in one shot.

And then…

Rumble rumble rumble!

The entire space began to vibrate.

It seems he was alive after all, but not anymore.

‘Anyway, the body will return to its original location, so I’ll handle that later…’

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar scenery of the forest.

I quickly scanned the surroundings.

It had been less than five minutes since I was dragged away.

Boom! Crack! Boom!

The battle was still raging fiercely.

It seemed my absence had caused some retreat, shifting the battlefield slightly.

About 70 meters from where I was before.

It was clear I needed to rejoin my struggling team as quickly as possible.

‘Hmm, this distance seems just right.’

Thus, I activated my newly acquired ability.

An active skill contained in the yellow essence of the manticore.


Feeling unusually light, I leaped powerfully into the air.


「Your leap power temporarily increases tenfold, causing a strong impact on landing in the surrounding area.」

My body, soaring in a steep arc, struck like a meteor at the center of the dwarf’s remnants.


At last, I had acquired a mobility skill.