Surviving The Game As A Barbarian Episode 184

April 18, 2024 • 17 min read • 1113 views

Jinx (4)

The rule of the third chapter, the Shadow Altar, is simple.

Find the exploration member possessed by the doppelganger and sacrifice them at the altar.

If correct, the doppelganger possessing the body will be removed.

What if it’s incorrect?

‘They become incapacitated until the rift is cleared.’

In other words, this can also be used to strategically eliminate troublesome characters.

“Dwarf, your expression is odd. Is there something wrong with your head?”

“Hmm, seeing how you’re pushing me from the start, it seems you’re the more suspicious one.”

The dwarf, the first target, counterattacked without panic.

He’s not an easy one, after all.

But the real attack starts now.

“Suspicious? Strange. When we first met, you clearly acted as if you knew nothing about this place. And now you’re talking as if you do?”

“Oh, now that I think about it, that seems true?”

Raven chimed in, and the rest of the Hans G team began to express their doubts.


We had just arrived here, and hadn’t even discussed what the third chapter was about yet.

So how did the dwarf know enough to counterattack?


The dwarf hesitated for a moment, then spat out with visible displeasure.

“I heard it from Hans Krysen.”

“…You’re lying to avoid a crisis.”

“No, its not a lie. I told him.”

Hans G steps forward to assist the dwarf.

“Told him? When exactly?”

Having kept an eye on the two throughout the journey, this was a hard story for me to believe.

“It was when I was on guard duty last night.”

True, the dwarf was out of my sight at that time.

However, I had placed Mr. Bear beside me as a precaution.

“Abram, is that true?”

“That’s impossible. Those two didn’t have such a conversation.”

“With Abram here saying so, Hans Krysen. Why are you covering for the dwarf?”

Stepping forward threateningly, Hans G flailed his hands wildly.

“No, it’s not covering, it’s the truth! We used a magical device to converse… so Mr. Urichfried couldn’t have known!”

A conversation using a magical device…

It doesn’t seem like a lie.

Shit, when did they get so close again?

I’d be in trouble if I didn’t know.

“What exactly did you talk about?”

It’s necessary to find out what was discussed.

“That, that’s…”

As I deliberately pressured him, Hans G faltered.

Just when I thought a little more would do it…

“Why should we have to tell you that?”

The dwarf stepped forward, as if protecting Hans G.

“It was a private conversation, and I think that answers the question of what I knew about this altar.”

The Dwarf ended the topic decisively, leaving no room for doubt.

Of course, this did not yet interfere with my plans.

There were countless reasons to attack these guys, even if this wasn’t one.

“Let’s start discussing each other now.”

The dwarf is an explorer from Noark, and Hans G is an evil spirit in this world. Targeting this aspect could inevitably lead to problematic responses.

“Dwarf, what rank of explorer are you? Family? Do you have any siblings?”

“…I don’t want to talk about myself.”

“A refusal then.”

I grinned slyly.

Silence is free, but the responsibility for it is theirs. There’s a reason for every question in this place right now.

“Look, rather than going about it like this, it might be better to do as Mr. Jandel says. Not just because he’s our team leader, but because there’s definitely a doppelgänger among us, right?”

Raven provided logical support.

And, apparently convinced this approach is right, a mage from Hans G’s team also supported our view.

“That’s right. We can’t just blindly sacrifice anyone at the altar. Let’s all gather and talk. Maybe then we can find out who it is. It’s not like there’s no way to detect a doppelgänger.”

With this, the opinion quickly shifted.

Eventually, the dwarf had to step back.

“Fine, then what shall we do?” the dwarf asked

“It seems the best option would be verification magic.” Hans G replied

Typical of a player, he suggested the most standard method as if he had been waiting for it.

“You know, there are a lot of people that the verification magic doesn’t work on, right?”

It was a sharp question, unlike the usual ones.

Indeed, verification magic does not apply to everyone.

For instance, I am one such case.

In the past, it didn’t work on me at the guild either.

Raven mentioned that it’s not just about magic resistance; it seems I have a naturally strong mental barrier.

“It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work. I’ve heard that it doesn’t work on doppelgängers either.”

“Yes, yes! That’s correct! At least it will reduce the number of suspects, won’t it?”

“Well, that alone would indeed be helpful.”

As Raven and Hans G, who had been the brains during the exploration, agreed, no further objections were raised.

Thus began the formal screening process.

“Are you a man?”

“…Why do you ask that?”

“Heh, just confirming if the magic is working properly. Just answer casually.”

“As you see, I am a man.”


The two mages went around and tried verification magic on everyone.

And the results.

“…Nine people.”

Nine people were identified as not being affected by the verification magic.

[Hans G’s Team]

Hans G, Mage, and the fairy archer.

[Dwarf’s Team]

Dwarf, archer, sorcerer, priest.

[Bjorn’s Team]

Me, Raven.

For the record, these numbers far exceeded my expectations.

It was understandable for the mage or the sorcerer with high magic or mental resistance, but there were more?

Because they are seasoned explorers, is that why?

‘I never thought it would be more than half of the entire group…’

My head was starting to hurt, but the task at hand hadn’t changed.

“Are you a doppelgänger?”

We asked the same question of those who had been through the verification spell, and all replied ‘No’, significantly narrowing down the suspects.

“So there’s a doppelganger hiding among the nine of us?”

The glances exchanged between us became more intense than ever before.

For me, it wasn’t a bad atmosphere at all.

“Let’s start with me then.”

As soon as the ‘no’s’ were eliminated, I swung my sword like a madman.

My targets were just two people.

The dwarf and Hans G, the leader of each team.

“Where did you get the equipment in your backpack?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“Just answer the question.”

“…I won’t say.”

Exercising the right to remain silent…

That’s not bad either.

“Hans Krysen, you seem to know a lot about this forest. Where did you get that information?”

“I, I read it in a book.”

“What’s the title of the book?”

“I… won’t say.”

With each question, the stack of no comments grew.

That was exactly my intention.

While the questions might seem unrelated to whether one is a doppelganger, appearing to hide something would surely seem suspicious to others.

“…Even though verification magic doesn’t work, not a single one of you is answering properly?”

As I murmured with a meaningful tone, the Dwarf let out a hollow laugh.

“Do you think you are any different?”

It seems I really drew the aggro.

The Dwarf, who had been beaten down by negative strategies, couldn’t hold back any longer and started to fight back.

“What essences are you carrying?”

“…I can’t tell.”

“Is it because you’re a doppelgänger that you can’t remember properly?”

Once the Dwarf started shooting, his teammates, who had only watched their leader getting beaten, joined in attacking me.

“Come to think of it, this guy started accusing people without evidence.”

“It’s like he wants to throw anyone onto that altar.”

“Moreover, his behavior was too logical for a Barbarian.”

Amid these attacks, I just quietly took the beating. Then, members of Hans G’s team also began to ask me various questions.

“We’ve heard doppelgängers can’t remember well. Do you remember when we met in the Land of the Dead? What happened then?”

“That… I don’t remember well.”

“Hmm, you forgot, did you?”

“…I am a Barbarian.”

“Pfft, that’s a convenient race, isn’t it?”

The fairy archer sneered derisively as I failed to respond. It seemed she was annoyed that Hans G had been attacked earlier…

Ah, Noobs.

“Seeing you all gang up on me, you must be the doppelgänger! Misha! Aynar, you think so too, right?”

“Nyang? Oh, uh…”

“Well, it’s the great warrior Bjorn, so it must be true!”

Even my teammates were ambivalent and didn’t support me.

The atmosphere toward me grew colder.

Finally, the awaited moment arrived.


As the clock hands overlapped, a brilliant white light burst from the altar at the center.

“A Stone of Truth has been created.”

A key item for conquering this chapter.

Without me needing to say anything, Raven took the initiative to explain.

“This is a Stone of Truth. It forces one to speak only the truth once, even if they are a doppelgänger.”

“Is there a way to obtain another one?”

“I’ve heard it appears every midnight. But each time it’s used, the doppelgänger’s power grows stronger.”

“That means we must use it wisely.”

I clenched my mouth shut.

Like someone uneasy.

I surveyed the expressions of the people, and during this, my eyes met the Dwarf’s.

“Let’s decide by voting. I vote for this Barbarian. He looks suspicious no matter how you look at it.”

Smirking, the Dwarf taunted me.

Without needing a ballot box, several people raised their hands, and quickly eight votes were gathered.

That meant more than half had voted.

With the majority of votes quickly gathered, the atmosphere was tense.

“Think again. I am not a doppelgänger.”

I sincerely advised them, but they completely ignored my suggestion.

“How do you use this thing? Ah, like this?”

The Dwarf fiddled with the Stone of Truth, which began to emit a white glow.

In that state, he asked:

“Barbarian, are you a doppelgänger?”

A doppelgänger?

“I am not a doppelgänger.”

I answered as if I had been waiting for this moment.

And then…


The Stone of Truth, having fulfilled its purpose, shattered.

“Mage, what does this mean?”

“What else? It means he told the truth.”

Having gotten what they wanted, it was time to stop playing the fool.

I stretched and loosened my stiff neck muscles.

“Didn’t I tell you to think again?”

I had secured the civil rights needed for my plan.

Simply put, from now on, no one could doubt or attack me.


“Dwarf, why did you accuse me of being a doppelgänger? Could it be that you are the doppelganger?”

Let the potlicking begin.


“That’s because you were acting suspiciously…!” the Dwarf exclaimed in a defensive tone.

It was a perfectly reasonable explanation.

I was the one who had attacked first and shown several vulnerable aspects of myself.

However, that’s no reason to let him off the hook.

“What suspicious actions are you talking about? I answered all your questions.”

“…You didn’t talk about the essence!”

“Do you come from another world or something? Do you not understand how rude it is to ask an explorer what essence they possess?”

“Then how do you explain that! The fairy asked earlier—”

“I already told you, didn’t I? I forgot.”

I shrugged my shoulders boldly, without a hint of shame. After all, if a Barbarian says he forgot, what can you do about it?


Realizing that he had been fooled by my cunning, the dwarf shut up. Perhaps it was hard for them to watch their leader being humiliated.

“Stop it, Barbarian. The voting results show you looked suspicious enough.”

He had a point.

Being verbally beaten by a so-called mindless Barbarian!

“That’s because you all ganged up on me!”

The indignant roar of the wronged Barbarian echoed powerfully.

The Dwarf’s archer tried to say something, but it was drowned out by my overwhelming voice.

“Did you even give me a proper chance to explain? Who snatched the stone from Raven and used it?”

“No, that’s not—”

“I find you all suspicious!! Take responsibility and enter the altar!!”

“That’s not what happened—”

“Take responsibility and enter the altar!!”

The archer who had been muttering suddenly shouted with all the force he could muster.

“We will also use the Stone of Truth tomorrow!! Then it’ll be settled!!”

It seems they finally realized the advantages they could gain from the Stone of Truth.

But what now?

It’s already too late.

“Yes, it was you!”

As the expected line came out, I stepped forward without hiding my excitement.

The atmosphere instantly turned hostile.

“Say it again, Archer! Not content with wasting it on me, you want to use the Stone of Truth again? Are you the doppelgänger?”

I shifted my target from the Dwarf to the Archer.

This was my original plan.

After all, no matter how much they objected, it would be impossible to put the Dwarf or the priest on the altar.

“It was you! Every time I spoke, you sneered and sweet-talked the Dwarf!”

“That wasn’t just me, everyone—”

“Take responsibility and get on the altar! It’s not like you’re going to die! We can break the rift even without one archer!”

My booming voice made rational thinking difficult.

Suddenly caught in the crossfire, the Archer’s face turned pale.

Maybe that look felt strange to others?

“Perhaps it’s a more rational choice than using the stone.”

“…After all, it’s not like it leads to death.”

Some from Hans G’s team began to agree, and finally, unable to bear it, the Dwarf stepped in.

“Fine, put him on the altar.”

“What? What do you mean—”

“Enough, listen to me. That is if you’re not the doppelgänger.”

With his authority seeming strong, the Archer couldn’t move against the Dwarf’s word.

“Martan! Are you really going to put him on the altar?”

Despite his teammate’s anxious looks, the Dwarf nodded firmly.

It was obvious what he was thinking.

‘He’s trying to turn the tide.’

He was trying to do exactly what I had done.

If we put the Archer on the altar and he’s not a doppelgänger, then the attack turns back on us.

‘…He can’t attack me, so he’ll probably target Raven.’

Sacrificing the Archer and targeting our key mage next—a strategy that would benefit them more.

Mages are, after all, a class known for their incredible effectiveness in PK.


They thought it was a no-lose option.

If the Archer turned out to be a doppelgänger, that would be a good outcome.


‘Like hell a doppelgänger would walk to the altar voluntarily.’

I watched, barely concealing a smile, as the Archer was dragged to the altar by the leader.

“Don’t worry too much. Once we defeat the guardian, you’ll be released just fine.”

“…I’ll be waiting.”

The Archer stood in front of the altar.

Everyone watched silently as he placed his hand on it.


The altar began to emit a black glow as the Archer touched it.

And then…

“The soul of exploration Member Arca Petrei is sealed.”

The Archer’s soul was extracted and floated in mid-air, connected to the altar, displaying a visibly painful expression and posture.

“Mage. No, Hans Krysen. What does this mean?”

“…It means he’s not a doppelgänger.”

The Dwarf exhaled deeply, closing and opening his eyes. Even if it was his choice, seeing that sight seemed to trouble him.

But maybe he thought it wasn’t the time for this?

“Barbarian, are you ready to take responsibility for your words?”

The Dwarf growled.

So I immediately responded.

“Why should I take responsibility?”

“Because… because of you… my comrade ended up like that! If we’re following your logic, we should check your side too!”

Tsk tsk.

I spoke as if it were a trivial matter.

“What kind of childish talk is that?”


“Is finding the doppelgänger a game to you? Set aside your emotions and think logically.”


Despite my nonchalant words, the Dwarf had no response.

After all, he probably didn’t expect such a retort from a Barbarian who had been screaming moments before.

“Grow up, Dwarf.”

Well, his height will stay the same, but still.

“Son of a bitch!”

As the Dwarf cursed, I calmly raised my hand to stop him.

“Hold on, you’re not trying to attack me, are you? There would be absolutely no reason for that if you’re not the doppelgänger.”

The Dwarf began to tremble.

So I decided to end the personality play there.

“I’m sorry about your comrade. I didn’t think he’d go like that. He seemed like a good guy…”



“Enough, get to the point.”

“I may have gotten carried away too. But why don’t we forget the past and focus solely on breaking the rift? If we lose more power here, surviving to return may well be uncertain.”

That was the reason I could be so nonchalant about it. Even the Dwarf must know this.

If we fight among ourselves now, it would only lead to ruin.

“…So, how do you propose we find it?”

“I suspect your priest seems a bit dubious—”

“Enough of this!”

Just then, the mage from Hans G’s team shouted.

His name was… Parteian.

A man who still carried a certain middle-aged charm.

“Let’s stop this pointless expenditure. I have a way to find the doppelgänger.”

This was an unexpected statement for everyone present.


“There’s a way?”

Given his resolute expression, this was clearly no joke.

“Speak up.”

Prompted by me, the mage pulled an item out of a subspace.

It was a small disc, about the size of a compass.

Instantly, I had a hunch about what it was.

No.7234 Misaligned Trust.

A consumable item that, when activated, prevents lying within a 10-meter radius.

“You had such a thing…?”

Hans G, originally a player, shivered as if he had encountered his natural predator.

Only I could fully empathize with that feeling.

“It’s not something you’d typically need to use. But, well, life does call for it occasionally. This will be the last time, though. Sorry for not bringing it out sooner.”

‘…I haven’t dealt with that priest bastard yet.’

I cleanly put away my disappointment.

The mage, unable to stand our squabbling, had brought out his saved item.

It would be strange not to use it here anyway.

Since finding the doppelganger early also has its advantages, there was nothing bad in it for me.


“…I agree.”

The Dwarf, temporarily shelving any hostility toward me, took a step toward peace.

It seemed we had similar thoughts…

“Well thought out. Now, could everyone please gather here?”

As everyone still suspicious gathered in the center, the mage activated the ‘Misaligned Trust.’

The effect would last only 10 minutes.

“Who shall we start with?”

“I’ll go first.”

The Dwarf was the first to speak.

He displayed not a hint of unease about whether he was the doppelgänger.

However, this was only for a brief moment.

“Well, let’s first check if it’s working by asking something.”

The mage asked, just as he had done with the verification magic before.

Something trivial, really.

“Which city are you from?”

It was a minefield.


The Dwarf couldn’t possibly answer this question.


A cold silence fell.

The corners of the Dwarf’s mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Had he just realized it then?

“Why aren’t you answering? Is there a problem…?”

The mage cut himself off and closed his mouth.

Realizing why the Dwarf couldn’t answer.

“You, don’t tell me…!”

The moment the mage’s mouth dropped open.

I shouted with all my might.

“Prepare for battle!!!”

Shit just got real.